Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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Well damn. Not my fault you moved to the edge of the earth. Can't solve all your problems.

Man, I just checked out Igloolik on Google Earth... Can I buy you a tree? I don't think I've ever seen a more desolate looking place.

out of curiosity, what is the major industry there?

Come on down to Florida, you'll still be underpaid but it costs 1/3 what you're paying now to live and we have trees and stuff.
When you come into the office with a new pair of shoes, or a nice jacket, and one of the higher ups says...
"We must be paying you too much! yuk yuk yuk"

no a-hole. I'm actually pretty close to the poverty level. Its just that my parents were nice enough to get me a rain jacket last Christmas.
I swear, I think my boss wakes up, stretches, yawns, and thinks to himself "I wonder what's going on today" smacks lips, and doesn't bother to look at his calendar.

What my boss see's when he comes in my office:


What he says:

"Hey, need a project to work on?"
Brother, I like you, quite a lot, but that's two weeks salary and I'm check to check. Have you tried a dogsled?

A sled is a week's travel between Igloolik and Pond Inlet, so I imagine it might be about 12 days to Iqaluit. I have no training to living off the land, so I'd die before I got there.

Oh, the irony.

I actually drink very little soda because of the prices. That was just to tell you guys how hard it is to afford things up here. I buy empties off my brother's friends, who guzzle that stuff like our truck does gas.

My last grocery bill came up to $900.

Man, I just checked out Igloolik on Google Earth... Can I buy you a tree? I don't think I've ever seen a more desolate looking place.

out of curiosity, what is the major industry there?

Due to permafrost, there is nowhere to PUT the tree. But science says the treeline is moving north every year, so in about 40 years Rankin Inlet might have trees. I'm way further north than that.

I don't think there is an industry. People just live here.

But...back to the thread topic:

My co-workers are fighting for time off, and I'm the one that has to approve it. What sucks is my friend is throwing the biggest fit, and he's lower on the seniority totem pole. I think he thought I'd approve his time off instead of the woman who's been here since day 1.
When you come into the office with a new pair of shoes, or a nice jacket, and one of the higher ups says...
"We must be paying you too much! yuk yuk yuk"

no a-hole. I'm actually pretty close to the poverty level. Its just that my parents were nice enough to get me a rain jacket last Christmas.

I wish I could like this a few more times. Just bought a new car after driving an F150 into the ground my entire life. "Why did you get that car?" Because I can't afford the ****ing Tesla, Lexus or BMW's you guys have. You know what you pay me.
World's 4th largest exporter of snow!

When does the "Free Venari" Gofundme start?

We have to find a way to make it beer related. How about we fund a cross country trip where he gets to brew with various members until he finds a gig someplace?

As for co-workers making me crazy, I'm the guy who gets their demands for renovated space, new furniture, etc.

You would think that a college educated professional with multiple advanced degrees, widely published and respected in their field, would not be so petty as to measure their stature by how many square feet their office measured.

An actual conversation that I have had with three different department heads at different times...
"How do I get the rooms in my suite renumbered?"
"We don't do that, it causes too much confusion"
"Well, I'm the Director, and Mary has a lower office number than mine, I need to have the lowest office number because I'm her boss!"
"I'll present your concerns to the Cabinet and let you know what they decide"
"Oh, never mind..."
One person's nickname is worthless.
The other's is cat lady.

Now they get jobs elsewhere and all of a sudden everyone goes to lunch to have a nice friendly celebration and congratulate them.

WTF?!?! No one like them in the first damn place. Sigh.
One person's nickname is worthless.
The other's is cat lady.

Now they get jobs elsewhere and all of a sudden everyone goes to lunch to have a nice friendly celebration and congratulate them.

WTF?!?! No one like them in the first damn place. Sigh.

1. They're covering their bases just in case they need to get in touch with these people for a better job.

2. It's a Wheels Up party to celebrate that they are getting rid of these idiots finally.

3. It's an excuse to go out for a three hour lunch. They'd eat lunch with Pol Pot for that opportunity.
Things about my co-workers that annoy me: When they go on the internet and complain about other co-workers. :goat:
I need to stop answering my phone within half an hour of quitting time on Fridays. No good can come of it.

Never... Ever... Unless it's my boss's boss.

I frequently deal with folks who will sit on a project for months, then contact me and expect me to leap through my ass and get them a design in two hours.

Or, they don't put the first thought into the ramifications of their idiot idea. Had one of those this week. Princess has the great idea to hang a 40' x 20' banner in the Administration building atrium. I asked her who authorized it since I knew that our Chairman hates anything cluttering up the atrium.

"Bill authorized it" I sent Bill an email letting him know there was a bullet with his name on it and got a prompt reply from my little snowflake saying she was going to wait to implement this project.
A sled is a week's travel between Igloolik and Pond Inlet, so I imagine it might be about 12 days to Iqaluit. I have no training to living off the land, so I'd die before I got there.

I actually drink very little soda because of the prices. That was just to tell you guys how hard it is to afford things up here. I buy empties off my brother's friends, who guzzle that stuff like our truck does gas.

My last grocery bill came up to $900.

Due to permafrost, there is nowhere to PUT the tree. But science says the treeline is moving north every year, so in about 40 years Rankin Inlet might have trees. I'm way further north than that.

I don't think there is an industry. People just live here.

But...back to the thread topic:

My co-workers are fighting for time off, and I'm the one that has to approve it. What sucks is my friend is throwing the biggest fit, and he's lower on the seniority totem pole. I think he thought I'd approve his time off instead of the woman who's been here since day 1.

if we had 2 grand wasting, I'd get you out of there.
After 18 months, I'm still trying to adjust from having the best boss ever to not quite the worst boss ever.

I knew it would be a rough transition. He had no experience in my program when he was promoted over me and it's a 3 year learning curve.

There is no telling what minor detail he will get fixated on. That wouldn't necessarily be a problem, except he's usually wrong about what he gets fixated on and we have to fix his changes.

Today it's an email about a delay on a project. He sends everyone out a "We are still waiting on XYZ." I have to send him an email saying, "We have had XYZ for 3 weeks. All the delays since then have been with the other division. I brought this up in staff meeting two weeks ago."

In a group meeting with his boss a couple months ago, because the problems have been noticed up the chain as well, one of my coworkers said, "Maybe we need to coordinate our work more with him." I replied, "I don't need him to hold my hand while I do my job. What I need is for him to do his job and for him to trust me to do mine. We have all been doing our jobs for more than 7 years. We didn't all become idiots the day he became the boss."
The purpose of a ring tone is to notify the owner of the phone of an incoming call or message. If the phone is never more than 3ft away from the owner’s ear, why does the ringtone need to be loud enough to distort the speaker and reach the ears of every soul within a 100ft radius?

We have an open concept office. It’s rare for there to be a full 5 consecutive minutes without some cheesy-ass ringtone blaring from some far corner of the office. I just cannot understand how people don’t see this as inconsiderate and annoying—especially since it is not only preventable, but 100% replaceable by a non-intrusive alternative notification called “vibrate”.
The purpose of a ring tone is to notify the owner of the phone of an incoming call or message. If the phone is never more than 3ft away from the owner’s ear, why does the ringtone need to be loud enough to distort the speaker and reach the ears of every soul within a 100ft radius?

We have an open concept office. It’s rare for there to be a full 5 consecutive minutes without some cheesy-ass ringtone blaring from some far corner of the office. I just cannot understand how people don’t see this as inconsiderate and annoying—especially since it is not only preventable, but 100% replaceable by a non-intrusive alternative notification called “vibrate”.

My ringtone is the opening chords and Joe Strummers maniacal laughter from Radio Clash by the clash.

I'm annoying as hell.
I switch mine between a US Navy GQ alarm (annoying) and an SQS-26 sonar (the most annoying sound in the world & NOTHING like the bullsnit sounds you hear in movies)

I've provided a link. TURN DOWN THE SOUND. you've been warned hammering away2.wav

that sonar link.. i'm glad you warned us to turn down our speakers. i turned mine down to 1, and i think the windows still cracked. if some1 in my office had that 1, his bottom lip would be in the stapler pretty quick :smack: going to put it on mine now :D
My hearing isn't the best due to my gaming headset. I keep it higher than advised because I need to hear where the enemy gunmen are.

But I took his warning under advisement and removed the headset and put it onto my lap before clicking that link.

It was still fairly loud.
The purpose of a ring tone is to notify the owner of the phone of an incoming call or message. If the phone is never more than 3ft away from the owner’s ear, why does the ringtone need to be loud enough to distort the speaker and reach the ears of every soul within a 100ft radius?

We have an open concept office. It’s rare for there to be a full 5 consecutive minutes without some cheesy-ass ringtone blaring from some far corner of the office. I just cannot understand how people don’t see this as inconsiderate and annoying—especially since it is not only preventable, but 100% replaceable by a non-intrusive alternative notification called “vibrate”.

20 years working around construction. My phone is always turned all the way up.
The purpose of a ring tone is to notify the owner of the phone of an incoming call or message...

... I just cannot understand how people don’t see this as inconsiderate and annoying—especially since it is not only preventable, but 100% replaceable by a non-intrusive alternative notification called “vibrate”.

The idiots who think it's cute to have their phone whistle at them every time they get an email or text message make me all stabby.

Aaaaand since we've cracked open that door, let's talk about Siri. For how many months did I have to listen to the jackass down the hall saying sh/t like "Siri, what is the temperature in Mumbai?" And giggle hysterically because he told the phone his name was "Big Daddy" so that's how the stupid thing would respond to him.
The purpose of a ring tone is to notify the owner of the phone of an incoming call or message. If the phone is never more than 3ft away from the owner’s ear, why does the ringtone need to be loud enough to distort the speaker and reach the ears of every soul within a 100ft radius?

We have an open concept office. It’s rare for there to be a full 5 consecutive minutes without some cheesy-ass ringtone blaring from some far corner of the office. I just cannot understand how people don’t see this as inconsiderate and annoying—especially since it is not only preventable, but 100% replaceable by a non-intrusive alternative notification called “vibrate”.

I hear you! Picture being in a large printing factory with bullhorn type speakers every several feet in the rafters and the receptionist at the desk in the front lobby has a whiny, nasally voice. Every few minutes.......*CRKKKKKK! Mr. AssHat, call extension 348. Mr. AssHat, extension 348 please!* (not that we actually have a Mr. AssHat, at the shop...Oh wait, actually we do, we just don't say that to his face. :D ) *CRRKKKK! Seymour Butts call extension 215.......* Worse still is when someone in the front office tries to set their office phone to forward calls after they leave the office and totally @#$% it up so that when someone tries to reach their extension all they get is a busy signal. The rest of the shop is treated to an ear piercing BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! over the bullhorns in the rafters until someone figures out which *******'s office phone is the culprit.
World's 4th largest exporter of snow!

When does the "Free Venari" Gofundme start?

Right now!

Instead of making it beer related as @Rhumbline suggested, I've made it a simple "help me get home" campaign.

I thought I could get the funds with the sale of the keezer, but I may have to abandon the thing here if I can get enough donations through the GoFundMe, since no locals want to buy it.

Bring Me Home!
Aaaaand since we've cracked open that door, let's talk about Siri. For how many months did I have to listen to the jackass down the hall saying sh/t like "Siri, what is the temperature in Mumbai?" And giggle hysterically because he told the phone his name was "Big Daddy" so that's how the stupid thing would respond to him.

Just wait for them to leave their phone and have siri start calling them dumb s***t. Fixed that issue around our place real quick.
Just wait for them to leave their phone and have siri start calling them dumb s***t. Fixed that issue around our place real quick.

Brother, if I only knew how to program the thing it would be calling him "Pencil Dick" "micro spike" or "Assmaster" for eternity.

Every email or incoming phone call would be announced by a sound bite from the "In living color" "Men on ..." How about every two minutes your phone instructs you to "flip it, smack, and rub it down"?

Your ringtones? How about something from Pulp Fiction? "Does he look like a *****?"

Sometimes I regret my technical backwardness.
I hear you! Picture being in a large printing factory with bullhorn type speakers every several feet in the rafters and the receptionist at the desk in the front lobby has a whiny, nasally voice. Every few minutes.......*CRKKKKKK! Mr. AssHat, call extension 348. Mr. AssHat, extension 348 please!* (not that we actually have a Mr. AssHat, at the shop...Oh wait, actually we do, we just don't say that to his face. :D ) *CRRKKKK! Seymour Butts call extension 215.......* Worse still is when someone in the front office tries to set their office phone to forward calls after they leave the office and totally @#$% it up so that when someone tries to reach their extension all they get is a busy signal. The rest of the shop is treated to an ear piercing BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! over the bullhorns in the rafters until someone figures out which *******'s office phone is the culprit.

Trying to sleep on a drilling rig can be interesting, where there always seemed to be a loudspeaker just outside my cabin, not to mention random ringing of fire alarms, anchor chains being dragged across the deck, and the occasions when someone decides to remodel the adjacent bulkhead with a sledgehammer.
Brother, if I only knew how to program the thing it would be calling him "Pencil Dick" "micro spike" or "Assmaster" for eternity.

Every email or incoming phone call would be announced by a sound bite from the "In living color" "Men on ..." How about every two minutes your phone instructs you to "flip it, smack, and rub it down"?

Your ringtones? How about something from Pulp Fiction? "Does he look like a *****?"

Sometimes I regret my technical backwardness.

Bottom of phone, round button with square icon. Press and hold till Siri starts up on the screen. Tell her "call me (insert choice name here)". She will respond with ok I'll call you XXXX is that correct? Say yes and you are finished.

Those sound bite would be radically awesome :rockin: