Who Else Likes to Drink in the Morning?

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2007
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Pacific Northwest
After spending two years working graveyards I've developed a taste for drinking beer in the morning. I love sitting down watching the sun come up and reading my favorite web pages with a cold beer next to me. I eventually move on to coffee and I have to be careful not to let the one beer turn into three or four, but I've really come to enjoy starting the day with a brew.

Once in a while I like a beer coming off the nightshifts, but on the weekends I usually start a day off with a beer. Or a martini.
I'm a coffee guy in the AM.

I do like drinking early in the afternoon. It seems strange to come out of bar only to be light-strickenly blind and buzzed at 1 or 2 PM. :D

This effect brings back many old memories.... Military Service & College
About the only time I drink in the morning is when I'm brewing and then not much. One other time, when I'm mowing the pasture. That's a start early & run all day, so a pint around 10 a.m. is good.
david_42 said:
About the only time I drink in the morning is when I'm brewing and then not much. One other time, when I'm mowing the pasture. That's a start early & run all day, so a pint around 10 a.m. is good.

I'm a workout and then coffee morning guy...although, when in vacation in jamaica the we've started our day with blue mountain coffee and a liberal amount of rum cream..... mmmmm rum cream....
Who Else Likes to Drink in the Morning?

I like to, but it doesn't like me. It's hard to be productive at anything except brewing once I start drinking. But if it's a day when I can get away with that . . . .
When I was in grad school (night classes) I used to work 2-7 AM.
Fridays were payday, and next door was a bar/diner that served steak, eggs and beer-that was my usual Friday breakfast; then home to bed.

That was years ago though..
I'm a coffee guy in the AM.


Years ago I worked a rotating shift and some of the guys getting off at 7am would head to a local bar (which was open just for the guys getting off the shift). It didn't even sound like something I wanted to try.

Saturdays are my day to enjoy beer. By 10am I allow my self to have a beer, if not by 10, then by 12. This schedule I go by only if I don't have things to do during the day.
I don't work nights.

One of the greatest luxuries is being able to forget the time and drink when you want.

I have had this pleasure only a few times.
I love a good porter or a nice stout in the morning with some pancakes or a breakfast burrito.
I usually Drink Black Coffee in the morning, but if it is a special day Ill start drinking in the morning like...Superbowl Sunday or the daytona 500 etc...and when I went too the two Nascar races here in Michigan last summer I was hammered by 10 am got to love tailgating
I'm not sure the time of day matters much... I've had some beers at 11 am but I'd been up and working several hours by then. I've also realized at 4 am that I'm still awake and downing brews.

I have yet to wake up and say "Damn, I need a beer" but when it happens I'll certainly partake. :)
Another vote for coffee in the morning.

Although in college we'd start drinking about 5 or 6 in the evening, then go to the bar across the street until it closed at 2:30 am, then go back to the house and drink until 5 am - which was when the bar reopened. We'd drink until Noon or until someone passed out. College was fun, but there's no way I could do that anymore.
I always have a beer or a glass of wine when I get home from work. I work 7pm - 7 am. I've worked this shift for 10 years. 8 in the morning is 8 at night for me. And on my days off I have no difficulty switchin gears to teh rest of the worlds schedule.
I worked night shift stocking shelves to help pay for a yr of my school and I used to have a beer or two after work most nights around 7:30 am. We also like to start early for tailgating during football season, I've had a couple before the sun came up a couple times getting ready for noon or 1pm games, and by 10am for games anytime later in the day.
Bloody beer is about the only beer I have in the morning. That is only to fight a hang over and if a bloody mary is not available. Lucky for me this is not to often. I can hardly stand the thought of a drink when hung over. I am getting to old to abuse my body. Coffee is great for me in the AM......maybe with a shot of something on a special occasion . - Dirk
I have to have a cup of coffee in the morning! If I have a full day off with nothing to accomplish, maybe I can drink early, or if I start hard outdoor work early in the morning, I would want beer at lunch. Except for those times, no morning beer since college. Shiner in Fruity Pebbles is tasty. That omlette and IPA sounded good though.....
I'm working the night shift too (at work now, actually) and sometimes I'll have a beer after work at 8 AM. Then go right to bed! This blasted shift has made me lose all sense of 'day' or 'night' so now I have a beer whenever I damn well feel like it :D
I can't even look at a beer until noon. Even then I just don't like drinking when it is light out. I also only usually drink once a day. By that I mean I usually drink 1-3 beers a day and I always drink them all in a row. So if I was watching something on tv earlier and drank a couple beers, I'm not in the mood for the night cap beer(s) later on.
Third shifter here. I like to pull a pint or two when I get off in the morning. That and a sunrise is a nice way to come down off of the day.
