What honey?

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Aug 31, 2022
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What brand/type and/or flavor honey are some of you using as a base? And if you are adding other fruit flavors, is there a more subtle honey to use in order to enhance the fruit flavors rising to the top of the flavor profile?
My favorite honey I’ve used so far is star thistle honey, but I also use a ton of blackberry because it is local, quality and easy to come by.

Other fantastic honey I’ve used…
Buckwheat (use it in primary)
Meadow foam (use for back sweetening)

I’ve never had the chance to use fireweed, it can be harvested here in the northwest but it is very hard to come by and snapped up fast.

A lot of people rave about orange blossom but that’s an east coast honey and I try and keep it local.
My favorite honey I’ve used so far is star thistle honey, but I also use a ton of blackberry because it is local, quality and easy to come by.

Other fantastic honey I’ve used…
Buckwheat (use it in primary)
Meadow foam (use for back sweetening)

I’ve never had the chance to use fireweed, it can be harvested here in the northwest but it is very hard to come by and snapped up fast.

A lot of people rave about orange blossom but that’s an east coast honey and I try and keep it local.
There is orange blossom on the west coast, too. FYI😉
What brand/type and/or flavor honey are some of you using as a base? And if you are adding other fruit flavors, is there a more subtle honey to use in order to enhance the fruit flavors rising to the top of the flavor profile?
I use orange blossom for several meads, though, my local guy (1.5 miles down my road), sells local wildflower & spring blossom right from my neighborhood , which I can safely say is what I use more than any other honey. Meadowfoam is tasty, Tupelo is probably my favorite....like velvet on the tongue.
When adding fruit, a carrier honey, such as clover works well, as it is easily taken over by the fruit, (in my experience).
I hope this helps you.
Happy meading 😎
I can get local alfalfa honey, about 12 miles from where I work, but it seems a bit overpriced.
I am about to order a Honey sampler that has 8 2oz bottles of different varietals, Fireweed, buckwheat and medowfoam are on the top of the list these are the ones I can choose from.
