1-Gallon Mead Recipe Testers for Upcoming Book?

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Jul 22, 2011
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Hi, everyone! I'm working on a book of homebrewing projects due out next spring and am looking for a few brave souls willing to test mead recipes. They're one-gallon batches, meads, melomels, and metheglins. The only special equipment you might need is a 2-gallon bucket for primary fermentation and a 1-gallon (or 4-liter) jug for the secondary -- all the other equipment is the same no matter what size batch you normally brew.

In exchange for your help, your name will be memorialized for eternity in the acknowledgements of the book (oh, the glory!), and I'll send you a free copy of the book.

I'm hoping to get feedback on the recipes through at least primary fermentation by the beginning of July. If you're interested, please send me a private message with your email address and we can get the party started.

Insomniac, make friends with someone at local recycling center, I get a steady flow of 1,4 and 5 gallon containers that are good for fermenters, glass and plastic, he would give me a lot more but some of it is cheap crap that wouldn't be suitable
so, what do we do, make a gallon of mead and let you know how it turned out?

Send them a private message letting them know you are interested in participating and your regular email address and they get back to you with available recipes and if you want to proceed they send you the detailed recipe and step by step instructions, then you make it and fill out questionaires/evaluation forms.
I havent, but only because I dont have any space for a new batch yet and wont have in the time scale posted.
Hi, everyone! I'm all set with recipe testers for now. Thanks so much for the great response!

In reply to some of the above: I've been developing these recipes myself over the past year + and have gotten feedback on how they taste. This round of testing is more to make sure that my recipe instructions make sense, can be followed by a newbie brewer, I didn't overlook mentioning something obvious, etc. The publisher needs feedback by June/July, which is why I have that first deadline. But I'll be following up with testers through the end of the year to see how the meads are coming along in terms of taste.