[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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images instead of tap number circles
probably not what you want to hear, but I did implement tap images in my branch.

On the taps screen next to the tap text there is an up arrow button that should allow you to select and upload a custom image that will be used on the main page. Though the code might be too integrated to take as is and merge into different branches.
I was hoping to make some changes that would permit the use of images instead of tap number circles, as discussed at Post #2980. Unfortunately, the base code has changed enough that I am not able to implement these ideas into the new index.php structure (I have very limited programming ability).

Would anyone who is programming-capable be able to help me out with some code to insert? I'm running Tobor_8thMan's latest version (RaspberryPints- at Post #4812).


PM me and let me see what I can do.
I was hoping to make some changes that would permit the use of images instead of tap number circles, as discussed at Post #2980. Unfortunately, the base code has changed enough that I am not able to implement these ideas into the new index.php structure (I have very limited programming ability).

Would anyone who is programming-capable be able to help me out with some code to insert? I'm running Tobor_8thMan's latest version (RaspberryPints- at Post #4812).


If wanting to do, modify the following as appropriate

Modify the index.php
* Tap number data.
echo '<td class="tap-num"><span class="tapcircle">' . $i . '</span></td>' . "\n";

} // ending if($config[ConfigNames::ShowTapNumCol])

If needed, modify either high-res.css or style.css.
Is it possible to change the color of the text on the IBU and ABV column? I was able to change all of the other text to black but cant figure out these two


Is it possible to change the color of the text on the IBU and ABV column? I was able to change all of the other text to black but cant figure out these two

View attachment 640788

View attachment 640790

Sure, edit the css as desired.

Change the H2 and H3 color values to the desired color.
Currently color: #A0A0A0;
where the # is a hex code for the light grey. Use an editor, such as VS Code, and the editor will automatically show color names without needing to remember the hex codes.
Last edited:
probably not what you want to hear, but I did implement tap images in my branch.

On the taps screen next to the tap text there is an up arrow button that should allow you to select and upload a custom image that will be used on the main page. Though the code might be too integrated to take as is and merge into different branches.
View attachment 640665

Are there parameters for the image size and file type? I can’t seem to get this to work.
I can’t seem to get this to work
This is going to take some time to figure out as its a permission issue with the OS and apache

In the mean time if you copy the image you want to the /var/www/html/img/tap directory (you may need to create the tap directory) and name the image tap<tapnumber> where <tapnumber> is the number of tap you want the image on (i.e. tap1.png, tap2.jpg, tap3.png) it should do the same thing
This is going to take some time to figure out as its a permission issue with the OS and apache

In the mean time if you copy the image you want to the /var/www/html/img/tap directory (you may need to create the tap directory) and name the image tap<tapnumber> where <tapnumber> is the number of tap you want the image on (i.e. tap1.png, tap2.jpg, tap3.png) it should do the same thing

No worries. I’ll try this in the mean time. Thanks a lot.
Hi RandR+ thank you for your reply. sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have been away with work.
I tried your instructions and have the following responses:
MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;

| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| phpmyadmin |
| raspberrypints |
5 rows in set (0.007 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> use rapberrypints;
ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'rapberrypints'
MariaDB [(none)]> use raspberrypints;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [raspberrypints]> select userName from users;
| userName |
| |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

MariaDB [raspberrypints]>

As you can probably tell at this point - i am not well versed with what this all means, but am trying to learn as i go. any help is much appreciated.
any help is much appreciated
after the sudo MySQL and use raspberrypitns; run

update users set userName = 'admin', password = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e';

this will set the user to be admin with an empty/blank password (i.e. just enter admin for the user and nothing in the password field)
I found individual png files for the billiard balls, named them 1-tap.png, 2-tap.png and so on and put them into the img folder that was already created.
In index.php, I changed the following:
//echo '<td class="tap-num"><span class="tapcircle">' . $i . '</span></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td class="tap-num"><span><img class="billball" src="img/' . $i . '-tap.png"></span></td>' . "\n";

Then in styles.css, I added this at the bottom:

.billball {
position: relative;
top: 5px;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;

Good luck.

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No matter what I do I can not get my flowmeters to recognize. Truthfully I am not been sure that the uno is even being recognized. I? have worked with ths non stop for the lat 3 weeks. Does anyone have a fool proof method/guide to get flowmeters running. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I have uploaded the ino images and I just do not know where to go at this point. I can access the pi, and all menus, add beers, but I really need flowmeters to be able to tell how much I have used in all of my kegs.

Raspberry Pi 3 Arduino Uno's and 3 wire flowmeters is what I have set up.
Which version are you trying to get running?

This is a cut from my post early in this thread regarding using an UNO or an UNO clone (with a ch340/341 USB/serial bridge chip) instead of the Alamode, using the original RaspberryPints kit. Theoretically it should also work for the Tobor fork:


If using an Uno instead of AlaMode

Do not perform the AlaMode support installation in Step 6 of the raspberrypints installation procedure. Skip Step 6 entirely.

The Python port "listener" needs to know what device to monitor for "pour" messages.
The default setting is to listen for TTYS0, while an Uno connected via USB will typically show up as TTYACM0.

Edit /var/www/html/python/flow_monitor.py
Find these lines:

#The following line is for serial over GPIO
port = '/dev/ttyS0'
#The following line is for serial over USB
#port = '/dev/ttyACM0'

Add a comment # in front of the ttyS0 line and remove same from the ttyACM0 line.

If using an Uno CLONE instead of AlaMode

Do not perform the AlaMode support installation in Step 6 of the raspberrypints installation procedure. Skip Step 6 entirely.

Again, the Python port "listener" needs to know what device to monitor for "pour" messages.
The default setting is to listen for TTYS0, while an Uno Clone connected via USB will typically show up as TTYUSB0
I believe this is due to clones using a CH340 USB/serial bridge chip instead of the Mega16U2 used on "genuine" Arduino Uno boards.

Edit /var/www/html/python/flow_monitor.py
Find these lines:

#The following line is for serial over GPIO
port = '/dev/ttyS0'
#The following line is for serial over USB
#port = '/dev/ttyACM0'

Add a comment # in front of the ttyS0 line and remove same from the ttyACM0 line.
Then change /dev/ttyACM0 to /dev/ttyUSB0.


You still need to Enable the flow meters in the RaspberryPints management gui (Personalization - Show/Hide Columns) and set the number of faucets as well (Basic Setup - My Taps).

And assuming you are not running the RandR+ fork, you need to edit the raspberrypints.ino file to set the number of meters (numSensors) and the pins they're wired to (pulsePin[]). In the below example from my keezer I have 6 taps on pins 2 and 5 through 9.

//This line is the number of flow sensors connected.
const uint8_t numSensors = 6;
//This line initializes an array with the pins connected to the flow sensors
uint8_t pulsePin[] = {2,5,6,7,8,9};

Then you need to load that sketch to the UNO.

There are a couple of more changes needed if you are NOT using Swissflow meters but the above should get you in the ballpark...

Interesting as I subscribe to this forum, but I don't always receive all posts. If anyone has any problems with my version/my branch/ my fork of RPints, it's probably best to directly email (aka PM) me via HBT. This way I'll at least be aware of the item and, hopefully, be able to resolve the issue.

Anyway... while the following isn't directly related to Raspberry Pints, I thought it might be help for those just beginning with a Raspberry Pi.

From PC Magazine. "Beginner's Guide: How to Get Started With Raspberry Pi". I do hope at least someone finds the info useful/helpful.

Undoubtedly helpful, but I will keep my fingers crossed that folks that venture into our shared space here are beyond the raw noob level...

Seriously this and the various BrewPi-related threads are the best of HBT wrt helping folks get up and running, imnshfo.
Kudos to all of the contributors to that ends :mug:

Which version are you trying to get running?

This is a cut from my post early in this thread regarding using an UNO or an UNO clone (with a ch340/341 USB/serial bridge chip) instead of the Alamode, using the original RaspberryPints kit. Theoretically it should also work for the Tobor fork:


If using an Uno instead of AlaMode

Do not perform the AlaMode support installation in Step 6 of the raspberrypints installation procedure. Skip Step 6 entirely.

The Python port "listener" needs to know what device to monitor for "pour" messages.
The default setting is to listen for TTYS0, while an Uno connected via USB will typically show up as TTYACM0.

Edit /var/www/html/python/flow_monitor.py
Find these lines:

#The following line is for serial over GPIO
port = '/dev/ttyS0'
#The following line is for serial over USB
#port = '/dev/ttyACM0'

Add a comment # in front of the ttyS0 line and remove same from the ttyACM0 line.

If using an Uno CLONE instead of AlaMode

Do not perform the AlaMode support installation in Step 6 of the raspberrypints installation procedure. Skip Step 6 entirely.

Again, the Python port "listener" needs to know what device to monitor for "pour" messages.
The default setting is to listen for TTYS0, while an Uno Clone connected via USB will typically show up as TTYUSB0
I believe this is due to clones using a CH340 USB/serial bridge chip instead of the Mega16U2 used on "genuine" Arduino Uno boards.

Edit /var/www/html/python/flow_monitor.py
Find these lines:

#The following line is for serial over GPIO
port = '/dev/ttyS0'
#The following line is for serial over USB
#port = '/dev/ttyACM0'

Add a comment # in front of the ttyS0 line and remove same from the ttyACM0 line.
Then change /dev/ttyACM0 to /dev/ttyUSB0.


You still need to Enable the flow meters in the RaspberryPints management gui (Personalization - Show/Hide Columns) and set the number of faucets as well (Basic Setup - My Taps).

And assuming you are not running the RandR+ fork, you need to edit the raspberrypints.ino file to set the number of meters (numSensors) and the pins they're wired to (pulsePin[]). In the below example from my keezer I have 6 taps on pins 2 and 5 through 9.

//This line is the number of flow sensors connected.
const uint8_t numSensors = 6;
//This line initializes an array with the pins connected to the flow sensors
uint8_t pulsePin[] = {2,5,6,7,8,9};

Then you need to load that sketch to the UNO.

There are a couple of more changes needed if you are NOT using Swissflow meters but the above should get you in the ballpark...

Thank you for this unfortunately still unable to get this working. I would be happy to pay someone for assistance. I did not find the lines that you stated in the flowmonitor.py file. I have uninstalled and reinstalled 20 times now. I have used everything from the raspberrypints repo to R+R install script. I can get the application running with no issues and do what I want in it. but the only thing i really want this for is for flow meters. I am just at a loss.

I am running rpi3, buster, uno clone and some cheap 3 wire flowmeters.
Which version of RaspberryPints are you trying to run now? There's the original 2.0.1 version which will definitely not work on Buster; then there's the Tobor_8thMan fork which I believe should be fully functional on either Stretch or Buster as it was extensively reworked for Mariadb compatibility; and there's the RandR+ fork which I'm pretty sure works with Stretch and so should work with Buster.

If you're using the RandR+ version (which I'm guessing is the case) I don't think the raspberrypints.ino file looks like the original as RandR+ has pulled some of the settings into his management gui. So you set the parameters there, and then his code stuffs the resulting sketch into the Arduino...

I am going to blow it out again the the morning and install your version. Just hope I can get flowmeters running. Have 4 kegs and no idea how much is left.
Unless there is an error during the install and the error is resolved there is no reason for repeated install attempts. Time is better spent than doing the install again and again.

Was the initial RPints error free? If so, then the problem(s) reside elsewhere. Perhaps the flowmeters pin outs/lines are different since a different brand is being used. This is only a guess as, at this point, we're searching for "left field" or unusual situations/items causing the problems.
I am going to blow it out again the the morning and install your version. Just hope I can get flowmeters running. Have 4 kegs and no idea how much is left.

I’m No expert, but mine weren’t working/registering until I set the pulses in the tap menu (last column). My pulses are set to 19200 but some have them set as low as 700. Could be something that simple (or as simple as your wiring).

Using R+ with SF800s
Unless there is an error during the install and the error is resolved there is no reason for repeated install attempts. Time is better spent than doing the install again and again.

Was the initial RPints error free? If so, then the problem(s) reside elsewhere. Perhaps the flowmeters pin outs/lines are different since a different brand is being used. This is only a guess as, at this point, we're searching for "left field" or unusual situations/items causing the problems.

All of the installs have been successful with no errors. It’s only the flow meter . I have set the number of taps correctly. I have set the pin correctly and tried different pins. I have loaded up the Arduino IDE in order to see if I could get any messages or even see the ticks but that doesn’t work on the pi or a windows laptop. Im not a newbie to pi’s have about 15 running various applications at home and I’m not new to Arduino but not an expert with them. I use them with my home built 3D printers and my daughters robotics. I’m very much a newbie when it comes to flowmeters. I feel that the issue definitely lies between the Arduino and the pi but just do not know where to troubleshoot. Uno is recognized on pi and laptop. I have my multimeter ready to test the flowmeters but not even sure how to test them correctly at this point.
All of the installs have been successful with no errors. It’s only the flow meter . I have set the number of taps correctly. I have set the pin correctly and tried different pins. I have loaded up the Arduino IDE in order to see if I could get any messages or even see the ticks but that doesn’t work on the pi or a windows laptop. Im not a newbie to pi’s have about 15 running various applications at home and I’m not new to Arduino but not an expert with them. I use them with my home built 3D printers and my daughters robotics. I’m very much a newbie when it comes to flowmeters. I feel that the issue definitely lies between the Arduino and the pi but just do not know where to troubleshoot. Uno is recognized on pi and laptop. I have my multimeter ready to test the flowmeters but not even sure how to test them correctly at this point.

OK, then check all the connections. Believe, unless I'm mistaken, 3rd party flow meters are being used.
In index.php, I changed the following:
//echo '<td class="tap-num"><span class="tapcircle">' . $i . '</span></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td class="tap-num"><span><img class="billball" src="img/' . $i . '-tap.png"></span></td>' . "\n";

Then in styles.css, I added this at the bottom:

.billball {
position: relative;
top: 5px;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;

Good luck.


Thanks! I got some great assistance from Tobor_8thMan and ended up going with the following:

//echo '<td class="tap-num"><span class="tapcircle">' . $i . '</span></td>' . "\n";
echo '<td class="tap-num"><img src="img/tap/' . $i . '-tap.png" alt="" style="height:150px;width=150px;background-color:transparent;"></td>' . "\n";​

I just fully deleted the <span class> code to eliminate the image size issues I was having. I may reintroduce that with your billball code in the CSS file and mess around with it for sizing.

R+R install script
if you are using my version check /var/log/rpints.log it will give some hints as to what is going on. You can turn on more loggin through python/Config.py changes

config['flowmon.debug' ] = False#True
config['dispatch.debug' ] = False#True

config['flowmon.debug' ] = True
config['dispatch.debug' ] = True

You also have to set a pulse count per gallon/liter. If it is 0 then pours will register but not log.
In my opinion John guest fittings are junk. I also try to minimize the amount of plastic parts I use in my brewery. I just hooked up my Swissies and used these parts instead:

US $6.90 | 2Pcs 6mm Hose Barb Tail To 3/8" Inch BSP Female Thread Connector Joint Pipe Fitting SS 304 Stainless Steel Coupler Adapter


6PCS Rubber/silicone washer G3/8" Connector Water pipe Seal Ring Gasket 3 Point


The silicone washer fits perfectly into the 6mm stainless barb fitting. No thread tape needed. My liquid lines are all 3/16 ID. I have no issues with foamView attachment 640334.

Sorry I didn't reply back sooner but SwissFlow answered my question (they are very responsive and provide good customer service thus far).
The product number that SwissFlow provides with the 800 series flow meter from John Guest is: PI451213S 3/8" x 3/8 BSP
RandR+, Tobor_8thMan and other fork developers, is there any thoughts on maintaining a sticky when there are changes to your work? I have read and re-read and wrote emails to myself with lots of links and notes to do my due diligence and not bother you but I apologize forums can be troublesome to follow the current state of the projects. Sorry, I am a noob and about to try my first install. I have reviewed my notes again and need to continue reading. It would be helpful to list the pros/cons of each development/branch. It would also be helpful to have a tutorial/instruction set for each branch (or highlight changes from a baseline set of instructions). I know you are developing this of your own good will and time, it is much appreciated. I returned a Kegtron I bought on the Amazon Day deal as I felt this would be a better project for my 6 tap keezer.
RandR+, Tobor_8thMan and other fork developers, is there any thoughts on maintaining a sticky when there are changes to your work? I have read and re-read and wrote emails to myself with lots of links and notes to do my due diligence and not bother you but I apologize forums can be troublesome to follow the current state of the projects. Sorry, I am a noob and about to try my first install. I have reviewed my notes again and need to continue reading. It would be helpful to list the pros/cons of each development/branch. It would also be helpful to have a tutorial/instruction set for each branch (or highlight changes from a baseline set of instructions). I know you are developing this of your own good will and time, it is much appreciated. I returned a Kegtron I bought on the Amazon Day deal as I felt this would be a better project for my 6 tap keezer.

"Sticky" has been requested by others. I agree I'd be very helpful to have things in 1 (or separate for each branch) place instead of reading thru 122 pages. Does anyone know how to create a "Sticky" in this thread?
You cannot create a sticky within the thread. What I've done (and still not posted because I suck) for the BrewPi variants is a shared Google doc.

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