Brewer's Best Imperial Nut Brown Ale

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I brewed this kit awhile back and it has been sitting in the bottles for about 5 weeks. At bottling I added some vanilla and hazelnut extract and primed with Muntons KreamyX. So far so good. The few I have tried thus far have been good, but it is going to take a bit longer to fully mature. I definitely have high hopes for it.
Brewed this exact kit on Saturday Feb 5th. It's still in the Primary and most likely going to stay in it for another week and a half before bottling and conditioning. this is my first brew ever, and made some 'happy little accidents', but Revvy and many others have me not fretting too much over this batch. I tasted the wort today after a gravity reading and it's pretty decent. I'm a noob, so take that with a grain of salt. Smelled great and still pretty easy to make. I have high hopes for my first batch.
Good luck heliumbro ... I opted to brew a pale ale instead of the nut brown at this time, but i will do a nut brown soon and I'll probably get the BB kit ... cheers !!
Sounds interesting. I noticed it because I'm brewing a regular Nut Brown Ale (from True Bew) and will discuss it further, when it's finished. So far, fermentation is going well. Wish I had found the one you're talking about first, definitely would have preferred that, based on description.
BB Imperial Nut Brown Ale was bottled last night with half of the batched primed with Honey and the other Maple Syrup. Did a taste test with the remnants from the unfilled bottle of each batch and they still taste good, no off flavors or aromas. 3 weeks or so in the bottles and then a final review for the thread.
brewed this a while back came out to be about 8.5 with the 1% alcohol booster i had. Left it in the secondary for 2 months and bottle aged for 5 weeks. Tasted amazing.
Now in the primary a pumkin ale. In the secondary a six malt ale and a trappist quad.
This was my first brew, back around Thanksgiving and there is only two bottles left. It was a very drinkable beer. The final gravity was a little higher than what was expected and the beer tasted a bit sweet for a few weeks. However, after about 2 months in the bottle everything mellowed out and I think it tastes great.
I brewed this and just tapped the keg yesterday. It's been in the keg about 10 days and needs more time, but it is awesome! This is my third brew and my best so far. I am putting the recipe in Beer Smith and need to know the actual hops that were used. Does anyone have the bags with the names on them?
I'm pretty sure they were all Willamette hops. I tossed the bags a while back, but I know at least two of them were Willamette. Hope that helps, Cheers!
Mine has been sitting in bottles for 2 months now, it is finally starting to mellow out and get even better.
Tried a 1 week old bottle a few days ago and it is good. That distinct nutty flavor is there, but it had a lot of young beer flavors going on as well. I'm following brewdiver87 and letting this one mellow for a few months, seems like this would really benefit from conditioning.
Brewed this as my first five gallon batch with no secondary. Quite drinkable after 3 weeks in the bottles. OG 72 FG 20. Working on a red ale right now.:mug:
All gone. This batch has finally been finished off. And of course, the last two bottles saved in my basement tasted great after 5 months. Better than the previous bottles, even though those were still pretty good. I have had a request from a friend of mine to re-brew this kit and use only honey as the priming sugar. It gave a sweeter, fuller body to the beer. Maple syrup gave a drier feel and somewhat different flavor.
I just brewed this yesterday. This will be our 3rd batch ever. We're planning to move it to the secondary in about 10 - 12 days and leave there for a few weeks before bottling. The different priming options mentioned in previous posts sound awesome. I might look into that. We are so new to brewing that priming with anything different than the sugar sounds a little too intimidating right now, but I guess there is a first time for everything!
I recently picked up one of the BB Imperial Nut Brown kits and am looking to brew it in the next day or so. Did you all do a 2.5 gal boil as the directions suggest or did you just do a 5 gal?
I did the 2.5 gallon boil as per the directions. You can do it as a full volume (5 gallon) boil and many would recommend that if you are comfortable with your process. However, you may need to adjust the recipe for hop utilization if you do the full volume.

Yeah, that's what the instructions say. I'm just not sure wether it means to change hop time or amount of hops.
This was the very first beer that I brewed - overall I have been very impressed with the outcome. I did a 5 gallon batch and fermented in a primary for one week before moving to a secondary for two weeks. Being that I had no brewing experience prior to this I'm sure I messed a few things up throughout the process. However my end result is drinkable and satisfying. Don't expect to drink until at least 2 weeks in the bottle (mine was AWFUL after only one week carbonating). It has been steadily improving after two weeks with smooth caramel and molasses sweetness balancing with hops. One side note: I used liquid yeast instead of the included dry yeast. I can't remember (and neglected to write down) exactly what kind of yeast it was. Overall, a very successful venture into the world of brewing!
It's a great batch, just made 10 Gallons of it. 1 week in primary, 1 week in secondary,and kegged left the other 5 gallons in the secondary to continue to improve.
Glad to hear this! This is my first beer brewed .. (my first brew was a cider) and have had it in secondary for 10 days and was really hoping to be able to keg tonight or tomorrow in prep for Halloween party saturday... hopefully it's not horrible!

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