Advice for a brewer who doesn't drink

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Enough about hunting already! It's still legal, so do it.

All that aside (and in lieu of a potential troll) they will probably welcome you with open arms, as brewers are typically an extremely friendly bunch... but also most certainly talk about you and take your advice lightly.

The great part is that you won't be confused with the types of people that show up to brew clubs just to drink for free. In fact if you bring your own, you can get nearly expert feedback and everyone will love you! :D

Lastly, The more you drink the more you get used to drinking and the flavor of alcohol. I had a similar situation where I BARELY (5 or so times) drank anything until I was 26. I started with bud light, moved on to craft beers, and now (at 33) I flat-out will not buy, or plan to brew, anything less than 6% ABV. I think it's just a matter of developing your palette. Now I love beers with flavor.

Anyway, good luck man.

There is NO difference between a psychopath and a sociopath.
And being one does not mean you are a bad, mean, or evil person!
I hope this is sarcasm? The difference is that a psychopath is based on inherent phenomenon, whereas a sociopath is a product environmental circumstances. A psychopath cannot feel emotional attachment to others in general, but a sociopath can feel attachment to those close to them, yet still have a great disregard to strangers or the rest of society. Also, both would generally be concluded bad, mean or evil to most of the societies in the world.
All this aside (and in lieu of a potential troll) they will probably welcome you with open arms, as brewers are typically an extremely friendly bunch... but also most certainly talk about you and take your advice lightly.

The great part is that you won't be confused with the types of people that show up to brew clubs just to drink for free. In fact if you bring your own, you can get nearly expert feedback and everyone will love you! :D

Lastly, The more you drink the more you get used to drinking and the flavor of alcohol. I had a similar situation where I BARELY (5 or so times) drank anything until I was 26. I started with bud light, moved on to craft beers, and now (at 33) I flat-out will not buy, or plan to brew, anything less than 6% ABV. I think it's just a matter of developing your palette. Now I love beers with flavor.

Anyway, good luck man.

You're missing out on a hell of a lot of really good beer.
The example of "a hunter who doesn't eat the meat" was offered up as analogous to "a brewer who doesn't drink beer." The difference is that no innocent animals have to die in the brewing of beer.

Well, unless you count hundreds of billions of yeast cells. ;)

I took offense at the portrayal of those who don't like meat but simply "enjoy" killing things (they dress it up with nicer words, such as "sport") as "normal," and instead pointed out that such people are in fact deviant psychopaths.


So the animals sent through the processing line at the slaughter house your grocery store beef steak came from were not innocent which makes it okay?

I guess all those people working at those people working at the slaughter house must be mass-murderers that dress it up with fancy words like "job". But its okay because in the end it comes in a neat package with a price tag, right?

It seems to me that you are very detached from the fact that the meat on your table had to come from the end of another creatures life, be at the hands of a hunter or down a conveyor belt in a meat factory.
I don't think there's anything wrong with appreciating the art of home brewing while also choosing to not drink.
I infuse liquors for my friends all the time, but my body refuses anything heavier than beer, so I don't drink (or even taste) it. I take copious notes and adjust the next batch based on their feedback. It's a fun experiment for me, and they don't have the skill-set (patience, OCD) that I have, but love the infusions. Win/win!
This one of the best out-of-control threads in quite a while. I particularly like how this guy tried to set out to be polite, ended being pretty darned offensive on a number of levels, and still made me chuckle.

i am trying to think of a polite way to say this, but i really can't so i won't. i love people that think meat comes from the store and if they are awake enough to know that it is a dead animal, then they just pi$$ sitting down for not having the church bells to do the dirty work....

Church bells...*snort*
Oh, and to the OP, I am going to make it my passion to find you and relieve you of your brewing equipment, as obviously you have no reason to continue brewing. Totally serious. Or not.

Sobeer, add one more to the list of folks saying keep doing whatever the heck you want that gives you enjoyment that doesn't detract from the well-being of anyone else. It doesn't mean I need to understand it. Wish we could talk it over at the upcoming Holiday Ale Fest which is one of the best things ever created in time, but sounds like you will probably give that a miss as well. If not, keep an eye out for me. I'm the one with a beard on my face and a beer in my hand. Should be pretty easy to spot.:D
Honestly this entire thing could be solved if the OP just swished and spit in an attempt to taste BUT NOT DRINK the beers he makes. I see no other logical solution. Alcohol is not going to be absorbed from under your tongue like beta blockers.

Hell, i know a guy that "did not inhale" so this sounds like a perfectly rational idea...:ban:
Ok, First: Where have you been all my life? Who wouldn't want a friend that makes beer every other week just for your enjoyment? "Hey pal this IPA turned out pretty good. What say ya get crackin or a porter for me next?"

Second: I am my biggest critic when it comes to my homebrew. I have had friends and family say they love a beer that I have internally been picking apart for its flaws and knowing it could be better. Being able to sense these things comes from working with the raw materials and being able to judge them individually and as a whole.

Third: I would expect some strange looks from a HBC. But if I were there I would definetely be curious to see what a non beer drinker could come up with? I would also expect even more peer pressure to try a beer from these guys then you have seen here especially if anyone is gettin loose.

Fourth: Do you formulate your own recipes? Or just clones?
it's like a deaf guy practicing the piano.

No, it's not, it's like a guy who can hear perfectly well but decides to put in earplugs every time he plays the piano because he can't stand the way the piano sounds, yet for some odd reason he wants to practice playing the piano all the time.
Gameface said:
No, it's not, it's like a guy who can hear perfectly well but decides to put in earplugs every time he plays the piano because he can't stand the way the piano sounds, yet for some odd reason he wants to practice playing the piano all the time.

Ha!!! This!
well johnbrown, I would say that if you can accurately translate your taste testers comments into an improved product you're better off than a lot of people I know who try to brew. If someone told me that a beer needed to be a bit rounder or the hops were a bit flat, I would have a hard time getting the right information from them to correct it.
It's like going to Sherwin-Williams and saying "this color isn't quite right, it needs to be more mellow" They don't just punch in the computer "add some extra mellow". The fact that you can translate their qualitative comments into quantitative changes is something to be proud of.
I'm an engineer so I love the scientific side of brewing along with the consumption.

And just like this forum, you're going to find a lot of people who can't fathom the idea of brewing without tasting the results. But you're also going to find some who enjoy being able to talk shop. So from my perspective, if you can hold your own in a conversation about beer and brewing and they can't tell that you don't drink in the 1st 10 minutes, they'll likely accept it as a quirk and move on to picking your brain for how they can improve their brewing.

But what do I know, my first barber was bald :D

You're missing out on a hell of a lot of really good beer.
I'm cheap and prefer one or two meaty beers that I have to slaughter instead of drinking twice as many cheeseburger beers.
I can kind of understand where the OP is coming from. I like getting people's feedback more than my own... but I still drink my beer! And I'm the primary consumer of my labor.

If I didn't drink any of my beer I wouldn't waste my time and money on brewing.

He should make soda pop.
I probly don't drink half the beer I brew, my dad and friends make sure of that. But I don't mind. I don't make it to have a lot of beer to drink, I brew because I like to. But on the other side I like to taste it. Ill sit there for an hour picking 1 pint apart. My question is (maybe been asked) how do you know you don't like it. That the same thing I ask when someone says they don't like dark beer. my answer is always There all kinds out there I bet theres one out there for you and if not I bet I can brew on you'll like.
I don't think anybody got a reasonable analogy for this situation.

The OP loves to brew beer for other people. He uses their feedback to brew beers that they enjoy.

Is there something wrong with that? He loves the process. He loves to make them happy.

Why should any one of you others give a rats ass if wants to drink any of it or not? He wasn't asking whether he should or not, yet many replies felt compelled to try to talk him into it.

He wanted to know how most other brewers felt about his unique practices and he got his money worth and then some.

Frankly, I don't understand why he wouldn't want to at least TASTE his beer, but most here are very intolerant of someone who does something different from them and affects them in no way. Instead of just saying I don't get it and good luck with that, you probably scared him from hanging out here continuing to learn how to make the other people in his like happy with his beer.

Shame on you all.
I don't get the hostility toward someone's obvious weirdness.
I'm sure there are many parents here who will make food for their kids, which the kids love and the parents simply won't ever eat. It's sort of similar to that.

I just think that with some consideration, one could come up with another void to fill that one could enjoy as much as his friends and family... And that this would make more sense.

I also think that the rationale for disliking alcohol is sort of silly--where disliking the taste is THE PERFECT reason not to drink.

How about roasting coffee? If I had to choose between coffee and beer, I'd probably choose death.
It's an anonymous forum. Land of B.S. If someone posts a really implausible, incomprehensible story, as this certainly is/was, and that same someone doesn't expect to be challenged to somehow make it plausible, then that someone is truly naive.

He fabricated this tale. That's the least implausible among terrifically implausible explanations.
Homercidal said:
I don't think anybody got a reasonable analogy for this situation.

The OP loves to brew beer for other people. He uses their feedback to brew beers that they enjoy.

Is there something wrong with that? He loves the process. He loves to make them happy.

Why should any one of you others give a rats ass if wants to drink any of it or not? He wasn't asking whether he should or not, yet many replies felt compelled to try to talk him into it.

He wanted to know how most other brewers felt about his unique practices and he got his money worth and then some.

Frankly, I don't understand why he wouldn't want to at least TASTE his beer, but most here are very intolerant of someone who does something different from them and affects them in no way. Instead of just saying I don't get it and good luck with that, you probably scared him from hanging out here continuing to learn how to make the other people in his like happy with his beer.

Shame on you all.

Really??? Ugh
I think this is an odd thread, however, I will have to point out one thing since it's at the top of the page now.

Threads like this, show how cool the site is, and the powers that be that keep this place cleaned up and running are to allow it to run it's course. Some people got rude, others got upset about that and felt they needed to be a hero, and in the end, the guy is gone because he knows he's an oddball.

But anyways- good on you mods.. It was a funny read.
That is something I appreciate too about the moderation on this forum - things are almost always on a case by case basis. And since it is a community, it is good when things can just be allowed to run their course.
having read most of the thread I am struck by a few things, the attitude of if you don't think like me you are wrong or psychotic or whatever, the pushing and demanding may be a huge influence on why the dude doesnt drink, its one of the reasons I haven't tried certain drugs because they were pushed and pushed and pushed.

To be honest mate, go your own way and rock on, have fun, if you approach brewing as a science cool. I think its an art so I have different ideas and do taste stuff but to be told "sell your stuff" "don't bother" etc is a bit....

as for the hunting arguement, wrt sport hunting, look at africa where the value placed on the animals by sport hunters and what they will pay has saved the species from being wiped out, they do feed the villages they hire guides from with the meat but the main value they bring is the conservation of a species. dismissing hunters as evil or sociopathic is something dangerous as it means you have allowed personal feeling s to blind you to any logical reasons for their actions.

if you're a troll, well done you have got people to practice psychobabble on you meaning you present a believable case.
paranoiddroid said:
having read most of the thread I am struck by a few things, the attitude of if you don't think like me you are wrong or psychotic or whateve.

The mistake you made was reading the whole thread. I learned that from the first page. Time you will never get back, my friend.

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