Brewing with a baby

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
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My SWMBO surprised me by leaving our 2 month old home with me while she runs errands. I planned for today to be my first brew day in 3 months. Anyone have any advice for "brewing with babies" :)
Lol try it with a toddler. At least your kid isn't mobile... should be pretty darn easy. Put the baby in a bouncy chair or whatever... work on your brew, check on the kid, work on the brew, check on the kid. You can do it man.
If you're splitting the results with her I'd make her pull her own weight. Make her crush the grains or at the very least split up the hops.

Like others have said, put the kiddo in a bouncy toy or like you said put on some music. I just put mine down in his crib and he went right out. If anything run yours ragged so when you're getting to the points when you have to concentrate you can lay her down and she'll take a nap.
better yet they move out give you attitude and expect you to still support them..I would take a 3month old over grown kids any day..

fresh batteries in the baby swing keep it near you and have a blast
Clean diaper, cotton if possible, I hear dirty/plastic ones can give off flavors.
I took a break from brewing because of kids. Too much going on. I brew a lot over a 2 evening " brew day." It allows me to concentrate on it. Of course I have now also started teaching them. Haha
My advice is don't do it. I have done it, and quite honestly, when I think back, I think I was stupid to do it.

When kids start screaming and need your attention, and there is boiling wort around that also needs your attention, what do you do. Yeah, nothing is going to happen ...... but if it does!!!!! Don't risk it for a few bottles of beer.
Being at home with a baby is why SWMBO got me a brewing kit for my birthday. But that was due to me being a stay at home dad as I lost my job 1 week prior to her birth.

I waited until nap time or the bouncy chair. But I was also just steeping with extracts. These days it's partial mashes taking up 5-6 hours or so.
My advice is don't do it. I have done it, and quite honestly, when I think back, I think I was stupid to do it.

When kids start screaming and need your attention, and there is boiling wort around that also needs your attention, what do you do. Yeah, nothing is going to happen ...... but if it does!!!!! Don't risk it for a few bottles of beer.
turn the heat off on the wort.
Jokes? Do you mean to say my wondering about how long the protein rest should be isn't serious?

we can brew beer together, but stay away from my kids.:pipe:
I've been brewing with a baby in the house for 12 years ( I need to get fixed). Not too bad they sleep all the time. Night time is your time. Yeah unless they're still waking up at all hours, then you're screwed. But it doesn't last long
My advice is don't do it. I have done it, and quite honestly, when I think back, I think I was stupid to do it.

When kids start screaming and need your attention, and there is boiling wort around that also needs your attention, what do you do. Yeah, nothing is going to happen ...... but if it does!!!!! Don't risk it for a few bottles of beer.

I think as long as you have an emergency plan for each stage and you're paying attention to the baby, you're fine. You can always kill the heat and deal with the screamer.
I brew all the time with my baby, while the wife is out. Never had a problem. Usually the baby will sleep or be content in a bouncer for a while, and if he has to cry for few minutes.... life will go on:)
I took a break from brewing because of kids. Too much going on. I brew a lot over a 2 evening " brew day." It allows me to concentrate on it. Of course I have now also started teaching them. Haha

I did this also until I discovered the magic of early morning brewing. Setting my alarm for 5:00 a.m. tomorrow to brew up a batch of BierMuncher's Tit's Up IIPA. Can't wait to get some good coffee going and listen to some mellow tunes while the house is quiet.
Being at home with a baby is why SWMBO got me a brewing kit for my birthday. But that was due to me being a stay at home dad as I lost my job 1 week prior to her birth.

I waited until nap time or the bouncy chair. But I was also just steeping with extracts. These days it's partial mashes taking up 5-6 hours or so.

Try BIAB. I brew with 2 little ones around and it works well for me. Gotta be careful but you can rig your system to eliminate spillage or transfer of hot liquids. I'm finished my brew day by 9.30am including cleanup and do 5.5 gallon AG batches.
I am doing BIAB. My technique is a bit abnormal though.

The 5-6 hours includes cleaning the kitchen prior to setup. It excludes yeast pitch if the temp is a bit warm and total cleanup as I pull the top rack from the dishwasher to wash my 2 pots (5 and ~7 gal).

My little one is now 5 1/2 and has learned too much about brewing having asked questions and watched periodically. She is a sponge I tell you and! I could probably get her to help me!
enjoy it now - when the kid is 26 all your best brews will be swilled after you have gone to bed and the XBox is in charge of the house

my grandkids are growing up around the hobby and the 8 year old makes a great brewing/bottling assistant
My baby is due in less than 48 hours, and I just finished my 4th rebuild. I'm totally going to wear my daughter when brewing!

congrats and good luck!

I try to plan baby naps during mash and boil, quiet times. Otherwise I'm holding my brew assistant while doing things like hop additions, or he's in the high chair when I'm carrying 5 gal of hot wort to the chiller!

In general, more difficult than I expected -- you will probably forget something :drunk:
OMG, there are little BK's running around in this world?!? God help us all!

that's right, you're all doomed!

Traditionally they've been too short/weak to be of much help. They also roll off the counter into the kettle a bit too easily. If the diaper needs a change your srm just went way up!

Seriously though... brewing and babies are both full time jobs. Mixing the two without an extra hand could really ruin a brew or get the kid hurt. I'm sure I would have tried it when mine were babies, so it must be a bad idea...
The first week of life I set my little guy by me while I wired my brew panel. Once the system was up and running I put the pack and play on the garage and bundled him up. I talked to him the whole time explaining everything I was doing. Sure he couldn't understand a word; but, I figure my voice was a comfort to him and helped me feel like I wasn't putting my hobby before my son. Expect the brew day to go not as planned, know where in the brew things aren't critical (ie let the mash go long), and try to plan as best as possible to take care of your child's needs in those down times.

Right now I'm on 2nd shift while my wife works 1st. That makes weekends at a premium for family so I'm working on a plan to do some brewing in the morning before work on stove top that will somehow work with an 18 month old running around. Probably BIAB, sad as I have about $5k in my brew system that is sitting idle right now and I'm dragging out old equipment to make things work stovetop.
Totally forgot... I took this family picture a couple of months ago. Thought it went well with the others.

Lol try it with a toddler. At least your kid isn't mobile... should be pretty darn easy. Put the baby in a bouncy chair or whatever... work on your brew, check on the kid, work on the brew, check on the kid. You can do it man.

I may sleep for longer stretches at night now, but a 2 month old is definitely much less maintenance than a 3 year old. Newborns just lay there and sleep; toddlers are running at full capacity the whole day
My SWMBO surprised me by leaving our 2 month old home with me while she runs errands. I planned for today to be my first brew day in 3 months. Anyone have any advice for "brewing with babies" :)

Late response but, umm, why not just brew when your wife returns from running her errands? Too much could go wrong, not just with the brew so why chance it? Wait for the wife, so at least there's another adult around should something happen.

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