Brew Day!!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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Okay, so I have to go to bed for the night and then wake up... but Sunday is BREW DAY!!!

I'm doing an AG; my first attempt at creating a suitable Bridgeport ESB clone... since I can't find a single recipe for it anywhere on the 'net. Worst-case scenario... I make an ESB that doesn't taste like Bridgeport :D

Sparing the little details like mash volume and all that good stuff, here's what's on the bill:

10# American 2-row (I reeeeeeaaaalllly debated using some/all 6-row for this, for the mouthfeel... maybe for v2.0)
1# Crystal 40L
1 oz Chocolate malt
Single infusion mash at 154F, batch sparge. 6.5 gal pre-boil.
Hops will be 1 oz Willamette (60m), 1/2 oz Cascade (20m), 1/2 oz Cascade (0m), and 1 oz EKG (dry hop 2ndary).

I'll let you all know how it turns out.

Oh, almost forgot.... what are YOU brewing this weekend? :mug:
I got up early to try and dough in by 9am so I could be done by kickoff time but my water line is frozen, doesn't look like I will make that time. Now I will have to wait until tomorrow...
Nothing, the fermenters are all full. Another week & I'll move the Dark Ale to a cornie, it's cooling its tail in the garage. I should probably do the Brown Porter next, but I have this urge to do a batch of Poor Richard's. Maybe I'll haul the Mild out of the kegger & dry hop it with some EKG. I ran across some Freshops Hop Oil and two drops in a pint of the Mild really puts some snap into it.
I'm brewing up 2 today. A brown ale and another batch of 06.06.06 My buddy's loved it so much they pitched in to buy everything for it so i'd brew another batch
T-george, I'm chuckling over you recipe... I brewed up a batch a couple of months ago that was idententical except for the hops. Checking my notes, I used columbus in place of the willamete and I used an irish ale yeast.... It was great beer.

happy mashing, p
Oh, and I mashed in at 151, cooled to 146, for two hours. And I drank a couple pints of stout and a couple pints of IPA during the process- very important.

cheers, p
Not today but I've got some sick time that I lose if not taken by the end of the year and I fear I'm going to have at least two ALEments before the end of the year. Heck, maybe three.
orfy said:
Have a good day and get the camera out.

Something I forgot to do that I had intended on doing, but getting home late from my company christmas party and hungover didn't make my memory any better.
I brewed a stout anyway this morning.
Starting a recipe for a house ale. Finished in 4 hrs Saturday. The whole process goes alot quicker when it takes 15 minutes to heat your water. Ive moved off the stove and onto the burner, which cut down at least an hour
I brewed a munich dunkle. In the process blew off lunch and dinner and was told i was inconsiderate to not even think about what SWMBO would want to eat.

I suppose she was right, and as such have named the brew my I.A.D.
Inconsiderate Ass Dunkle.

The label will have a picture of a donkey in the middle of the words inconsiderate and Dunkle. Just need to have a friend make one up for me.
lnmnmarty said:
Not to change the subject but what does SWMBO stand for? Figured out most of the other acronyms but this one has me baffled.:confused:
She Who Must Be Obeyed. of the important ones!
lnmnmarty said:
AHA!!! I love it! I was pretty sure it didnt stand for She Wipesup My Boil Overs.....

Put that option to your "trouble and strife", and let me know how you get on!

I for one live in healthy fear. SWMBO is with child with 4 months to go and would rip my head off. Something to do with no alcohol for 5 months makes her a little cranky when I do a brew (with the mess that it entails). We must battle on... :mug:
dibby33 said:
Put that option to your "trouble and strife", and let me know how you get on!

I for one live in healthy fear. SWMBO is with child with 4 months to go and would rip my head off. Something to do with no alcohol for 5 months makes her a little cranky when I do a brew (with the mess that it entails). We must battle on... :mug:

Yarrrgghhhh. That is indeed when they get most emotional. :(
orfy said:
Have a good day and get the camera out.

I did... both! :D

The color looks spot-on to what I was looking for... everything almost went tooooo smoothly. And to boot, three hours after pitching, I had airlock activity at the rate of about one blip every two seconds. At 7:00 this morning (about 10 hours after pitching), It was starting to kick up.. about 2 per second. I expect to see a really nice ferment when I go home for lunch this afternoon.

Pictures and notes to come later, once I remember my Paypal login information and finally SUPPORT the site.
I brewed a Cran-Cherry Stout and a Winter Ale.

I woke my tired ass up at 5:30am on Sunday morning. My eyes still half-closed, I brewed a pot of coffee and made eggs and toast. I stumbled downstairs, careful not to wake SWMBO. I weighed out all my grain, dragged my propane burners out to the patio, and proceeded to mash. It was still dark at dough-in, and cold as a witch's tit. But two 55k BTU propane burners put out alot of heat, so I stayed somewhat warm.

Everything went well---an uneventful brew session is always welcome!

I made starters for some harvested Wyeast ESB yeast and a new Smack Pack of Pacman. The ESB starter went crazy, Pacman was slower. I pitched them both around the same time. The stout got the ESB, and it was bubbling away within a couple of hours. The Pacman took longer, but as of this morning is bubbling away quite happily.

Meanwhile, I have a vanilla bean steeping in Kentucky bourbon, and some oak cubes on the way, which I will add to the winter ale after primary is done.

Cheers to weekend brewing! :mug:
Those both sound awesome. Can't wait to hear how the winter ale comes out. What did/will you use for the cran-cherry flavoring?
Why, sour cherries and cranberries, of course! About 3.5 pounds of sour cherries, crushed, and 1.5 pounds of cranberries, partially minced. After flameout, I skimmed out most of the boiling hops with a handheld screen strainer. I then added the fruit to the still-hot wort to sanitize it. It's happily fermenting away with my very first harvested yeast (London ESB, been sitting in my lagerator for 6 weeks or so).

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