Attention Wisconsin Brewers!!!!

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I just emailed my rep to ask what his feeling was on the bill after yesterday's hearing. Rep. Pride more is a sponsor and is awesome about making person responses to inquiries, so hopefully he can give some insight.

I invited him over for a beer.
ha, the response I got was from a lackey-

"Thank you for contacting Senator Darling's state office regarding SB 395, homebrew legislation. I will be sure to pass this email along to the Senator so she is aware of your thoughts on this important issue."

Tribune said:
It would also exempt them from permit requirements and taxes.
Whoever thinks we need permits and taxes on something that is NOT SOLD is crazy or in the pocket of BMC. I would LOVE to have a few lists of names so when election time rolls around all the home brew clubs in the state can band together to remove the problematic people from office.

Tribune said:
But representatives with the Wisconsin Beer Distributors Association and the Wisconsin Wine and Spirit Institute argued against the bill, saying it would work outside state regulation that controls alcohol sales. They expressed concern with home brewers making alcohol outside the home, and said there's no way to track if a home brewer makes more than they're legally allowed.
Tribune said:
Institute spokesman Mike Wittenwyler said the bill's language is too relaxed, and could allow indirect compensation for brewers at tasting events and competitions through creative ticket sales.
These fine folks are going to get some letters from me, I bolded the important spot. We need to drill into the their heads "NOT FOR SALE so it does not matter". Do they REALLY think I will have a comp every day in my backyard and sell tickets? Last time I looked that is the same as selling homebrew and illegal on the federal level.

Tribune said:
A representative with the Department of Revenue remained neutral on the bill, but listed several points the agency had interpreted with the bill. That included that the bill's language does not specify whether it would comply with local ordinance on distribution hours and who would serve the beer.
This pisses me off to no end. Distribution hours and who can serve it? Home brew does not require to be distributed or served by someone special BECAUSE IT IS NOT FOR SALE!

This sort of thing really gets my blood boiling. :mad:

This was left out of the Chicago Tribune but was in the LaCrosse Tribune:
Bruce Buerger with the Beer Barons of Milwaukee spoke in support of the bill, and emphasized that brewers are not interested in compensation. He said brewing is a hobby, and many brewers are just seeking feedback about their creations. He said ultimately, they just want to continue sharing their creations in the same way they've been doing for years.

"We are a responsible group of people," he said. "We don't want to break any laws."

Rep. Dean Kaufert, R-Neenah, who helped introduce the bill, said the legislation is common sense and not aimed at illegal business activity.

"I was a little surprised that all of a sudden all these groups were having a problem with it," he said. "The intent of this is for the little guy to share some beer among friends. I sense the big guys are trying to blow it out of proportion and create scenarios to try to get people riled up. Suddenly, it's become David vs. Goliath."

At least we have common sense on our side, unfortunately that does not always win out in politics.
Sent another email to Rep. Pocan highlighting the cynicism and wrongheadedness of the opponents' objections.
I'm guessing the reason the the opposition waited until the Assembly was because they figured it was their best shot creating opposition. There were just too many senators on board in the senate sub-committee already. I was wondering when the WBDA was going to jump on this. Their attached at the hip to the Tavern League.
I'll be meeting with my state senator & state representative in the next couple of weeks, is there anywhere to get the text of the law & the proposal to change it? I would like to be better informed when I speak with them.
Guys, there is also another bill that needs support in WI as well. From NB's Facebook:

"AB290, the bill Northern Brewer helped introduce, which would allow homebrew shops to serve samples and brew on premise has passed through the Assembly and will be up for vote soon in the Senate. Again, strong support is keeping this bill alive and looking good."

I ask that any of you contacting your legislators about SB395, kindly mention AB290 as well!
Dear Paul,

Thank you for your email, and your request for me to provide support for Senate Bill 395, the Home Brewing bill. I am very supportive of providing flexibility for home brewers to share the beverage, provide samplings, and participate in competitions. I am pleased to comply with your request to support the bill. I am a sponsor of the bill, and I am pleased to provide full support for Senate Bill 395. Here is link to the bill:

Again, thank you for your email. I wish you the best of luck with your home brewing. If you have further questions, concerns, comments, or advice for me, please contact me.


Mary Lazich
Wisconsin State Senator
Wisconsin State Capitol
Room 8 South
Post Office Box 7882
Madison, Wisconsin 53702
Phone: 1-608-266-5400
Toll Free Within Wisconsin: 1-800-334-1442
Fax: 1-608-267-6790
Has anyone heard of supposed amendments in the works for this? Another thread was started with some shady references... I just emailed my rep to get the skinny.

Some of the last documentation I saw said if any wording was changed that people would fight it harder and/or revoke sponsorship so they were going to try to push it through "as is" of course in the realm of politics stuff like this can change at the drop of a hat.
Update from the Beer Barons and NB's Facebook:

"URGENT: Senator Fitzgerald is going to be introducing an amended SB 395 bill today. Please contact your WI State Senator to inform them that Senator Fitzgerald's amendment to SB 395 will virtually put an end to homebrew clubs, and is another step in restricting craft brewing in WI. If you enjoy craft brew, or at least support those who do, please call ASAP to support SB 395 without the amendments."
Another quick update:

"Good news regarding SB 395 in the Senate! The amendment was killed in caucus and will not be introduced. They are going to try for a voice vote. Please keep up the pressure and contact your Senator if you haven't already."
I was just talking to Mark at Hop To It in Racine about this. He was on some committee or another to push this bill through. Hats off to all though HBS owners, homebrewers, and legislators who got this bill passed!
Woot! Ok, what about the assembly? If it already went through, then I missed it. If not, when does the Assembly take it up?

Looks like it will have to be either next week or it will have to wait until the second week of march based on the floor calendar. If it passes, it would go to the governor in late March, and I think it would go into effect on June 1.
Woot! Ok, what about the assembly? If it already went through, then I missed it. If not, when does the Assembly take it up?

It's presently in committee for the assembly (AB521). It could be voted out today but it does not look like it's on the agenda.

My rep is the vice-chair of this committee and his email response to me about his position was non-committal (guessing he's not supporting it yet). He was a former bar owner and probable member of the Tavern League.

If Van Roy is your representative, please contact him and get him to kick this out.

I'm not an expert on this, but I've been following this on the government website. SB395 is also AB521. SB395 passed through the senate. AB521 is currently on the desk of the committee for homeland security and state affairs. It has had a public hearing. The DOR has completed its fiscal estimates of the bill and determined the bill is effectively budget neutral. Now, the committee needs to vote on the bill to determine if it will go the the assembly for a full vote. The committee appears to only meet once a week on wednesdays. It was not on the agenda yesterday, so presumably the next opportunity to vote would be 2/22. The problem with that is the assembly is only in session until 2/23. Then they break until 3/6. They are in session again until 3/15. The 3/6-3/15 period is the last regularly scheduled floor period for 2012. So, the bill needs to pass by 3/15, or it's pretty much dead until 2013. At least that's the way I understand it.

Learning about gov't is fun! :drunk:
FB Update:

"Now that SB 395 has passed in the Senate it needs to be scheduled for a vote. There are only a few more Assembly meetings left for this legislative session so we need to make sure 1) it gets scheduled and 2) has the support from our Representatives to pass.

Here's what we need to do.

1. You need to call your Representative and ask them to continue their support for SB 395. You also need to POLITELY ask them to work with the Speaker Fitzgerald and Majority Leader Suder to get SB 395 scheduled for a vote ASAP. Here is the link to find out who your Representative is.

2. You need to call both Speaker Fitzgerald and Majority Leader Suder’s offices and POLITELY urge them to schedule SB 395 for a vote ASAP. You may experience some resistance for not being their constituents. If so, you should POLITELY reminded them that as leadership their decisions about to bring for a vote directly affect the ability of my legislator to represent me. The contact info is as follows:

Speaker Fitzgerald -
(608) 266-2540
[email protected]

Majority Leader Suder
(608) 267-0280
[email protected]

Once the Assembly votes and it passes there the legislation will go on to Governor Walker for his signature and become law.

We need your help on this everyone. Please pass it along to family and friends. The more support we have the better chance we have at getting this passed and defeating any potential bumps we may encounter along the way."
I just had a conversation with my assemblyman & his thoughts were that it would pass pretty easily in the assembly. He wasn't sure when it would get on the agenda though.
I don't quite get what the hold up is. Van Roy is a co-sponsor of the bill and he is the chair of the committee for homeland security and state affairs. And it's currently not on their schedule for this week.
I don't quite get what the hold up is. Van Roy is a co-sponsor of the bill and he is the chair of the committee for homeland security and state affairs. And it's currently not on their schedule for this week.

my assemblyman said the agenda was packed & there were a lot of things waiting for votes which is why he wasn't sure whether they would get to it soon or not. He did mention one that will get fast tracked though, they want to make 12/12/12 officially Aaron Rodgers day, so real legislation can wait I guess...
my assemblyman said the agenda was packed & there were a lot of things waiting for votes which is why he wasn't sure whether they would get to it soon or not. He did mention one that will get fast tracked though, they want to make 12/12/12 officially Aaron Rodgers day, so real legislation can wait I guess...

Gotta love priorities.
my assemblyman said the agenda was packed & there were a lot of things waiting for votes which is why he wasn't sure whether they would get to it soon or not. He did mention one that will get fast tracked though, they want to make 12/12/12 officially Aaron Rodgers day, so real legislation can wait I guess...

Gotta love priorities.

Yeah, that was my thought when I heard about it, too.

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