Things about your co-workers that annoy you

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Not unemployment. He got a job with another nonprofit, but it's a work-from-home job. I think he's realizing that working from home all day has its drawbacks when you have 3 kids.

well, then. I guess my joke lacks the critical element of humor. bummer ;)

boss and I both work from our respective homes, but he has 3 kids + his wife works from home & I have no kids, wife doesn't work from home, so it's just me and my hound.

and he's usually in the back yard doing his job chasing rabbits.
code monkey ?

An affectionate term for a specific kind of underpaid, overworked (often by volition), increasingly underappreciated indentured servant, otherwise known as a Software Programmer.*

Derrived from the Latin-Greek "Codex" and the Obsolete-Japanese "Donkey Kong San"

"Socrates says we're all just expendable code monkeys, sitting here in the late Tokugawa period. 😉
This motivational speech has helped me many times when dealing with the common-sense impaired higher-ups at my place of employment... :smack:

Remember, whatever the nitwits do, at quitting time, "It Just Doesn't' Matter"...

RDWHAHB :tank:
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I don't know why we have training. Why we toil over logic diagrams. Insist on O&Ms and write SOPs. We don't follow any of them. Stop wasting time and paper.

And the paper. It's 20 friggen 16 and these troglodytes insist on scratching marks on paper.
You know what even though I work alone now, after reading all these posts I guess I'll rant and rave about my old job. It was working for the Army as contract mechanics with Sikorsky up in Ft. Belvoir in DC. I literally don't know where to start with this list. lol I guess lets talk about my boss: BIG Puerto Rican guy who was the test pilot. Someone thought it would be a fine idea to put a Pilot in charge of mechanics. At some point he got the name Coco (as in the gorilla) because he had the stature of a standing gorilla, and honestly, it was terribly hard to understand him while talking face to face, and IMPOSSIBLE while on the phone. Due to the mission we were supporting, we were stuck on 4 10 hour shifts, and most days we sat in the break room and counted ceiling tiles for 9 out of 10 hours. It was enough to drive you mad. Coco would just kind of drop by from time to time and micromanage. He would just walk in the office, check out the hangar floor and send us all out with brooms. He loved doing that as "punishment" for us. Times like that he would say that we use the hangar (the helicopters weren't ours, they were the armys and we worked on them) and that we should keep it clean. Great. Fine. That works, but then when we want to do something to make our life easier, i.e. park the helis differently, or move things around then suddenly it's the Army's hangar and we can't do that. So which is it? If it's the Armys hangar then they can keep it looking good. They used it as well for their blackhawks and made a mess. BTW the army guys sat around just as much as us. They were just down the hallway. Lets not think that they were on the range or on maneuvers or anything. They're on autotrader and youtube just like us. I know it sounds petty on here im sure, but in the moment, when you're being micromanaged and held to double standards it's quite frustrating.
Now lets move on to the biggest PITA: A man we called "The Worlds Ugliest Man." He sure was. We had an EH&S guy named Steve. Great guy. He was about to leave for a new job and his EH&S Duty was gonna open up. I put my vote in for taking over his duty. I wanted it to fluff up the old resume you know? ;) On to TWUMan. His name is Manny. Also Puerto Rican guy. Now Manny used to work at our site a while ago, and him and one or two other guys who are no longer around are friends with Coco. They abused that fact to no end. They would never work and Coco would do squat. Eventually they all left, or in Manny's case went to another base of operations in the company. I believe it was Corpus Christi. That base was going to close so he had no choice but to volunteer for a station on Kwajalein Island in the pacific if he wanted to stay with our company. Our company at great expense moved him out there, and after a week the guy QUIT. (One of our guys actually left his family for 3 months to help cover for that guy leaving.) Heres the kicker: Coco took it upon himself to re-hire this guy at our base. He didn't tell his boss, he didn't tell our supervisor. The guy just showed up one day. A month later is when Steve was leaving us. As I said I applied. Coco decided to put his friend Manny in the position. EH&S was an additional duty on top of you being a mechanic. That's how it was for Steve, that's how it is for all of our other additional duties. Can you see where I'm going with this? ;) Environmental Health and Safety became Manny's main job. He milked it for 39 out of 40 hours a week. Literally shuffled papers all day long. Needless to say I wasn't happy. It was a slap in the face, so Coco and I had words. I was vocal at my displeasure and everyone thought it was complete stupidity on our boss's part. The boss went so far as to lie to my face about how Manny had great experience and how STEVE was doing a bad job. He wasn't. He got an A on his EH&S eval. The man in charge of EH&S for the company even hated Manny and had no idea why he was given the job. I might add that the HR guy from Corpus Christi stuck a note in Manny's file (which was sent straight to our HR guy) that said: "Haha got you back." We sent him Manny the first time and now he's back lol. What does that tell you about the man? To wrap it up: We all hated him, and tortured him until the very end. The program shut down, we all moved on, and I think he's still unemployed.

I profoundly apologize for the length and seeming incoherence of this post. It just all came streaming back lol.
Agreed; all of the higher-ups in the office are aware of his current state. What triggered me is a comment he made in the parking lot as we were leaving last night. Odds are 97% that it was a "harmless" comment - we joke about things quite a bit that probably shouldn't be joked about. But given all that has gone on lately...

I did have a text message exchange with my boss last night discussing the possibility of it being a valid concern - he agreed that the individual is not completely stable right now, but not likely to act out in the office. Going to keep tabs on things for a few days and see how they progress.

(In all honesty, this change might do him good - in his office, he could sit and stew about things, and privately b*tch to people. Out in the middle of the bullpen, he can't dwell on it as much)

Seriously watch out. I've had two trainings on workplace violence, one recently, and there are some serious red flags in what you posted.

That's not to say he's going to do anything. Because for every 500 people showing these red flags, 499 don't shoot up their workplace. But these are red flags. Particularly the "harmless comment."

Honestly, my advice (if you have any semblance of a relationship with the guy) is to take him out to lunch. Let him know he's respected, and you know he's going through a tough time, and that you care. A lot of the situations that go violent are people who think they're being disrespected in the workplace. Putting him in the bullpen might not have helped. But letting him know that people care might go a long way.

And don't talk to management. Talk to HR. This sounds like a bad situation waiting to happen...
I had to post this.

I got this email in regards to an internship my company was offering. We interviewed 7 people from a local university for 1 Summer internship.

The result has been constant pestering. They've called multiple times. They've emailed daily. They've contacted other people in my group to get my direct phone number. One of the candidates had their professor write an email demanding feedback. I've even had friend requests on Facebook.

The email below was the coup de grace. Apparently my 30+ years of experience don't count for anything in this student's eyes. This kid is currently in college and has zero work experience. The names have been blanked out to protect the guilty.

What the hell is wrong with these kids?


From: **** ***** [mailto:*******]
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 8:50 PM
To: ******, ***** [******]
Subject: Re: Query


I met my other peers who gave the interview today.
One of them got the offer.

I am surprised as you seem to have made a hasty decision.
The person whom youll gave the offer does not have the required skill set in c# and .net.
Also due to unethical activities this semester.
I don't mind that you do not select me as I am anyways interested in full time and the following candidates are much better compared to me.
But I felt bad for ***** , ***** , ***** and *****.
***** has work exp in desired skill set she is very good.
***** has work exp in desired skill set and nice work ethics.
***** has projects in desired skill set and he is very good in coding too.
***** has good nature and willingness to learn.

I was expecting *****,***** or ***** to get an opportunity. If youll have another opening do consider them.

Nevertheless it was nice interacting with you.

May be the person whom youll selected is the best candidate as per your decision and hopefully works out well.

I had to post this.

I got this email in regards to an internship my company was offering. We interviewed 7 people from a local university for 1 Summer internship.

The result has been constant pestering. They've called multiple times. They've emailed daily. They've contacted other people in my group to get my direct phone number. One of the candidates had their professor write an email demanding feedback. I've even had friend requests on Facebook.

The email below was the coup de grace. Apparently my 30+ years of experience don't count for anything in this student's eyes. This kid is currently in college and has zero work experience. The names have been blanked out to protect the guilty.

What the hell is wrong with these kids?


From: **** ***** [mailto:*******]
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 8:50 PM
To: ******, ***** [******]
Subject: Re: Query


I met my other peers who gave the interview today.
One of them got the offer.

I am surprised as you seem to have made a hasty decision.
The person whom youll gave the offer does not have the required skill set in c# and .net.
Also due to unethical activities this semester.
I don't mind that you do not select me as I am anyways interested in full time and the following candidates are much better compared to me.
But I felt bad for ***** , ***** , ***** and *****.
***** has work exp in desired skill set she is very good.
***** has work exp in desired skill set and nice work ethics.
***** has projects in desired skill set and he is very good in coding too.
***** has good nature and willingness to learn.

I was expecting *****,***** or ***** to get an opportunity. If youll have another opening do consider them.

Nevertheless it was nice interacting with you.

May be the person whom youll selected is the best candidate as per your decision and hopefully works out well.

This kid apparently skipped his English classes. Sheesh I had to re-read a few parts just for it to make sense. These are college level students? Just proves what a waste of money college is. They can't even form coherent sentences.
I had to post this.

I got this email in regards to an internship my company was offering. We interviewed 7 people from a local university for 1 Summer internship.

The result has been constant pestering. They've called multiple times. They've emailed daily. They've contacted other people in my group to get my direct phone number. One of the candidates had their professor write an email demanding feedback. I've even had friend requests on Facebook.

The email below was the coup de grace. Apparently my 30+ years of experience don't count for anything in this student's eyes. This kid is currently in college and has zero work experience. The names have been blanked out to protect the guilty.

What the hell is wrong with these kids?


From: **** ***** [mailto:*******]

Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 8:50 PM

To: ******, ***** [******]

Subject: Re: Query


I met my other peers who gave the interview today.

One of them got the offer.

I am surprised as you seem to have made a hasty decision.

The person whom youll gave the offer does not have the required skill set in c# and .net.

Also due to unethical activities this semester.

I don't mind that you do not select me as I am anyways interested in full time and the following candidates are much better compared to me.

But I felt bad for ***** , ***** , ***** and *****.

***** has work exp in desired skill set she is very good.

***** has work exp in desired skill set and nice work ethics.

***** has projects in desired skill set and he is very good in coding too.

***** has good nature and willingness to learn.

I was expecting *****,***** or ***** to get an opportunity. If youll have another opening do consider them.

Nevertheless it was nice interacting with you.

May be the person whom youll selected is the best candidate as per your decision and hopefully works out well.



I would endorse her for "mastery of oxygen thievery" on LinkedIn.
Complete sentences? We don't need no stinkin' complete sentences!


What the hell is wrong with these kids?


From: **** ***** [mailto:*******]
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 8:50 PM
To: ******, ***** [******]
Subject: Re: Query


I met my other peers who gave the interview today.
One of them got the offer.

I am surprised as you seem to have made a hasty decision.
The person whom youll gave the offer does not have the required skill set in c# and .net.
Also due to unethical activities this semester.
I don't mind that you do not select me as I am anyways interested in full time and the following candidates are much better compared to me.
But I felt bad for ***** , ***** , ***** and *****.
***** has work exp in desired skill set she is very good.
***** has work exp in desired skill set and nice work ethics.
***** has projects in desired skill set and he is very good in coding too.
***** has good nature and willingness to learn.

I was expecting *****,***** or ***** to get an opportunity. If youll have another opening do consider them.

Nevertheless it was nice interacting with you.

May be the person whom youll selected is the best candidate as per your decision and hopefully works out well.

Just reached a point where the performance review people request has the last boss's comments on it. The boss who didn't make it a year. Wonder if I can send a caveate follow up of...'fyi - i am still here after a decade, he didn't make it a year.' ?
This kid apparently skipped his English classes. Sheesh I had to re-read a few parts just for it to make sense. These are college level students? Just proves what a waste of money college is. They can't even form coherent sentences.

To be fair, it sounds like a computer science job (coding). There's a good chance English isn't this person's first language. Science and engineering disciplines attract a LOT of foreign students. In the industry, it's the same. If I took a WAG at it, I'd guess as high as 20-30% of the engineering & software workforce at my job is foreign-born.

While I'm as critical of poor language skills as anyone, I don't hold folks who grew up outside the US to the same standards as natives.
To be fair, it sounds like a computer science job (coding). There's a good chance English isn't this person's first language. Science and engineering disciplines attract a LOT of foreign students. In the industry, it's the same. If I took a WAG at it, I'd guess as high as 20-30% of the engineering & software workforce at my job is foreign-born.

While I'm as critical of poor language skills as anyone, I don't hold folks who grew up outside the US to the same standards as natives.
Not to mention those skilled in the engineering world tend to be somewhat lacking on the language side of things to begin with.

Both of my bosses, who are licensed civil engineers, can't spell to save their own lives. Probably should have been my first clue that I wasn't going to make it in engineering school when I got an A in honors english my freshman year.
code monkey ?

An affectionate term for a specific kind of underpaid, overworked (often by volition), increasingly underappreciated indentured servant, otherwise known as a Software Programmer.*

Derrived from the Latin-Greek "Codex" and the Obsolete-Japanese "Donkey Kong San"

"Socrates says we're all just expendable code monkeys, sitting here in the late Tokugawa period. 😉

We have monkeys in the printing industry too. Press mixing monkeys...bundle monkeys...warehouse monkeys...forklift monkeys...sewer block monkeys...binder monkeys...cover monkeys...and come to think of it, the entire company is even run by monkeys...Suit monkeys in that case. :D
We have monkeys in the printing industry too. Press mixing monkeys...bundle monkeys...warehouse monkeys...forklift monkeys...sewer block monkeys...binder monkeys...cover monkeys...and come to think of it, the entire company is even run by monkeys...Suit monkeys in that case. :D

Like this? That's me in the foreground. I have the same dead look in my eyes after 30 years of corporate bliss. :D

Some guy shows up to work an hour early and parks his big ass truck right up front, then sits in it waiting for others to leave so he can get a closer spot. I don't know why it bugs me, but it does.
Some guy shows up to work an hour early and parks his big ass truck right up front, then sits in it waiting for others to leave so he can get a closer spot. I don't know why it bugs me, but it does.
I've got better things to do with my time than sit in a parking lot for an hour.
Not to mention those skilled in the engineering world tend to be somewhat lacking on the language side of things to begin with.

Both of my bosses, who are licensed civil engineers, can't spell to save their own lives. Probably should have been my first clue that I wasn't going to make it in engineering school when I got an A in honors english my freshman year.

Not necessarily true. I'm an engineer, and got a slightly higher verbal score on the SAT than my math score. The skills aren't mutually exclusive.

Engineering just selects for math regardless of verbal skills, and verbal skills are highly visible, so the unbalanced folks stick out.
Not necessarily true. I'm an engineer, and got a slightly higher verbal score on the SAT than my math score. The skills aren't mutually exclusive.

Engineering just selects for math regardless of verbal skills, and verbal skills are highly visible, so the unbalanced folks stick out.

Im skored higher in math than engrish.

But yeah, I totally see your point. We engineers are notorious for not having great social communication skills. But that doesn't mean we cant match up synonyms and know how sentence make good
Not necessarily true. I'm an engineer, and got a slightly higher verbal score on the SAT than my math score. The skills aren't mutually exclusive.

Engineering just selects for math regardless of verbal skills, and verbal skills are highly visible, so the unbalanced folks stick out.

The thing is, engineers that stay working as Engineers (until recently) excelled at not being able to communicate with other human beings that were not engineers. The ones with broad based social, managerial, communications skills almost always got pulled into the project management or other role. IT was the same way for years as well.

The "until recent" comment is a nod to how well they seem to be prepping the current batch, and this probably goes back 5-10 years, of Engineers for their need to successfully interact with all members in a team environment. Either something changed in the education or something changed in the individuals attracted to the engineering disciplines. Whatever it was, I am pleasantly surprised with most of the under 35 crowd of engineers I work with.
It's a new day and a new fluster cluck...
The way I see it is I have two choices; Alcoholism or Apathy. I'm not allowed to drink at work so I guess I I'll have to quote Phil Collins, "I don't care anymore"!
We have monkeys in the printing industry too. Press mixing monkeys...bundle monkeys...warehouse monkeys...forklift monkeys...sewer block monkeys...binder monkeys...cover monkeys...and come to think of it, the entire company is even run by monkeys...Suit monkeys in that case. :D

What no yard apes working outside?
I work in a nursing home. I'm finding more and more of my co- workers have absolutely no respect for the people we care for. My mother would have back handed me for some of the things coming out of their mouths!
My DB-asshat-clown of a coworker went to the fbi, made a complaint of defrauding tax payers, all because he is set to retire and wants to take management down with him.
So my office mate who admins the program got to have a chat fri with the FBI.
Of course the DB is way off base and the proposal was written correctly, bid properly and admin properly.
No fraud took place. Which he would know if he had worked in that unit.
He didn't so he doesn't.
Know the problem is 1/2 the office likes him because of his aspergers awkwardness, and they don't know what he did.
Further the rest of us have to walk on egg shells because of he disagrees with us , which is daily, he may just go complain!!!!
My DB-asshat-clown of a coworker went to the fbi, made a complaint of defrauding tax payers, all because he is set to retire and wants to take management down with him.
So my office mate who admins the program got to have a chat fri with the FBI.
Of course the DB is way off base and the proposal was written correctly, bid properly and admin properly.
No fraud took place. Which he would know if he had worked in that unit.
He didn't so he doesn't.
Know the problem is 1/2 the office likes him because of his aspergers awkwardness, and they don't know what he did.
Further the rest of us have to walk on egg shells because of he disagrees with us , which is daily, he may just go complain!!!!
Can't they get him on making a false report? It was clearly a lie.
Can't they get him on making a false report? It was clearly a lie.

But I think there is a difference between knowing you are lying and being ignorant and wrong.
He in his heart and F-up mind believes he is right, this is why inhale diagnosed him either autistic or aspergers.
If he is right you are definitely wrong.
He had to leave earlier today for a "doctors apt" which he forgot about (which is out of character).
I would not be surprised for him to yell at the Feds when thy tell him they are not moving forward
But I think there is a difference between knowing you are lying and being ignorant and wrong.
He in his heart and F-up mind believes he is right, this is why inhale diagnosed him either autistic or aspergers.
If he is right you are definitely wrong.
He had to leave earlier today for a "doctors apt" which he forgot about (which is out of character).
I would not be surprised for him to yell at the Feds when thy tell him they are not moving forward

If I know people at all they'll say you're the d**k for being insensitive to someone with a disability.
If I know people at all they'll say you're the d**k for being insensitive to someone with a disability.

I would agree, but he is unaware of his condition.
However simply watching him you see the patterns.
Good thing is he would never admit to being "disabled"
I was more talking about the other co-workers than the guy. At least I guess it's a good thing he doesn't know?? Anyway I hope this gets resolved for you.

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