[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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day_trippr, Kal,

Thanks for all the assistance with this. I switched the wires around and now everything works with blowing into the flow meters. Now I just have to plum everything into the Keezer.


The extra code you built into the rpints.ino file that makes the alamode blink is a great help. You can actually see the meters and the python listener are working.



Well done Gary, your dogged persistence paid off, enjoy your new RPints setup, welcome aboard!
Just thought I'd share the 3D models from an enclosure I did for my Raspberry Pints system. This is a headless design using a RaspberryPi Zero W and Arduino UNO and it mounts at the top of a 3" faucet tower.
That's a pretty slick setup @mdime . Any pics of it in real life?
Are you willing to design one for an rpi2 with an alamode mounted on top and 4 plugins for the flow meters. Pm me if so. I can send you my idea.
Here's the current image of my rpi2 with the stacked alamode in the case built by Gupper and shown in post# 1686


Hey guys, I'm generally a lurker here and haven't posted in a long time if ever. But I just found this thread while trying to find some info about Raspberry Pints. I've been using this program for about a year now and everything seems to be working fine. I would really like to see some new features though. I've tried emailing support but haven't gotten anything back. Does anyone know where this project stands? Any word from the original developer's? Obviously I haven't read through this whole thread, that would take me forever. So some cliff notes would be appreciated. Thanks!
Other than a "drive-by" post about a year ago by one of the original team members they've been pretty much ghosts wrt HBT. They have been keeping up with the web site rent for which we should be thankful, but as far as future progression there's not been any sign of that in at least a year.

What new features were you interested in seeing?

Here are a couple of pictures of my case on the tower. One of these days I'll get around to actually putting the finishing touches on it.

The only external cable is power, which is supplied by a standard phone charger through a USB A-A cable. When you slide the cover off you have access to the flow meter cables coming up the tower and their connections to the UNO. The meters have male jumper wires spliced to them which plug straight into the UNO.


Well that unfortunate to hear about the lack of interest from the original members. Good to see this thread active and members of HBT helping each other.

The biggest feature that I would like to see is a way to keg a beer but not have it go on tap. Maybe have another tab for "kegged beers". I only have 4 taps but could have 4 or more full kegs waiting their turn. I do 10gal batches so when I keg I would fill 2 kegs and have them in my "kegged beers" area. And then I can select one to tap when a spot comes open. It would really help being able to keep an inventory and tabs on all your beers and kegs.
Well that unfortunate to hear about the lack of interest from the original members. Good to see this thread active and members of HBT helping each other.

The biggest feature that I would like to see is a way to keg a beer but not have it go on tap. Maybe have another tab for "kegged beers". I only have 4 taps but could have 4 or more full kegs waiting their turn. I do 10gal batches so when I keg I would fill 2 kegs and have them in my "kegged beers" area. And then I can select one to tap when a spot comes open. It would really help being able to keep an inventory and tabs on all your beers and kegs.

I do something similar to this. Brews that I have kegged but not tapped, I add "coming soon" to the beer name. You can add more taps to your list than you have physical taps and "tap" these coming soon kegs to add them to your list. It isn't as clean as the feature you're describing but it works for me as a workaround.
Here are a couple of pictures of my case on the tower. One of these days I'll get around to actually putting the finishing touches on it.

The only external cable is power, which is supplied by a standard phone charger through a USB A-A cable. When you slide the cover off you have access to the flow meter cables coming up the tower and their connections to the UNO. The meters have male jumper wires spliced to them which plug straight into the UNO.
A very clean solution, looks great!
I use the Keg status list for stuff like that.
To wit:


All the "Conditioning" kegs are full.

I run 6 taps in landscape mode on a 17" 4:3 display.
Not enough real estate for more kegs.

At some point when I get motivated to replace that old monitor my plans are to get a touch screen and see if I can use it to switch R'Pints pages 'n' stuff...

I use the Keg status list for stuff like that.
To wit:

View attachment 414719

All the "Conditioning" kegs are full.

I run 6 taps in landscape mode on a 17" 4:3 display.
Not enough real estate for more kegs.

At some point when I get motivated to replace that old monitor my plans are to get a touch screen and see if I can use it to switch R'Pints pages 'n' stuff...

I hadn't thought of that. Sounds perfect. Thanks for the idea, I will give it a go.
Well that unfortunate to hear about the lack of interest from the original members. Good to see this thread active and members of HBT helping each other.

The biggest feature that I would like to see is a way to keg a beer but not have it go on tap. Maybe have another tab for "kegged beers". I only have 4 taps but could have 4 or more full kegs waiting their turn. I do 10gal batches so when I keg I would fill 2 kegs and have them in my "kegged beers" area. And then I can select one to tap when a spot comes open. It would really help being able to keep an inventory and tabs on all your beers and kegs.

There is a GitHub page, but it seems that the project has mostly been abandoned, other than the help you can get here.

There were a lot of features I'd like to have, so I brewed my own.

I added in an on-deck status for filled kegs that are not tapped.


I`m trying to set up my rasperrypints now, and I`m on the stage on the mysql server where I should write in the root password, ++, when I press setup do I get this fault message:
Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1698): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' in /var/www/html/install/includes/configprocessor.php on line 52

Anyone seen this before?


I`m trying to set up my rasperrypints now, and I`m on the stage on the mysql server where I should write in the root password, ++, when I press setup do I get this fault message:
Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1698): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' in /var/www/html/install/includes/configprocessor.php on line 52

Anyone seen this before?

Did you use the same password for root that you entered in Step 4:

During the install there is a prompt request for a password. This password is for the MySQL root user, and you’ll need it later. WRITE IT DOWN — DON’T FORGET THIS PASSWORD!

I`m trying to set up my rasperrypints now, and I`m on the stage on the mysql server where I should write in the root password, ++, when I press setup do I get this fault message:
Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1698): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' in /var/www/html/install/includes/configprocessor.php on line 52

Anyone seen this before?

I have with Stretch on RPi3 and the lastest MySQL. The latest MySQL only allows root to log in usi:
sudo myql

For security reasons they disabled password login for root user.

I just created a user and modified RaspberryPints to use it instead of root.
I have with Stretch on RPi3 and the lastest MySQL. The latest MySQL only allows root to log in usi:
sudo myql

For security reasons they disabled password login for root user.

I just created a user and modified RaspberryPints to use it instead of root.

Or you can add a password to MySQL (MariaDB) like this:
sudo mysql -u root
update mysql.user set plugin = '' where user='root' and host='localhost';
set password = password('enter_your_password_here');
flush privileges;
Thanks for your replays.

I did set a password during installation, and I did write it down.. but I still get the same message..
I`ve tried to set a "root" password again, but without any luck.

Any other ideas?

How do you choose to use a different user? I`m quite new to Linux, so a guide would be nice if you have time.

Thanks in advance

Hey all. I thought I'd share a video of my setup now that everything is finally put where it's going to go. For hardware I'm using a pi 3 an arduberry arduino shield for the raspberry pints with swissflow sensors. Then the pi also plugs into an arduino uno running brewpi to control my keggerator temp and turn on the tower fan when the compressor is running.... overkill I know but I froze a keg with the standard dial number setting on my mini fridge and had the extra hardware so I was motivated to never freeze another keg lol. Then for the screen I'm using a fire 8 tablet running fully kiosk to detect motion and turn on and off the screen. Enjoy.
How do you choose to use a different user?

Here are the instruction I followed:

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo mysql
You will see something like this:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 71
Server version: 10.1.23-MariaDB-9+deb9u1 Raspbian 9.0

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]>

[Enter the following commands not including MariaDB [(noen)](Lines that start with MariaDB [(none)]> the other lines are the result)
Feel Free to change the userName(after USER) and password (after IDENTIFIED BY )]
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER RaspberryPints@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'RaspberryPints';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on *.* to RaspberryPints@'%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

Then open install/includes/configprocessor.php and replace all instances of "root" with "RaspberryPints" (or your chosen user name)

Also when install raspberryPints use the password RaspberryPints as the root password(unless you changed it from my command)
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I have skimmed through this thread a little bit and have seen a few pics of tap lists posted. I would like to get into a little more customization like some of you have. Where do I start? Will I need to hook up a mouse and keyboard to the raspberry pi? Or can I just use my laptop and access it through putty?
You can do everything remotely. I almost never use local consoles for anything other than display.
When I'm working on an RPi application I have a Putty session open to manage the system, a WinSCP session to pull files to a local editor on my peecee, and a Chrome window for testing...

You can do everything remotely. I almost never use local consoles for anything other than display.
When I'm working on an RPi application I have a Putty session open to manage the system, a WinSCP session to pull files to a local editor on my peecee, and a Chrome window for testing...

OK, I'm not familiar with WinSCP but I will download it.

One of the first things I would like to do is get rid of the "powered by raspberry pints" logo. And is there a way to add a logo to the header instead of the text?
There's all kinds of things folks have done by modding the index.php and/or style.css files.
I changed a bunch of font sizes, replaced the logo with a scrolling temperature display and an icon linked to my temperature logger application, and added a footer that ids the faucets (I have a 6-tap t-tower that my tap list display sits atop of)...


I have downloaded WinSCP and opened up the index.php. There is a lot of stuff going on in there. I am afraid to go and change things and screw something up. Is there a easy way to save the file before any changes are made and be able to resort back?
I have downloaded WinSCP and opened up the index.php. There is a lot of stuff going on in there. I am afraid to go and change things and screw something up. Is there a easy way to save the file before any changes are made and be able to resort back?

Ok I figured out how to save and resort back if needed. I was able to get rid of the raspberry pints logo.
So here is my display. I've been trying to figure out how to get the taplist to cover the whole screen. Is there a way to stretch it out?

Plug a USB keyboard into your RPi temporarily, hold down the CTRL key and then hit the '+' key as many time you need to until you have the screen filled.

Well that worked, sort of. One + was not enough, but 2 +'s was too many.
To start with, I have a Raspberry Pi Model B+ V1.2 running Wheezy. This Pi is also running BrewPi software.

In step 7 where you are supposed to log into the Pi from a browser on another device, it doesn't bring up the installation files the way the guide says it will, it just brings up my normal BrewPi page. I'm sure I'm supposed to stop it somehow, but I don't want to screw anything up in the process. So, how do I stop BrewPi, install RaspberryPints, and then run both simultaneously?
To start with, I have a Raspberry Pi Model B+ V1.2 running Wheezy. This Pi is also running BrewPi software.

In step 7 where you are supposed to log into the Pi from a browser on another device, it doesn't bring up the installation files the way the guide says it will, it just brings up my normal BrewPi page. I'm sure I'm supposed to stop it somehow, but I don't want to screw anything up in the process. So, how do I stop BrewPi, install RaspberryPints, and then run both simultaneously?

There is a built-in conflict between the default installations of BrewPi and RaspberryPints: they both use an index.php file as the target of a web access, so if you try to install both in the same root folder, the latter installation will over-write the former's index.php.

While I've always rooted my multiple BrewPi installations in a folder below /var/www (or /var/www/html), one can have them coexist in the same folder by renaming the first installed to something like rpints.php or brewpi.php, so that the latter installation doesn't wipe out the former. Then you can reference the desired page by adding /rpints.php or /brewpi.php (whichever you went with) to the end of the url...

[edit] The only conflicting files are the index.php, btw. BrewPi parks its style.css in a subordinate folder and the apps don't share any folder names or other file names at their roots...


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