Any Home Brew supply stores in Stuttgart Germany?

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awesome! thank you so much for that link! I live in Germany. I am just getting started and I am tired of ordering every thing online and not getting to go poke around. If any one knows anyother site with HBS I would appreciate it.

I would beware of the locations of distributors given on the brouwland website. By that, I mean do not travel far or center a trip around going to the listed addresses in Germany, or you will unfortunately be disappointed. About a month ago, my wife and I put together a four day trip across Austria, which was to end up in Munich (we live in Bavaria). Of course, because of my homebrewing propensities, I wanted to visit a homebrew shop in Munich. I noted a primary address in Munich from the brouwland site, and an alternate one from the brouwland site in nearby Moosberg (in case the first one was not well supplied or didn't have the variety that I desired).

To make a long story short, the address given in Munich was a residential apartment. I walked around the building, but could not find the exact address number given. A fluke I thought. No worry- I have my alternate address, right? Well... We traveled another 50 minutes to Moosberg to try and find this "other" homebrewing store location. Nope. Ended up in a residential area with private home residences. Additionally, the street/building number was nowhere to be found. We found the next higher and next lower number, but the one from the site was imaginary. Overall, I was very disappointed.

The entire trip to Munich was only saved by three factors:

#1: My wife and I LOVE Munich, and it will never "get old" for us. (Arguably some of the best beer in the world is there, after all, IMO.)

#2: My wife, bless her heart, was on the mission with me, as she is extremely supportive of my "affliction". She was nearly as disappointed as I was when we realized that we were on a wild goose chase.

...and #3: The drive to Moosberg took us through the Hallertauer Hop fields, which were beautiful, despite the fact that it was winter (you had to imagine the lush, beautiful hop fields).

Anyway, please let me know if you have any success in finding a homebrew store in Germany (especially if it is somewhere near Bavaria). I am discovering that many people here look at me funny when I tell them that I like to homebrew (even when telling them this in German). I have chalked this (the lack of homebrewing in general in Germany) up to lack of necessity. I mean, if you have the finest beers in the world at your doorstep at ridiculously low prices and massive quantities, then why bother to homebrew? (In that regard, I think we [Americans] have the crappy, mass produced beer makers to thank for "helping us" discover this awesome hobby.

Bottom line: I am still disappointedly looking for homebrew stores in Germany, too, Paintchips.
man, what i'd give to be able to go back to Germany (fond, yet blurry memories :cross:). anyway, you can also try looking on this site. most of the places listed will have user reviews for them. i've used it before with success, but not in Germany. probably worth a shot.

super ninja edit: i forgot that you may need to change the search from bars/retail to homebrew shops. i think it pulled up about 100 locations, most of which are probably bars. just play with it and filter them out.
Interesting to hear Ridonkulous. I work for BYO and been trying to get in touch with some of those suppliers but with no luck, maybe that's the reason why. I do know Hopfen und mehr in Tettnang is a pretty reliable & good source for supplies...also they speak english fluently. I do think Oberack is good but i've only heard from him once, also i'm not sure where Oberack is located.
lpdb and telejunkie,

Thanks for the replies! The BeerAdvocate finder turned up one homebrew shop in Germany, which was in Berlin. I tried "Munich" and "Muenchen" to no avail. I will have to play a bit with the search filters to see if I can wring out any closer locations. If not, this may be a good reason to head to Berlin.

I'll definitely start going down the "hopfen und mehr" rabbit hole as well. Thanks for that great lead!

I was starting to get frustrated about the lack of support in Germany for the non-professional brewers in Germany. I mean, here I am, in the center of it all, a stone's throw from the "big six" Munich breweries, the home of the Reinheitsgebot, and I was facing the fact that if I wanted to brew a dang Muenchen Helles, I was going to have to order the Hallertauer hops (that I can see growing locally) from HBSs in the U.S.A. How absurd!

Shoot- If I had the time to nurture relationships with some of the local braeumeisters at the local Oberpfalz brewpubs, I know I could probably eventually leverage the friendship to ply them out of a minor amount of their raw materials for a price above what they paid for it. However, if this was not imposing, they would be running a brew shop and not a pub, and I just don't like to impose on friends like that, anyway. Visiting a homebrew shop where the point is to supply a guy like me is a more "cut and dry" interaction.

...and this devolved into a rant- I just meant to thank you guys for your responses. As you can see from my post count, I have been a lurker, but am today a virgin poster, and you made my first time a nice one. ;)

P.S. BYO magazine kicks a$$. It has something for experienced folks and beginners alike. It's cool that you're with them, telejunkie.

I'm sure I'll be seeing you guys around the board. Thanks.
You're welcome. I'm a member there also, but I don't visit there much anymore.

When I lived in Germany I talked with the brewer/owner at the gasthaus and let him know I brewed also. They gave me hops by the kilo. ;)

Where are you in Germany? I was stationed in Augsburg (1975-1979) and again as a civilian in Bamberg (1999-2004).
Was in Friedberg (in Hessen, North of Frankfurt) from 2003-2007.

Now in Grafenwoehr. Both locations have their pros/cons.

There are some GREAT, small brewpub/restaurants in the area. Having heard what you wrote (and also quickly learning that many HBSs here are pretty far [according to the websites]), I think I am going to try and "press the flesh" and get to know some of the Braeumeisters at my favorite spots. Shoot, I'm sure he would be glad to show me his set up (aren't we all proud of our stuff?), and I would definitely offer him profit over what he pays for a bag of his malt and some of his hops. (It'll be a drop in a bucket for him, anyway, I imagine.) Then, being a good neighbor, I'll share the fruits of my labors.

Shoot- half of homebrewing is all about community, iddn'it?

Thanks again.
So, I tried to stop at one of the links in brouwland but it was just an industrial park and no sign of the supplier.

However, I did come across this website and it actually has directions to and hours of operation on the site. It will be about a 1.5 hr drive from Kaiserslautern. Next day I have off (most likely Friday) I'm going to make the trip and I'll let you know how it goes.

And hopefully they have some carb tabs!
So I called today before making the 1.5 hour drive. I talked to a lady, aber mein Deutsch ist schlect. Eventually I figured out she was trying to get my number. So then a guy called me and he said (in English) that I shouldn't come today because he wont be in his office. We then tried to set up an appointment but our schedules didn't match. It is promising though because the woman said it is a Hobbybrauer shop and they have a professional website. Anyway if you plan on going out to this place be sure you call first.

Its too bad, this Sunday we are going to brew a double IPA and I was hoping to get a few more supplies. And for my first ever beer I suppose I'll stick with the corn sugar for carbing since I screwed that up royally.

I won't be able to check this place out until some time mid march because my wife and I are taking some leave to go see Bratislava, Prague, Budapest, and Vienna. If anyone has some breweries that we just have to see let me know ;)
Awesome heads-up, Doug- I will start digging on that latest link you gave.

The online shop at braupartner looks like a good source for brewing ingredients. I will likely order my next malt and hops order from them. However, for other equipment, MoreBeer beats them price wise on many items, so I will likely stay with MoreBeer for hardware.

Your trip sounds like it'll be fun.

The wife and I were in Vienna in early January this year, and it was nice. We weren't there long, though, and therefore we weren't able to peruse a great number of brewpubs. The one we DID go to was decent, but not worth completely going out of your way for, so I won't bother digging up the name of the place.

I have not explored Budapest enough to be versed on it, and I have not yet been to Bratislava.

However, there is a place in Prague that I will faithfully recommend to all of my friends who visit there. Of course, there are a bunch of great pubs and bars there, and the pilsners must surely be the second best there in the world (I am assuming that they are best in Plzen on the border, where they were invented, but I did not stop there when driving through. Sad, I know), but as far as brewpubs were concerned I always recommend one. It is called, "U Fleku", and it is an old Czech brewery that used to be a malthouse before that. My wife discovered that gem while walking past it, and pointed it out to me (bless her), and we went in. Great atmosphere, with accordian music playing during the day, and trays of beers and schnapps being passed out to the multiple-family, fest-style tables in the dining halls. The food is good, but the typical Czech meat and dumpling fare that you will find all over Prague. It is an experience you don't want to miss, and won't regret, though. On the walls are pictures of the years of old brewing history and equipment there, yadda, yadda. It is really cool. Don't forget to take an "U Fleku" growler of their dunkel bier with you, either. Okay- I'll stop ranting about it. It's a great place. You may have to ask your hotel desk agent about where it is, though, as it is tucked down a side street. Prague is one of my "top 5" cities in Europe, though, and even though it is absolutely gorgeous, "U Fleku" helps its ranking out quite a bit.

Sorry- I can't help but get a little exuberant about that place. :mug:

Again, thanks for the tips.
Now in Grafenwoehr....

Hell, go to the main platz in Amberg (to the south). I can't remember the directions exactly, but I'll try...

Looking at the church (from the middle of the block) there's a bakery off to your left.

If you do an about face and take the next right there's a gasthaus on the right side of the road...they advertise and conduct brewing classes!!!

I tried to get a friend of mine to make contact and set up a class but he never got around to it. He lived right up the road in Hahnbach (Chicken Creek). I've only been there once and the brewer wasn't in.

Good luck.
Re-found this old thread...


"Hopfen und mehr" located in Tettnang. I have ordered from these folks twice now, and the deliveries have been prompt and product quality very high.

Now, their selection is nothing like a "MoreBeer" or a "Northern Brewer", but you can cobble together enough to make a wide variety of beers (raw ingredient wise).

Downside: they do not have a good equipment selection. To get equipment into Germany (if you have an APO mailbox), your best option is MoreBeer. I have purchased almost all of my equipment through them. Yes- the shipping was killer, but nobody else has the b@11s to ship to APO, and Germans generally don't "get" homebrewing...

Let this also be a personal plug for MoreBeer. Yes, they may be more expensive than Austin Homebrew or Northern Brewer in some categories, but their service to APOs (read: U.S. servicemembers) is second to none. :off:

"Hopfen and Mehr" provides decent ingredients:

(if you don't read German, use google translate to translate the pages. It will work well enough to place an order, at least.)
im hoping to get to go to the braupartner store here soon, maybe for a few ingredients for my next batch.
Hi guys,

At first I thought I was posting to a current thread, but then noticed the original dates, so... sorry for the resurrection. BUT...

Do any of you guys know if there is a hobbybrauer shop in Frankfurt AM? I live in Kuwait, but I do pass through FRA a couple times a year. I tried Google, but it does seem to be a bit biased in the results. Even entering the German phrases didn't help. Of course, my German is probably at about a pre-toddler phase, so that's no surprise.
None that I'm aware of unfortunately. The few friends that I have that brew here all order their supplies/ingredients off the web
I am also in Germany and looking for supplies for brewing. I am also in the Frankfurt area, what have you found?
I really hope he's not still looking for a shop after nine years...

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