Way, way, way over the top Sam Adams Utopia clone - #2

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What? Are you serious? Did they say where? I take 138 to work so I'll keep my eyes peeled tomorrow but I'm pretty sure something like that would have caught my eye.
This is scary if its real... No One eat the Haggis
was eating it actually ever considered? i mean i have eaten some interesting stuff rocky mountain oysters and the like but the thought of that many vital organs. served in a stomach is a bit much:drunk:
What? Are you serious? Did they say where? I take 138 to work so I'll keep my eyes peeled tomorrow but I'm pretty sure something like that would have caught my eye.

Well, I might have embellished the story a smidge. Apparently there is a slaughterhouse over in Raynham. And since there doesn't seem to be a big demand for the stuff from a sheep that ain't lamb chops I bet I can score the required items there.

And those of you haven't ever had haggis are just showing your ignorance by talking about how bad it is. I've had it several times at various Highland Games. People of Scottish descent gather for a meeting of the clans and participate in traditional Scottish events and eat traditional Scottish foods, including haggis. I'm of Irish descent but any time I get to hang around with inbred barbarian heathens I jump at the chance. There are always a group of Irish clansmen at the Gatherings, sort of a drunken, unwashed, uncouth subset of barbarian heathens. My sort of people. Literally and figuratively. Anyways, the haggis CAN be pretty inedible. OTOH, it can be one of the more interesting tastes you've ever had. Think of it as a really rich warm pate'. The oats soak up all of the grease from the fat, the liver and heart are earthy and rich, just don't think about the rest of it.


OTOH, maybe I'll just stick to my High Steppin' Chili.
I would probably try some if the opportunity where ever to arise, I think by far the most interesting thing i have ever eaten was scrambled eggs and fried pork brains with my grandpa a few years back. after the initial squemishness salt pepper and some oak smoked cheddar it was pretty damn good!
Ya, people get weirded out by any food that doesn't come with some celophane over it. As a nation, and to some degree as a species, we have developed this total disconnect with our food. Ya want some red meat? Hop in the SUV and drive to the Piggly Wiggly and buy a piece all precut and wrapped for you. The idea of having to hunt, kill, butcher and be responsible for your dinner is totally foreign to most people in this country. And assuming you do go out and bag a hundred pounds of some kind of meat what were you planning on doing, just eating the tenderloins and tossing out the rest? There isn't all that much stuff that looks appetizing on a little piece of white styrofoam wrapped with saran wrap, but there is a damned lot of stuff that tastes good if you grind it up into sausage.

OK enough ranting about haggis. I'm not on a personal crusade to piss of the good people of PETA. I'm a member of PETA myself. People who Eat Tasty Animals.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled tomfoolery. This sillyness may contain any of the following topics; beer, booze, boobies, beatdowns, brewing, baseball, breakfast and ball busting.

The tank too?! You guys are killing me. How about my mash tun, pump, right arm and left testicle too?

Yeah sure no problem. We'll make some arrangements. Even if I'm not around I can swing by either of your places or leave it with Steve at the shop.

Oh and I know what slaughter house that guy is talking about. Its on one of the backroads behind Silko Honda on Rt44. I had a buddy who worked there in jr. high... fun stuff.
Shut up CB, atleast my 2 keggle system doesn't mysteriously lose 14 gallons of wort..... Oh and wait, my system works. When was the last time your system actually worked?
How much did you expect to get out? 31 gallons? Geez now you are up to 18 gallons of loss....
blah blah blah... I had a crappy day the first time I EVER brewed on it. Get over it.

You probably had to bribe the SWMBO with a month of servitude so you could host this little up coming brew session so get back to painting her toenails and dusting the drapes. And if you need something to sit on while you do her toenails, just flip your five gallon pot over.
Seriously CB, you are coming right? This way PTN and I can show you how to brew beer cost effectively, not $3k per batch because of all the work you have to do to fix the rig every time you brew....
And for the record, I don't know what the cost is yet.... SWMBO was very agreeable and had no problem with it. I am still waiting for the axe to fall to find out the true cost...
I bet that the cost you end up paying will be quite a bit higher than seems reasonable.

The whole pound of flesh thing. Of course, in your case you only have a quarter pounder so maybe she'll settle for something else.

Nah, you know she's going to go for the maximum sentence.

Seriously CB, you are coming right? This way PTN and I can show you how to brew beer cost effectively, not $3k per batch because of all the work you have to do to fix the rig every time you brew....

What work have I done since I got it up and running the first time? I upgraded the pots. That's it. It hasn't been out of commission and other than the pots, I haven't sunk a penny into that rig since the first batch I made on it.

What the hell are you talking about???

And please, just because you get a $2.50 per week allowance and have to sneak the SWMBO's 5 gallon pasta pot out of the kitchen pantry to brew your "cost effective beer", don't get all pissy with me. It's not my fault.

And I'm doubtful for whenever you guys are gonna pull this off. If I ain't in on a share, I'm not going to sit and watch other guys brew. I could be brewing at my place instead.... which is what I'll probably be doing.
OW! :) Seriously, no joking, can we borrow your O2 tank and stone? Heck just the stone and tube, I'll buy a tank if I need to! :)

If only you had another 5 gallon pot!!!


In all seriousness, I have a 20 gal stainless pot you guy are welcome to use. You can swing your azz by my place and pick it up though. I'm not driving all the way to your place. That's like... two miles... and I'm not putting those kind of miles on my truck.
We will have a few other people there who will be brewing. PTo will be cooking something and I bought an ingrediants kit for my daughters boyfriend for Christmas and he'll be comeing by to brew his fist batch. Sort of a non-intimidating 8 hours hanging out with his girlfriends father. I'll still bust the kids balls on general principles but it will go easier on him with Chris there to act as the primary target.

You have offspring that can actually attract members of the opposite sex? This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
In all seriousness, I have a 20 gal stainless pot you guy are welcome to use. You can swing your azz by my place and pick it up though. I'm not driving all the way to your place. That's like... two miles... and I'm not putting those kind of miles on my truck.

Will the arson squad have released your brew gear by then?

I bought an ingrediants kit for my daughters boyfriend for Christmas and he'll be comeing by to brew his fist batch.


OH &*%&!!!! You're telling me the kid that's schtuppin' your daughters gonna be there!? With YOU there?!?! Oh that's f'in tremendous and if you think I'm NOT showing up now you're all SERIOUSLY mistaken.

Oh man... this just made my night.

Will the arson squad have released your brew gear by then?


blah blah blah... no flames... a piece of wood got a little charred. Don't get Yeager all worked up into a lather.
OH man... Babalu... PLEASE tell me you can make this brew session.

We can just sit and ask (insert boyfriends name here) all sorts of friendly questions.

"So (insert name), can we all assume that you're trying to prevent pregnancy?? You know... by doin it in da butt?"
Wow, did you guys ever get WAY off topic. I just read the whole 20 pages of this thread, since I am planning to brew a Utopia clone myself. I was hoping to gain some insight, but the last few pages are absolutely rediculous, and wasted time I will never get back. Sorry to go off on you guys, but take it elsewhere with the childish, petty bickering.
Sorry to go off on you guys, but take it elsewhere with the childish, petty bickering.

You've never read a thread with PaulTheNurse, Cape Brewing and myself on it before huh? We are all friends and this is just what we do. :)

On a serious note, if you want advice we have done our first batch of this, and the second batch is being done 3 saturdays from now with the modified recipe in this thread to improve upon our mistakes from last year, though last years batch is really amazing.

Gotta say this looks like so much fun in so many ways. Who on here has used their AG equipment for it's SECOND batch to make something like this? Just loaded my keggle, cooler MLT with copper manifold, two propane tanks, grain mill, and an oz. of vac. sealed homegrown green in the jeep. Pray to god I don't get pulled over in my county(the meth. cooking capital of MI) tomorrow on the way to our stab at this recipe. BTW if any lonely brewers in the vicinity of Battle Creek wanna come out hit me or eriktlupus up and we'll give directions! Oh, and the wambulance will be on site.
Looking at your final recipe...I never really noticed before, but are you missing hops? I'm getting about 10-15 IBUs from the hops in the recipe and you have 59 listed. Something is awry.
There's a few recipes listed in the thread martin. I assure you there's more than 15IBU in there. Not sure what program you're entering the recipe into but if you're using something like Beersmith the equipment that you've entered and have been brewing with could completely skew the whole recipe.

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