Belgium Tripel low initial OG

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Apr 11, 2010
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Alexandria, VA
So I decided to brew what would be my second batch this weekend. I went with the Brewer's Best Belgium Tripel. I am a little worried that I may have screwed up my batch. Without realizing it, I added a little under a half gallon more water than suggested. There is 5.5 instead of 5 gallons. My OG was 1.080 the given range is 1.083-1.086. I've already added the yeast so I guess there isn't too much I can do now. Any thoughts on how this will turn out?
Well I just bottled that same kit up last week. I'll let you know in a week what you can look forward too. :mug:
I recently brewed my first Tripel over 2 months ago. Seeing the amount of trub I was having settle after racking into my primary, I actually opted to top off to close to 6 gallons. After a month I had a good inch+ layer of hops and yeast...I actually got pretty close to my 5 gallons in my secondary, maybe 5.25-5.3, but even that is going to be removed as there is more trub still settling. Trust me, it's a good idea to generally aim for 5.25-5.5 gallons, as you'll lose a bit with the trub.
Thanks for the input, I don't feel soo bad now. Have any of you experienced very fast and furious fermentation? I pitched it early Saturday evening and it was going pretty steady Sunday morning and sometime in the afternoon when I went to check on it, it blew the water lock off. I had to modify my fermenter to be a blow off style. It is currently bubbling once every 7-10 seconds. I am in a condo so I don't have a basement. The temp on the fermenter has been between 79-81. Though my condo has been in the mid 70s the whole time. Is this normal? When do you think I should move it to the secondary?
How are you measuring the fermenter temp? I'd say 79-81 is pretty high (I assume you're using something like WLP500 or 550?). You may end up with a bit too much banana esters and hot alcohols for your taste. Though the alcohols will definitely mellow (to an extent) with time.
You may have some off flavors with those high temps....I start mine at 64 and raise it a degree a day until I get to 70 then I hold it there for a week.
Carb and condition for a month at 38 to 42.
Your OG is with in style guide lines Btw.

Your fermentor is a higher temp then your apartment because the chemical process of fermentation is exothermic, especially with high gravity beers and large amounts of yeast. If you want you could throw it in an ice bath.

lehr said:
Your OG is with in style guide lines Btw.

+1.....I just did a triple myself and if I remember correctly the actual OG range is between 1.075 and 1.085.
I made the same kit last week and my OG was also at 1.080, and fermentation was extremely active for the first two days. I'm excited to see how this recipe ends up.

What was the FG on bottling?
Thanks for the info. My thermomitor is an LCD one slapped on the side of the fermenter. My condo has been in the mid 70s, but I put the fermenter in dark closset by my hallway which is always very cool in the hopes it would help. I think my thermomitor may be a little off. Ill let you know how it turns out. Would an ice bath help at this point?
Thanks for the info. My thermomitor is an LCD one slapped on the side of the fermenter. My condo has been in the mid 70s, but I put the fermenter in dark closset by my hallway which is always very cool in the hopes it would help. I think my thermomitor may be a little off. Ill let you know how it turns out. Would an ice bath help at this point?

No the ice would not help at this time but if there are issues the longer it conditions the better it could taste, it may clean itself up some over time.

Good luck...Pat

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