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I have ditched the French press for my Melitta pourover. The electric kettle is the best thing ever though.

Doing a little hop whispering hoping my cascades will yield enough hops to use for something come harvest time
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My centennial just broke ground today
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Now just waiting for the Columbus rhizome to catch up.

My Cascade broke ground a week or so ago. The centennial and chinook are still under about 8-12" of snow.
Screw this snow stuff...
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Back from up north. Nice relaxing Easter Sunday with no church and no big dinner. Big dinner and egg hunt was yesterday. Had some home brews and ordered pizza tonight while watching back to the future 3 with the kiddos.

Want to open up something kind of big, but also thinking maybe just have some bourbon and call it a night?
Just finished the beer I poured an hour and a half ago. Fell asleep on the couch and woke up to a missed call from work and an annoyed message from the boss that he was bothered.
Well, my Heels won their way into the Final Four next weekend. Hopefully Syracuse won't cause trouble like they did for Virginia.

No beer tonight. That part sucked, watching the games without some fine frosty barley-pops.
Couldn't take it - went to the corner store, they had SN Torpedo 16oz cans 2/$3. Picked up three and came back to watch TWD and TTD.

Worth it.
Woke up feeling even slightly better than yesterday. I think it's on its way out. I like.

Have a question, but it doesn't have to be the QOTD, because I think maybe there was one on the docket?

Do you have a special ferment temp timeline for ales, or do you go one set temp throughout until the CC?

Reason I'm asking is that I used to just do one throughout. This was still during the extract days, and when I would just let it go two weeks, then dry hop, then cold crash. Lately, I've been monitoring the activity. Once it shown signs of slowing down significantly, I'll wait a couple more days (usually around day 7), then I'll check gravity, and likely dry hop and start raising the temp .5C every 12 hours until the end of dry hopping. It's usually 2-3 points away from FG at this point at the start of that. Then I let the dry hops sit for 5 days (sometimes 7 if I happen to be away during that time), then I cold crash for 4-5 days, adding gelatin on the second day of that. But now I was thinking about not raising the temp at all, dry-hopping before I leave for prague (which will be day 10, I have no doubts it will be at FG at this point), then waiting until next week to start the cold crash. I may experiment with going back to the former timeline of just letting it take its time on my next few batches. What's your ale process?
Woke up feeling even slightly better than yesterday. I think it's on its way out. I like.

Have a question, but it doesn't have to be the QOTD, because I think maybe there was one on the docket?

Do you have a special ferment temp timeline for ales, or do you go one set temp throughout until the CC?

Reason I'm asking is that I used to just do one throughout. This was still during the extract days, and when I would just let it go two weeks, then dry hop, then cold crash. Lately, I've been monitoring the activity. Once it shown signs of slowing down significantly, I'll wait a couple more days (usually around day 7), then I'll check gravity, and likely dry hop and start raising the temp .5C every 12 hours until the end of dry hopping. It's usually 2-3 points away from FG at this point at the start of that. Then I let the dry hops sit for 5 days (sometimes 7 if I happen to be away during that time), then I cold crash for 4-5 days, adding gelatin on the second day of that. But now I was thinking about not raising the temp at all, dry-hopping before I leave for prague (which will be day 10, I have no doubts it will be at FG at this point), then waiting until next week to start the cold crash. I may experiment with going back to the former timeline of just letting it take its time on my next few batches. What's your ale process?

It all honestly depends on the yeast and how fast it decides on eating all the sugar. If it's a slower fermentation I'll only get a maybe a few degrees difference to work with. Some.of the harder trapping or Belgian style yeast will work in a hurry and make much more of a temperature difference.
Also, can't believe a 10-seed reached the final four. Incredible. I've not watched one game this season. Apparently I'm missing out.

They are making such a big deal about 'Cuse being the first 10 seed to ever make the Final Four, but it's kind of a BS state. VCU as an 11 seed make it just 5 years ago and George Mason as an 11 or 12 made it within the past 10 years.

Coming into the tournament, I would have ranked the teams as follows:

1. Kansas
2. Villanova
3. North Carolina
4. Michigan State

Only two of those are still alive...and North Carolina is head and shoulders better than anyone else as of this moment.
Busy weekend, caught up with posts while waiting for flight. Seems like it was less busy than usual in here.

Ran a 10k on Saturday, then coached 3 lacrosse games. Had to bike to the games because the car battery was dead - not appreciated after running the race. Then hosted Easter brunch on Sunday for bro/sis in law and 2 kids. Kept it simple with baked French toast, frittata, and ample amounts of bacon (candied and regular).

Got a pretty good belated Xmas gift. Could have put it together myself with an empty bottle and some cubes, but I like the thought. Thinking BA negroni to start:
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Where's our damn QOTD? :D

ok, QTOD for Monday
If you had a super power, what would it be?

Instant transmission, for me.
If you were a fan of Dragon Ball Z, you need no explanation. For those who never saw it, imagine that you could be anywhere you wanted in an instant. Imagine blinking in and out of a place so fast that nobody could catch you.
ok, QTOD for Monday
If you had a super power, what would it be?

Instant transmission, for me.
If you were a fan of Dragon Ball Z, you need no explanation. For those who never saw it, imagine that you could be anywhere you wanted in an instant. Imagine blinking in and out of a place so fast that nobody could catch you.

How many days in a row are we going to have the same QOTD? Maybe that should be the QOTD...
Was it an official QOTD for Friday? I thought somebody already proposed one before I had the chance to ask one. I was saving this one for today.

My understanding was that it was proposed as the QOTD on Thursday, under the understanding that it was really Friday's QOTD. The white flag was raised when ability to masturbate at any time was coupled with invisibility and people didn't want to see where this was heading.
Instant transmission is a pretty good one. Would save me a lot of time and money. I'd be worried about landing in another object or person.
Instant transmission is a pretty good one. Would save me a lot of time and money. I'd be worried about landing in another object or person.

I think a good rule would be line of site only. You wouldn't want to accidently phase into a wall or something. That would make for a bad time.
It all honestly depends on the yeast and how fast it decides on eating all the sugar. If it's a slower fermentation I'll only get a maybe a few degrees difference to work with. Some.of the harder trapping or Belgian style yeast will work in a hurry and make much more of a temperature difference.

Completely agree. I think other factors are at play, including the types of sugars the yeast is eating, as well as how much heat a particular strain puts off. I even think the kilning of the malt matters as well. Some yeast don't mind being cooled down while others will just drop out of suspension if below their temp range. For example 090 works about 65—67 where 001 is advertised at 68-73 but I fermented it at 64-65. IME there's variance per strain and per fermentation. YMMV.
Good morning. After a weekend with my house full of wife's family, it's safe to say I'm glad to be back at work. They are fine people, just complete opposite lifestyle. It will be nice to be able to put fruit/vegetables in the fridge again. Some minor setbacks getting keezer it's first keg. Gotta hit the store tonight to get last few pieces I knew I should've got in the first place.

Since I hadn't answered it yet, regardless of when it was asked... I'm sure there are some really fun superpowers, but I would probably have to go with the ability to teleport. Especially if long distance teleportation was viable. There's little I hate more than travelling, simply due to time involved.

Starbucks beans I ground at home.. nice to have coffee that tastes like coffee again.
Funny that every time I think about what super hero ability I would want, I always think about what would make it easiest for me to steal money... which would make me a villain.

Invisibility would be good for that, but then there's the issue of moving the loot without anyone seeing.

Teleportation would probably be the best, blink in, grab, blink out.

Of course, if you had either one of those abilities, you could be like... the best magician ever, so making money wouldn't really be an issue.

I'll go with teleportation as well. If anything, I could run a worldwide parcel service... one package at a time. Haha.
I'll go with teleportation as well. If anything, I could run a worldwide parcel service... one package at a time. Haha.

It really would be the best one, especially for us married dudes. Getting wrecked in NY on a Friday night. Oh damn! *blink* Yo Psy try this beer. Nice! *blink* Back in NY being bored. No harm, no foul.

Just a whole lot of opportunity for this power, even used for evil...
*blink* B-b-b-BeRrY-PaWncH *blink*
Funny that every time I think about what super hero ability I would want, I always think about what would make it easiest for me to steal money... which would make me a villain.

Invisibility would be good for that, but then there's the issue of moving the loot without anyone seeing.

Teleportation would probably be the best, blink in, grab, blink out.

Of course, if you had either one of those abilities, you could be like... the best magician ever, so making money wouldn't really be an issue.

I'll go with teleportation as well. If anything, I could run a worldwide parcel service... one package at a time. Haha.

Haha screw drone delivery. We got "Psylo-Quick Delivery." Not to be confused with the competition's knockoff "Psycho-Fast Delivery."

French press. Time travel - not only would that be a great way to stea--win money but think of all the awesome ways to screw with people.

This is one I often actually forget. I would normally say invisibility, but if it's not in a group of guys, the girls always give you that look like, "Ugh. Perv."

But yeah I think time travel might be the best.

Almost forgot too - Happy Dyngus Day friands...
Morning. Not ready to be back at work after vacation and a holiday.

Do you have a special ferment temp timeline for ales, or do you go one set temp throughout until the CC?

Reason I'm asking is that I used to just do one throughout. This was still during the extract days, and when I would just let it go two weeks, then dry hop, then cold crash. Lately, I've been monitoring the activity. Once it shown signs of slowing down significantly, I'll wait a couple more days (usually around day 7), then I'll check gravity, and likely dry hop and start raising the temp .5C every 12 hours until the end of dry hopping. It's usually 2-3 points away from FG at this point at the start of that. Then I let the dry hops sit for 5 days (sometimes 7 if I happen to be away during that time), then I cold crash for 4-5 days, adding gelatin on the second day of that. But now I was thinking about not raising the temp at all, dry-hopping before I leave for prague (which will be day 10, I have no doubts it will be at FG at this point), then waiting until next week to start the cold crash. I may experiment with going back to the former timeline of just letting it take its time on my next few batches. What's your ale process?

I don't have a specific schedule because I have the lazy. But in your case I would ramp up when activity slows and, assuming that is within the yeast's normal temp range, I would keep it there until you get back. Then dry hop once you're back.

Got a pretty good belated Xmas gift. Could have put it together myself with an empty bottle and some cubes, but I like the thought. Thinking BA negroni to start:
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I want to do that, but I'm not sure I understand the benefit of barrel aging cocktails. If you have a bourbon cocktail (let's say Manhattan or old fashioned) aren't they already kinda barrel aged bc of the spirit used??

ok, QTOD for Monday

If you had a super power, what would it be?

I think I'm gonna go with telekinesis. Mind control would be... fun, but that might make me a villain too. Or I could go with the force and have a little of both.
QOTD: while I agree with the public masterbashion power would have its perks. I think I'll go with never being tired or requiring sleep. But not in a crack head kind of way. You would still have your sanity. Beer would be your kryptonite where however long your body takes to process alcohol would be the only time you slowed down or napped. Of course you would want your wife to have this same super power... The words I'm too tired would never be heard again.
Mind control would be insane. You could have everything you wanted. I'd undoubtedly be a dictator until I got assassinated. Teleportation or invincibility would be great too.
If I had mind control I'd be calling into work and telling boss I need today PTO, tell you that.

I'd have incredible superpowers and use them only for the purposes of being lazy and/or getting bjs and beer.