[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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I was using a John Guess to 3/16 barb for the flow meter and I think that was restricting the flow too much.
I too started with the 3/16 barb and it was foamy, moved to the 1/4 barb and the foam went away. So its not just your setup
How do I convert to metric system?
To go metric you need to edit the index.php, tap_form.php, and pours.php files. Then you need to edit the maxAmount values in the kegStyles table in the raspberrypints database.

If you've added the Keg Volume Kalculator mod, you'll also need to update the formulas used to calculate estimated weight and actual volume.

Not for the faint of heart, but doable.


Hello again. I am trying to follow day_trippr instructions on using Jessie RPI 3B and arduino uno unit. Im stuck on Step 7 where it says "Edit /var/www/html/python/flow_monitor.py
Find these two lines:

# Edit this line to point to where your rpints install is
poursdir = '/var/www'

Change /var/www to /var/www/html"

Once I enter the Edit screen it wont allow me to change '/var/www' to '/var/www/html'?? in fact i cant seem to type anything.

please excuse my ignorance, I'm completely new to RPI
Hello again. I am trying to follow day_trippr instructions on using Jessie RPI 3B and arduino uno unit. Im stuck on Step 7 where it says "Edit /var/www/html/python/flow_monitor.py
Find these two lines:

# Edit this line to point to where your rpints install is
poursdir = '/var/www'

Change /var/www to /var/www/html"

Once I enter the Edit screen it wont allow me to change '/var/www' to '/var/www/html'?? in fact i cant seem to type anything.

please excuse my ignorance, I'm completely new to RPI
Try entering this command in a terminal:
sudo nano /var/www/html/python/flow_monitor.py
That'll give you admin privileges


fwiw, I rarely use a local console, so my edit instructions assume a WinSCP connection to 'root' which allows me to use a local text editor to manipulate remote files without any Raspbian bitchin' :)

So, assume any edits are using root privileges...

If you determine the flowmon service and flow_monitor listener are running, check out my post here for some notes about installing on Jessie and dealing with the Apache2 DocumentRoot being at /var/www/html.

In short you'll at least have to edit flow_monitor.py to change the poursdir setting (by default = '/var/www' and in your case needs to be changed to ='/var/www/html').

Sorry for the delayed response, flu season hit us pretty hard. I am happy to say that I got everything up and running. Thanks for all your help
Hi all
Excellent thread, I had tried setting up this on from the Raspberrypints website but everything was failing until I found this, needed an older version of noobs and a couple of other things I found here, thanks. I have run into one problem, apologies if anyone has already posted. When I try and run step 6 it fails on the 3rd step pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo ./setup. I don't have the board yet, it arrives Tuesday but was trying to get my pi all setup in advance. This is the board I have on order if anyone has any suggestions.
Seeedstudio-Alamode - Arduino Compatible Raspberry Pi Plate
Also if anyone successfully changed their system to Metric I would love to follow your steps rather than attempting to edit everything myself. Thanks in advance!
Hi all
Excellent thread, I had tried setting up this on from the Raspberrypints website but everything was failing until I found this, needed an older version of noobs and a couple of other things I found here, thanks. I have run into one problem, apologies if anyone has already posted. When I try and run step 6 it fails on the 3rd step pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo ./setup. I don't have the board yet, it arrives Tuesday but was trying to get my pi all setup in advance. This is the board I have on order if anyone has any suggestions.
Seeedstudio-Alamode - Arduino Compatible Raspberry Pi Plate
Also if anyone successfully changed their system to Metric I would love to follow your steps rather than attempting to edit everything myself. Thanks in advance!
Welcome! If you follow the link in the second post in this thread, it'll take you to @day_trippr 's update instruction for Jessie NOOBS, from memory you need to run a script to make the ./jessie_setup script executable first.

I am running metric, and plan on doing a quick write up on it later in the week for someone else who requested the same, so watch this space ;)
Thanks for the answer, I had found this and followed the step variations for 5 and 7 but the Alamode installation changes are referring to a RPi 3, I am running mine on an old RPI B which I had laying around and seems to be running all the software of with the exception of I am having trouble installing Alamode. When I try and execute the 3rd command, sudo ./setup I receive the error, sudo: unable to execute ./setup: No such file or directory
Thanks for the answer, I had found this and followed the step variations for 5 and 7 but the Alamode installation changes are referring to a RPi 3, I am running mine on an old RPI B which I had laying around and seems to be running all the software of with the exception of I am having trouble installing Alamode. When I try and execute the 3rd command, sudo ./setup I receive the error, sudo: unable to execute ./setup: No such file or directory
You'll still need to follow those dos2unix steps. It is more related to Jessie than the version of the pi that you're using.
When I try and execute the 3rd command, sudo ./setup I receive the error, sudo: unable to execute ./setup: No such file or directory

Tried the same steps on my test Jessie system and got the same error, until I remember that the file is in dos format not unix so bash doesn't read it.

Run the following first
sudo apt-get install dos2unix
dos2unix ./*

then sudo ./setup

if you get more errors it might be because you need to run the jessie-setup

For reference if you have stretch, wyolum uploaded it to GitHub but didn't put it in the archive so you have to get it separately:
wget https://github.com/wyolum/alamode/raw/master/alamode-setup/stretch-setup
dos2unix ./*
sudo ./stretch-setup
fyi, the original raspberry pints instructions were written in the Wheezy time frame and were not aware of changes due to the Jessie package release. I tried to capture the required changes in my post linked from the second in the thread.

But the particular issue with the Wyolum Alamode file set is the need to run dos2unix on it for the jessie-setup script to work (the "regular" setup script that would be applicable to Wheezy is already unix-y).

What's pitiful is the Wyolum folks to this day have never fixed their file set even though a number of us have prompted them...

Haven't had the time to continue modifying the mysql (mariaDB) items to work in the latest php, but I did make changes to my Raspberry Pints to use the new glasses (same glasses used in the SRM mod) in the ABV column of the display.

Simple mod to make the ABV glasses the same as the new SRM glasses.

1. In the /var/www/html/img folder make a backup copy of the existing abv folder (including the folder contents).

2. Copy the zip file attached to this post, ABV.zip and uncompress it somewhere to get the contents.

3. ABV.zip contains 3 files. full.png, offthechart.png and stroke.png

4. Copy the 3 files, full.png, offthechart.png and stroke.png, into the /var/www/html/img/abv folder replacing the existing files.

5. Reboot the Raspberry Pi.

6. Should see the new glasses in the ABV column.

Hopefully, someone with better artistic/graphic talents, is able to make a better offthechart.png graphic as I simply rotated the full.png.


  • ABV.zip
    22.4 KB · Views: 22
Hey, my Alamode board turned up today and reading through the instructions there is a warning regarding supply of over 5v and a recommendation to install a voltage regulator NCP1117ST50T to the board to limit to 5v to avoid burning out the board. Has anyone done this mod? Recommended or not necessary? I live in Calgary Canada and can only seem to find one to ship out of China with associated delivery delays. My swiss flow meters are also due in today and not sure I have the patience.
Whoa! There's no logical reason to use a power supply greater than 5V for either the RPi or the Alamode.

The Alamode has a dedicated micro-USB-B receptacle if you want to provide independent power vs having it steal 5V power from the Raspberry Pi. There is a tiny header on the Alamode board right next to the uSD card socket where you can choose between those methods.

fwiw, I have an Alamode sitting upon an RPi Zero-W and using its 5V. It's just one of my test systems - not mission-critical at all - I don't know that I'd recommend it, particularly in a configuration with a lot of 5V devices hosted by either board. But it does work in a minimal configuration. Otoh the system that runs everything in my brewery and its backup clone both provide independent 5V to their Alamode boards via the USB receptacle...

Oh ok, I was planning on supplying power to the Alamode board and powering the pi from there as it was suggested on the raspberrypints site due to load from the flowmeters, I guess its just as easy to power both with their own supply.
iirc you can do that as well - check the instructions wrt that tiny 3 pin header on the Alamode. But no matter how you do it you're stuck using a 5V power supply. That's a difference between the Alamode and an Uno - there's no 3 pin LDO and barrel receptacle to accept a 7-12V supply to provide 5V to the board.

Don't worry about the flow meters, they provide a trivial load, equivalent to an LED, so figure 3-5 mA or so per each...

fwiw, you can get all the history you want on the original R'Pints using phpmyadmin (though you do need to modify the sql to set the date - by default that field is Nulled for each pour). Plus you can do all kinds of filtering which can be handy for debugging issues...

What is required to get the date fields populated?
Log into phpmyadmin with the user and password used to create the raspberrypints database (typically, 'root' and 'whatever you used').
The next screen should show "raspberrypints" in the list box at the top of the left pane (if not, use that list box to select it).

Click on 'pours' in the left pane...


...which will bring up the first page of the pours table. Note the 'createdDate' field shown here is all NULL - it took a while before I realized the structure left it NULL so none of the first few months worth of my pour records had the date set. NBD.

So next click on Structure...


...which will show the settings for the fields that make up a pour record. Note here that the 'createdDate' field default is set to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - that shows I eventually realized what was going on and changed it from NULL. Assume your corresponding entry still says NULL :)

So in the row that has the 'createdDate' field click on Change...


...then use the list box highlighted below to select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, then click SAVE (bottom right).


Once this has been changed the database will use the system time and timezone info to fill in the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP field, which enables all kinds of fun geek stuff :D

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Damn I feel like such a noob but I have another question. Soldered up the alamode and fired it up tonight. All good until I try and select the serial port and the menu is greyed out. Did some googling bit can’t work it out, anyone experienced anything similar?
Damn I feel like such a noob but I have another question. Soldered up the alamode and fired it up tonight. All good until I try and select the serial port and the menu is greyed out. Did some googling bit can’t work it out, anyone experienced anything similar?
Did you do the UART thingy in @day_trippr 's how-to?
Yes I did, double checked too. I think something else might be trying to access the serial port rendering it unavailable.
Any terminal session. Focus shouldn't matter as you're not looking at the file level.
The expected response to the command is

pi@cpints:~ $ ls -l /dev | grep serial
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root           7 Dec 28 17:17 serial0 -> ttyAMA0
pi@cpints:~ $

That is due to the Alamode support package dropping an "80-alamode.rules" file in /etc/udev/rules.d and that file tries to symlink ttyAMA0 as ttyS0...

It just returned to cmd prompt, after some googling I tried running Arduino as root and then this was no longer greyed out. I re-ran the above command and all good.

Do I always need to run as root or is there some permission I need to change somewhere?
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Clearly I have something wrong somewhere as when I run the Arduino IDE as root I can select the serial ok, when I don't run as root its greyed out. If I select the serial when in root it is displayed in the bottom as Alamode on /dev/ttySO but if I close and reopen as not root it is still not selected. Perhaps it's an issue with non exclusive access to the serial port, ie some other program scanning it preventing it from being selected except with higher privileges?
Clearly I have something wrong somewhere as when I run the Arduino IDE as root I can select the serial ok, when I don't run as root its greyed out. If I select the serial when in root it is displayed in the bottom as Alamode on /dev/ttySO but if I close and reopen as not root it is still not selected. Perhaps it's an issue with non exclusive access to the serial port, ie some other program scanning it preventing it from being selected except with higher privileges?

Permissions correctly set during installation/setup? I haven't done the flow meters, but I know from using Linux and doing the regular RPints, things fail without the correct permissions (if things are locked down).

Maybe go back thru the installation/setup and check the permissions.
Clearly I have something wrong somewhere as when I run the Arduino IDE as root I can select the serial ok, when I don't run as root its greyed out. If I select the serial when in root it is displayed in the bottom as Alamode on /dev/ttySO but if I close and reopen as not root it is still not selected. Perhaps it's an issue with non exclusive access to the serial port, ie some other program scanning it preventing it from being selected except with higher privileges?
Try running this command to fix your permissions:

sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www


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