Who wears the pants round here?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2008
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Central Illinois

I was rather surprised to see how many Home Brewers use the term SWMBO (fight club). Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

I respect my wife, I always open the car door for her. When the baby cries at night I get up. When she asks me to take out the trash or unload the car trunk I usually say "ok," or "yes ma'm." I will serve my wife, and work hard keeping her best interest at heart, but she is not the head of our household.. I am, period.

Let me explain:

When I ask my wife something (ie. what would you think about _____) I am not asking for permission I am asking for cousel, for input. We discuss and sometimes we disagree. She is glad that I value her counsel and take time to consider what she has to say, because I do. However, important as her counsel is to me, she does not have the final word and she does not have veto power. And that is the way it is supposed to be. Sometimes, not often, it comes down to this, "Sweetie, we really have talked about this, and we understand each other pretty well even though we don't agree on some points. Please do not fight me on this ok?" --and at this point she knows that I love and care for her and that I have her interests at heart, and that it is her privilege to follow my lead.

Husbands are not supposed to be cudgel bearing, insensitive, despots. Husbands are to lead by example. And wives are to honor and respect them.

Men and women are different, and the roles of husband and wife are different.
They are of equal value: one role is not more important or valuable than the other, one partner is not more important or precious than the other, they are just different. These differences compliment each other and make marriage beautiful.
I thought brewers were strictly "No Pants"...

How many threads do we need about this? It's a term used in jest and most of us here are secure enough in our relationships to use it as such.


The only thing that matters is knowing that the first use of "fight club" was in the serialized novel "She" by H. Rider Haggard published between October 1886 to January 1887....And that Ursula Andres made a damn fine looking one in the 1966 film version.



Anything else is just too serious for a brewing forum...:D

(This from a guy who spent a good part of the 90's leading men's workshops & retreats along side the likes of Robert Bly, James Hillman and Michael Meade, produced and co-hosted a radio show on men's issues, and published several articles on the subject a few which were reprinted on menweb http://www.menweb.org/.)

Anyone know what hops are in "Arrogant Bastard Ale?

Oh and chicks dig men in kilts! Especially if they have a leaf blower handy:D

That's right. If I'm not at work I wear shorts and a tee shirt 365 days a year. Gotta love Florida:D
As long as Im inside its shorts in the winter too. Wow conversation has really gotten dull around here lately.

The only thing that matters is knowing that the first use of "She who must be obeyed" was in the serialized novel "She" by H. Rider Haggard published between October 1886 to January 1887....And that Ursula Andres made a damn fine looking one in the 1966 film version.


Anything else is just too serious for a brewing forum...:D

(This from a guy who spent a good part of the 90's leading men's workshops & retreats along side the likes of Robert Bly, James Hillman and Michael Meade, produced and co-hosted a radio show on men's issues, and published several articles on the subject a few which appeared on menweb http://www.menweb.org/.

Anyone know what hops are in "Arrogant Bastard Ale? :D

Kilts are fun!

This recipe is close;)
And they know John, so it should be close
I'll tell ya, I'M the one who wears the pants. She caught me in one of her dresses once, and made it perfectly clear that I'm to wear pants. Now, if the dress had fitted properly I probably would have enforced my male dominance, but as it stands I didn't really feel all that sexy anyway so I let her have that one.

A man needs to feel sexy in a dress....
Jeebus, not another one of these threads again. Maybe I am bass ackwards from some people, but I consider my wife the boss in most respects. It goes back to that old saying "if momma isn't happy, no one is happy."
I'll tell ya, I'M the one who wears the pants. She caught me in one of her dresses once, and made it perfectly clear that I'm to wear pants. Now, if the dress had fitted properly I probably would have enforced my male dominance, but as it stands I didn't really feel all that sexy anyway so I let her have that one.

A man needs to feel sexy in a dress....
Were you wearing boxers? I thought the same thing untill I...ya thats as far as I taking it.
Yup. I tried the panties thing but there were.... leakage problems. Can't feel sexy when you're spilling out all over the place.

Uh....did you have the thong on the right way? Floss goes in the back.

*Revvy waits to see who zombieifes this thread first (this doesn't count)*
Uh....did you have the thong on the right way? Floss goes in the back.

*Revvy waits to see who zombieifes this thread first (this doesn't count)*

You know the Original "Night of the living dead" first scene in the cemetery. Right behind the tree they crash into is my grandparents graves
You know the Original "Night of the living dead" first scene in the cemetery. Right behind the tree they crash into is my grandparents graves



No way!!! Did they get permission from your family? Was your family PO-ed or did they think that was cool? I, of course, think your cool factor just shot into the triple digits for that!!!
The term is used in jest, although I'm not quite sure why we use it. It's less characters to type wife than it is to type SWMBO.
The term is used in jest, although I'm not quite sure why we use it. It's less characters to type wife than it is to type SWMBO.

I always thought that the beauty of the term is that it didn't differentiate between girlfriends, fiancees, and wives... kinda makes it a universal situation as opposed to, "well, she's your girlfriend, not your wife, so...."

In other words, when someone mentions swmbo, the point is that it's someone the guy has respect for and cares about so arguments along the lines of "you're not married to her..." or "why are you with that woman?" are not appreciated.

Overall, this is a pretty level-headed forum. People give each other a lot of respect and needn't pry too much into the personal lives of the members. The term SWMBO kind of cuts out a lot of the pecking and prying that comes through in some other boards I frequent.
c1377 you may think you're the head of the household, but trust me...you get outta line and you're going to wake up with a pair of these stuffed down your throat.


Oh yeah..and to echo what niquejim said... put the bible down and lighten up. :tank:

Does this you having the final say on everything ever strain your marriage? I've always joked about the men wearing the pants in the family, but in most of the successful marriages I've seen, it has to be give and take, and both have equal power.

I think Yooper said her family has the same saying...and I know it has mostly held true in my family......in fact my mom used to have a small sign that said it. "If mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy".
I think Yooper said her family has the same saying...and I know it has mostly held true in my family......in fact my mom used to have a small sign that said it. "If mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy".

I follow the doctrine, 'Happy wife, happy life'. There's a big difference in having your wife defer decisions to you and dominating her. I can't imagine that a relationship that is too one sided would last very long. I've done 19 years with the same woman by keeping a nice balance between leading and stepping back.
Husbands are to lead by example. And wives are to honor and respect them.

Ha...welcome to 1950! :p:rolleyes:

You serious, punchy? I'm not saying that "SWMBO" is to be taken literally by any means, but...this isn't Leave it to Beaver...my wife doesn't stay at home rearing children while I bring home the bacon, she doesn't have a nice hot meal ready for me every night when I get home, and we like to define our roles in our relationship not by some antiquated, misogynistic societal norms, but instead by how we work together and what suits each of us the best.

Your little "men do the heavy lifting, and the women're supposed to be subservient" thing might work for you, and hell, it might've been better for our species once upon a time when the family depended on the physical superiority of the father. But for most of us, we've surpassed that phase of our existence to a point where we have more leeway in how we define each of our roles within the family. I'm not telling you how to run your household, but I find your little rant about how women are supposed to be the ones obeying the men and not the other way around to be, well, humorous and misogynistic at the same time.

I was rather surprised to see how many Home Brewers use the term SWMBO (fight club). Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

I respect my wife, I always open the car door for her. When the baby cries at night I get up. When she asks me to take out the trash or unload the car trunk I usually say "ok," or "yes ma'm." I will serve my wife, and work hard keeping her best interest at heart, but she is not the head of our household.. I am, period

Let me explain:

When I ask my wife something (ie. what would you think about _____) I am not asking for permission I am asking for cousel, for input. We discuss and sometimes we disagree. She is glad that I value her counsel and take time to consider what she has to say, because I do. However, important as her counsel is to me, she does not have the final word and she does not have veto power. And that is the way it is supposed to be. Sometimes, not often, it comes down to this, "Sweetie, we really have talked about this, and we understand each other pretty well even though we don't agree on some points. Please do not fight me on this ok?" --and at this point she knows that I love and care for her and that I have her interests at heart, and that it is her privilege to follow my lead.

I don't think I have ever run into a situation where I would ask my wife for advice and then go 180 degrees out from what she said. In a situation that could affect finances, quality of life, etc... if I were to "ask" for counsel and then go the opposite route, I'd expect the SWMBO to be p!ssed, esp if I totally blew off what she said.

Husbands are not supposed to be cudgel bearing, insensitive, despots. Husbands are to lead by example. And wives are to honor and respect them.

Men and women are different, and the roles of husband and wife are different.
They are of equal value: one role is not more important or valuable than the other, one partner is not more important or precious than the other, they are just different. These differences compliment each other and make marriage beautiful.

You really contradict yourself here. In one paragraph you talk about how you are the head of the household and your decisions are final. Wive is supposed to honor and respect. The you talk about equal but different roles and how neither one of you is more important than the other. What are these different roles? In my apparently whipped household we both do the same things. She works, I work. She cooks, I cook, She raises the kids and I raise the kids. She does the finances and I let her (She's had to take care of it while I have been deployed in my career, so why would I expect to step in and mess with something she has a firm grasp on?).
Dude, SWMBO is just a term we use. You started a thread about how it bothered you and really p!ssed some people off here. If you don't want to call your wife SWMBO, then pick a cool new acronym for her. I'll suggest some. :D

SFE- Subservient Female Entity
OBD- Oxygen Breathing Doormat
EBDP- Equal but DIFFERENT partner.

I apologize if these offend anyone else.
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