Victory Brewing is dead to me.

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Well damn. I do the Saint Arnold tour here in Houston all the time and they always let you drink first. In fact, their beer hall if half the facility! I didn't realize other tours were so different.

Do they let you sit in the parking lot and drink?

That's the rub for me in this situation.
Sometimes you have to separate these events from the product. I mean you can do what you want but if you like Victory beers then you should drink them. Its not about supporting their business it's about drinking good beer get me. I mean if you can just dump them like that then maybe you weren't into them in the first place. It is kinda like not letting someone that smells like beer into a bar. There is a place for everything and at least in PA a brewery is a place for drinking. My local brewery here, they make me drink tasters when I go in. Hell they will be having homebrew being served there this weekend. I dunno. Well sounds like I can skip that tour.
The "tail gating" (That's what we call drinking in a parking lot before X event around here) was WAY out of line IMO. You guys were going to a brewery and were going to be sampling the beer inside. Do you bring your own steak to Red Lobster? No...There is a time and place for "tastings and socials". I personally would have been insulted if you guys showed up at my brewery and were drinking homebrews in the parking lot BEFORE the tour...After the tour, no problems. If you felt the urge to pull a beer bong out and shotgun whiskey in it that would be up to you...IMO you guys were WAY in the wrong and your club needs to put some guidelines/rules in place for your club "road trips and brewery tours" even if it is on a per trip deal. My club sends emails out to everyone and talks about issues just like this for when it is right or wrong to bring/drink homebrews so no one is "out of line" or feels that way.

Step back and look at it from the manager's perspective not only are you guys being "yahoo's" one of you may be a potential liability. I am not sure what was said specifically but I can imagine the talk when they said no one that has been drinking or smells like they have can come in. All the "but, but, but what if we" would also not have been good to listen to...I am sure they fully understand you guys came a long ways, as a big group on a bus it was right there...and why on earth did you not put on clean clothes before you left on said trip? have you no self respect or respect for the other people on the bus that will be smelling your stench? yuck!

This is where I change to "your side" they should have not given you the gift store employee when you paid for something more. This and this alone is the only thing that is working in your favor, IMO.

So now the tour is over, and you are still being scrutinized against/watched because of what has happened before the tour. In the manager's mind(s) you guys are "trouble". I have no idea what your club member said or did. I would bet it was a snide comment or one that was interpreted that way by an already agitated manager. The instant removal of said drink and yelling to get this person to leave may have not been handled quite right but most people do not react well when "being asked nicely to leave" this is why there are "bouncers".

The last thing to add is you did not tip your food server well because why? you guys were mad at the brewery. That person busted there hump, tried to make you happy and you slap him in the face. That is uncalled for.

I do not drink much of this breweries beers and this does not effect me in either direction. I am sorry you felt you had a bad experience but IMO 95% of this could have been avoided with some basic rules from the club. I hope you try to learn from this and not have a chip on your shoulder.


you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. about 98.4% of what you said had nothing to do with anything! talking about beer-bonging whiskey and bringing steak to red lobster. these analogies do not apply whatsoever and quite frankly make no sense. beer bonging whiskey, if anyone would be so stupid to do that, is QUITE different than having a few sips of homebrew. be realistic bro. as far as the "tips" situation, you definitely misread that. we said he didnt get tipped as much as he would have if we had stayed the 3 hours more that we were going to. he got tipped perfectly for the time we were there, but coulda made WAY more money if all this BS didnt happen and we coulda stayed much longer. so before you go ripping on a homebrew club an call us names and judge us and such, i'd get your facts straight. which you cant because you werent there. our club, their management, and God are the only ones who know exactly what happened there, so dont label if you werent even there! the main thing is regardless of who did what, it could have VERY WELL been resolved, as our club president tried to. he approached management and asked for reasoning on certain things and they wouldnt give any..i'd say THAT is uncalled for..
In essence, you were asking the Victory manager(s) to literally put their careers on the line in order to let 30 or so people of questionable sobriety into their OSHA-approved facility. There is any number of ways this could have gone wrong....I'm with the Victory people on this one.

FYI OSHA does not have as much pull as you think. i've worked construction, and construction classroom in an educational setting, and have many friends who are lawyers. while there are "OSHA guidelines", they themselves cant really do anything to you. thats beside the point tho and really irrelevant. i still dont get how their "careers are on the line" if we had consumed alcohol (regardless of the amount) before the tour, but their careers are not on the line if we consume alcohol during the tour or while we are eating? makes no sense..
Do they let you sit in the parking lot and drink?

That's the rub for me in this situation.

again, wrong one was "drinking" in the parking lot..we had JUST got off the bus and were immediately greeted by the "so called" manager (he didnt identify himself at all). his exact words "...there were 3 people who just got off the bus who had cups" (one of which was a designated driver drinking a coffee from a LABELED COFFEE CUP). so how does that suggest "everyone was drinking/tailgating"?
OK, I've had enough. I can't believe the arguments that ensured over this.

Remember the Golden Rule? Remember being kind to others?

Remember treating others the way you want to be treated?

No, apparently you do not.
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