being sick dangerous to beer?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
Williston, ND
This may sound like a dumb question.... but.... I've had the flu for the past week now. I have a batch of beer that's been ready to bottle for a week, and I'd really like to get it in the bottles. The thing is, I've been afraid to bottle the beer for a couple of reasons.

1. I could infect (I know the flu is a virus... but stil...) the beer giving the beer a nasty taste.
2. I could contaminate the beer, giving everyone who drinks it a nasty bug!

I know it sounds dumb, but am I a danger to my beer? Should I just keep the brew safely under the airlock where it's safe? Can I keep my brew indefinately in the fermentor... or is there a "prime time" where I should bottle the beer after it finishes fermenting?

I'm not worried about it, really. I'm just curious if I can bottle the beer while I'm sick, or if it'd be a wise idea to wait until I'm healthy again.
As far as I know, there are no known pathogens that can live in beer. won't give anybody your flu. As far as an off taste... that's possible. Just make sure not to cough or sneeze in the direction of your beer, and you should be ok.
i don't think the beer is warm enough to spawn a flu virus and i dont think the beer provides other conditions necisary to thrive.... they need warmth to propagate iirc. plus the alcohol should kill it eh?

i can sympathize though! i was giving the lady at the beer shop a weird look when she was sniffling (stuffy nose) whilst she was wieghing out my hops ;) good thing they go in the boiling kettle....

but you can keep your beer in the glass carboy for several months with little worry of hurting it...
I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV, but I have been to the doctor before...

I think you're talking apples and oranges in terms of the bugs that survive in you and the bugs that survive in beer. Like Uncle Fat, I have always understood that no pathogens can survive in beer. As far as transmitting the flu via your beer, I'm pretty positive that is not possible. After all, beer can't get the flu. Flu needs a host or is going to be very short-lived.

Now, you can transmit the flu by touching the bottles and handing them to a friend, but that's no different that shaking hands.

So, no, I think you're in no more danger of infecting your beer, and you can't give your beer the flu. Follow your normal sanitation procedures and you should be cool.
Now, I was home sick last week and it hit the mid 50's (a rare occasion in South Dakota in February) and I was kicking myself for not having a kit on hand. I would have brewed that day.