bulk hops, what to buy?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2013
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I really like the idea of having bulk hops, but I dont want to pigeon hole myself on styles too much, so I would like to have a few different hops on hand that would work for many different beers. I had willamette, cascade, and columbus on hand this past year, and I quickly used up the willamette and cascade.

Styles I like: robust porter (fav style), american pale, ESB, english pale, stouts...american...RIS, brown ale (american and english).

Hops to have on hand: cascade, willamette, EKG or fuggles, centennial. I need a clean versatile go-to bittering hop as well. What do yall think?

You can't go wrong with Magnum for clean bittering...it is my go-to bittering hop. Works in just about any style....
I like Millenium for bittering, but Magnum is nice too. I just picked up 1# of Nugget, so I will be using them in some upcoming brews...I make a lot of IPA's so I use centennial, simcoe, and CTZ quite a bit.
I picked up some 1# bags of Simcoe, Centennial, Chinook and Warrior about 2 months ago. Just ordered 1# of Summit and CTZ today. Have lots of IPAs in my future, but I love IPAs :D
Where are you guys ordering bulk hops? I normally use hopsdirect, but they don't have simcoe or mosaic or any NZ hops.

I am planning on this order...new hops should be in soon.

Thanks for the Magnum suggestion. I have a bunch of columbus left over...lots of people dont like it.
I use Magnum a lot for bittering. This past weekend's IPAs used Chinook as the main bittering hop.

Old standbys are Centennial and Cascade.

Don't mind the trendy new hops provided one can balance the citrus out.
I like Willamette in most English styles. Very earthy pleasant and subdued hop flavor imho. And its super cheap. Magnum is great for bittering as others have said. Hopsdirect has been my goto bulk hops vendor.
I always buy the same/similar ones when I buy in bulk.

Warrior or Magnum for bittering. Excellent, clean bittering and works well with lots of styles. Always good to have these on hand.

Cascade(or Centennial), Chinook, Columbus. I'm a huge fan of Pale Ales and IPA's (like most of us), and these three can be combined or used all on their own for bittering, late additions, post-boil, and dry hopping. Fruity, Piny, and Earthy(ish) - good to have different types of flavors.

Of course people will have their own personal favorites - but I tend to stick with those 4 for bulk. I buy random ounces here and there of other hops for various beers when I want to add a different character, but I don't like them enough to use a pound(s) of them.
Just ordered bulk hops from yakimavalleyhops.com. We ordered Cascade, Centennial, Citra, Golding and Willamette. Shipping was only $12