A CL brew system find in Oregon...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, Or.
:eek:I found this listing today and was really excited for a nano second, until I saw the price, and I just about cried into laughter.
Beer Brewing Brewery Equipment system Commercial
Here's what it says in case it gets deleted-

We are looking for beta testers for an all new, PATENT PENDING technology, commercial beer brewing system. We're looking for commercial users or dedicated high end home brewers to test our new 25 gallon electric beer brewing system, Electrobrew. We have a combined experience of over 30 years and after over 3 years of research, development and countless batches of outstanding batches of microbrew, The Electrobrewer has never been released to the public until now. We're in search of local brewers to test this innovative product. This state of the art (patent pending) technology is in the (ectosoft vortex), 100% electric beer brewing elements that are softer heat than even the most expensive steam jacketed system. Experts agree that the holy grail of beer brewing has always been a precise, non scorching process, with the ability to brew repeatable batches, one after the other. The Electrobrew achieves that with pinpoint accuracy ! This has never been seen with any other system before the Electrobrewer. Computer controlled fuzzy logic PID, temperature control and a no fume, 95% efficiency and "clean in place", 100% sanitary, 304 stainless steel commercial fittings with a super duty high volume stainless stainless sanitary pump system. The Electrobrew only requires a 2 pot system due to its unique, on demand heat exchange system with an on demand sparge and a "no babysitting set and forget" boil set up. It takes a very small (no venting), 5 ft x 5 ft area with a standard 50amp 220 plug. We are looking for 3 customers to use the Electrobrew with a huge discount off the retail price of $11,900.00. We are selling the first 3 units for $8,995.00 to the general Portland and Vancouver area for test marketing feedback as well as the ability to monitor these new systems. With the Electrobrewer you can brew your own premium beer for a fraction of wholesale cost and with very little effort create outstanding, predictable results. It's truly a plug and play, all in one unit. We offer great hands on training, recipe development and lease options for financing.

It is a nice system don't get me wrong, if it were priced 3-5k, but the stand isn't even stainless, the control panel is nothing special, there is a lot of stainless fittings, but not an extra 5k worth...Anybody see how it adds up to 9-12k? For that much you could buy a used 1-3 bbl real commercial brew system. I have found people in this area are very unrealistic on home brew equipment prices.:drunk:
You have to give them credit for trying, but that rig looks like it is a long way from a finished setup. I wonder who would spend the money for something like that when other systems are available for less. As to the automation level the phase 2 system is quite a bit further ahead with add malt to hopper, connect fermenter, and push a button.
Ya, he'll have to drop the price...
I would rather buy this


All electric, comes with a fermenter and I believe is realistically priced at around 4k
LOL, don't miss your opportunity to be a beta tester for only 9 grand! I thought that beta testers get to try things out without taking any personal risk on the technology. They're trying to sell a system, which is fine - but saying they're looking for beta testers is an insult to people's intelligence IMO. Typical CL/ebay hype.
To Mister Kronick:

Mine Nigerian Uncle has put several thousand dollars of my money and loans from the World Bank of Uzbekistan into developing product. It is insult to mine intellect that you would try to make joke of prodcut that might feed mine starving family in Somalia. You are an infidel. I would hope that not all Americanz are as greedy and selfish as you.

For any of youse whom might be willing to try out ours brewery, you cans contact us. Please provide banking information. We will send certified check ASAP and deliver product via third party soon.

Thank You,

U.B. Scammed
They must produce the highest THC in their area also.
And only 3,500 watts, WTF you going to wait and smoke
a few taking your time at heating? Raise it up to 11KW per
keg with switching to maintain at 5.5KW then you might have
some heating. With 30 years total time, how many people were
involved on this project,10?
I don't care about the size of the kettles it's the size or volume
that they can hold is the question. many kettles claim a volume
capacity number and that is at the brim spilling over, this does not
in the real world. With only 3.5KW without any insulsation what volumes
and the heating times in degrees a minute rise with a given amount of
gallons? Numbers, temp rise rates, times to reach different degrees, did
I miss something under that $12K brewery after taxes?
I saw this unit in action over at the manufacturer. All I can say to all the haters is you cant knock it till you try it LOL. I am starting a new brew house and this unit does do all it says it do. Just the pump system alone is a $2000.00 pump! All the components are the best you can get and the beer that comes out of the is superb. Iv been a brewer for 15 years. What I dont like about it is the model I got to see is the steel frame model but they told me that all the new machines will be made with a stainless steel frame and a much better looking stainless control box. Whats a trip is the heating source. It is unlike anything out there and does a great job. It really is worth the money when you look at the whole package. I have looked at all the other commercial style smaller brew machines and they dont compare to this. I believe that these guys have something worth considering. I just noticed they added some new content to their website www.electrobrewer.com

:eek:I found this listing today and was really excited for a nano second, until I saw the price, and I just about cried into laughter.
Beer Brewing Brewery Equipment system Commercial
Here's what it says in case it gets deleted-

We are looking for beta testers for an all new, PATENT PENDING technology, commercial beer brewing system. We're looking for commercial users or dedicated high end home brewers to test our new 25 gallon electric beer brewing system, Electrobrew. We have a combined experience of over 30 years and after over 3 years of research, development and countless batches of outstanding batches of microbrew, The Electrobrewer has never been released to the public until now. We're in search of local brewers to test this innovative product. This state of the art (patent pending) technology is in the (ectosoft vortex), 100% electric beer brewing elements that are softer heat than even the most expensive steam jacketed system. Experts agree that the holy grail of beer brewing has always been a precise, non scorching process, with the ability to brew repeatable batches, one after the other. The Electrobrew achieves that with pinpoint accuracy ! This has never been seen with any other system before the Electrobrewer. Computer controlled fuzzy logic PID, temperature control and a no fume, 95% efficiency and "clean in place", 100% sanitary, 304 stainless steel commercial fittings with a super duty high volume stainless stainless sanitary pump system. The Electrobrew only requires a 2 pot system due to its unique, on demand heat exchange system with an on demand sparge and a "no babysitting set and forget" boil set up. It takes a very small (no venting), 5 ft x 5 ft area with a standard 50amp 220 plug. We are looking for 3 customers to use the Electrobrew with a huge discount off the retail price of $11,900.00. We are selling the first 3 units for $8,995.00 to the general Portland and Vancouver area for test marketing feedback as well as the ability to monitor these new systems. With the Electrobrewer you can brew your own premium beer for a fraction of wholesale cost and with very little effort create outstanding, predictable results. It's truly a plug and play, all in one unit. We offer great hands on training, recipe development and lease options for financing.

It is a nice system don't get me wrong, if it were priced 3-5k, but the stand isn't even stainless, the control panel is nothing special, there is a lot of stainless fittings, but not an extra 5k worth...Anybody see how it adds up to 9-12k? For that much you could buy a used 1-3 bbl real commercial brew system. I have found people in this area are very unrealistic on home brew equipment prices.:drunk:
I saw this unit in action over at the manufacturer. All I can say to all the haters is you cant knock it till you try it LOL. I am starting a new brew house and this unit does do all it says it do. Just the pump system alone is a $2000.00 pump! [/url]

2 grand on a pump.... thats 2000 dollars one a pump.... for that much the pump better cook me breakfast, and give me a massage with a happy ending....:ban:

I could BUILD a similar system for two grand, then I'll take the extra 9-10 large and blow it on batches for the next 10 years of my life....

looking at pics of it, I'll knock it all I like. This is the interwebz after all...
Looks pretty cool. Obviously geared for non DIY'ers who have the cash and don't care about dropping $9K on it. In this economy I would think they have a very small customer base who might be interested. Those who buy it will probably use it a few times and stick it in the back of the garage to be CL'ed by the grand-kids someday.

Company can contact me via PM and I will beta test it for no charge to them for my time and ingredients!
