The other thing that sucks....

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2010
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Man I can't believe football season is almost over... What the hell happened?

I'm definitely for extending the season.. on both ends.. If it's too hard on the players, then increase the roster size!

Time moves too fast...
Your season would be longer if your team makes the playoffs like mine. :)

Yeah, well they're on the rise... (Finally)...

They're on the verge of doing something that's never been done before (at least not since the merger).. sweep their division and not make the playoffs...

I knew that Arizona game would come back to haunt us.... We just 'gave' that one away....
Not bad this year inspite of Al Davis :)

What I don't understand, is if they're doing badly, it's "because of Davis," but if they're doing good, it's "in spite of him"...

IMO, he's responsible for it all.. The good and the bad... As he hires the coaches, has the ultimate say in the draft, writes the checks... etc..

Ultimately he deserves the blame when things are going wrong, but also deserves the credit when they are going good...

I think fans of other teams read too much into the Al hating that goes on out there in the media, and often just repeat the drivel of the talking heads on TV..

Gotta realize, he is far from loved by the media, as a good portion of them have played on teams that he has crushed at one time or another, and in general he does not let them have any access to his team...

But at least the man is in it for the love of the game.. which is becoming more and more a rarity amongst owners this day and age...

In general, Al Davis is very good for the NFL, doubly so when the raiders are competitive...

OTOH, I think he relishes in the "us against the world" attitude that is and always has been the raiders...
It's sad for the season to be over just when the Lions are starting to win again.

Gotta love Lions fans.. They've endured so much humiliation over the years, but still hang in there for their team.. I can respect that..

Unlike some teams (I probably shouldn't mention by name) whose fans are as fair weather and bandwagon as they come...

The Lions, the Rams, the Raiders, and KC, all have much to look forward to next year.. They are teams that are definitely heading in the right direction...

And I wish that Tim Tebow would have been drafted into a different division. That kid has 'winner' written all over him...
If they extend the season, there will just be more meaningless end of season games. The good teams will clinch early and have nothing to play for (though I suppose the good news is we get to learn the names of all the backup QBs). And if they expand the playoffs, then we'll just have postseason mediocrity.
If they extend the season, there will just be more meaningless end of season games. The good teams will clinch early and have nothing to play for (though I suppose the good news is we get to learn the names of all the backup QBs). And if they expand the playoffs, then we'll just have postseason mediocrity.

What?? There are some divisions that are close enough that the fight to get in the playoffs goes down to the wire. I'm not necessarily for extending the season (I'm indifferent, actually), but to say that only teams who's early season record is good is going to win the superbowl is beyond rediculous! And you can't ignore the potential for late season injuries. Anything can happen.
I don't think they should expand the playoffs...

And I also don't agree with the reasoning you gave for not extending the regular season.. In fact, I think the opposite would be true.. Teams would have 'more time' to redeem themselves.. and it would be tougher to remain dominant at the end, as the grind of the long season takes it's toll, and then 'depth' becomes an even greater factor than it is now....

It would change how teams draft in a big way IMO too....
What?? There are some divisions that are close enough that the fight to get in the playoffs goes down to the wire. I'm not necessarily for extending the season (I'm indifferent, actually), but to say that only teams who's early season record is good is going to win the superbowl is beyond rediculous! And you can't ignore the potential for late season injuries. Anything can happen.

Yeah, we get the St.Louis-Seattle battle, and then some interesting situations if Atlanta loses to Carolina. Maybe Indy loses to Tennessee, etc. Chicago has nothing to play for. The best team in the league has nothing to play for. Last year, it was the best two teams not playing meaningful games for three weeks.

Extend the season, and this nonsense will get worse.
Professional football exists as a form of 'entertainment'.... The fans of their teams who are the base audience will follow the games when the season is extended, as they are in it for the entertainment factor.. and that extends beyond the game itself... There is the banter between fans on the forums, the FF leagues, the sports news, the parties, and the merchandising...

If your argument were true, then it would not have gotten more popular when they extended the season the last time.. But instead, it exploded in popularity...

Personally, I love football season, and while some games your team plays may be meaningless to 'you'.. the ones my team plays are not meaningless to 'me'...

And the vast majority of fans I interact with feel exactly the same way...

This weekend, The Raiders go into arrowhead to face the Chiefs..

The Raiders got eliminated last weekend, and the Chiefs guaranteed their spot in the playoffs..

You say that is a meaningless game? I guarantee you that to the fans of both teams and the players themselves and the owners of the respective teams, that game is 'anything' but meaningless.... and in the markets where it is televised, it will get a big audience..
My argument is the number of meaningless games might not change, but the teams playing them do. I am not a Patriots or Bears fan, but I am interested in them because they're good. I like watching my team and the good teams. I'm afraid your change will mean the the 'meaningful' games will be between mediocre teams as the good teame will clinch early.

One thing I would like is to see larger divisions. If they were to expand, go to 36 teams, 6x6. You'd have better divisional battles without the 4-team divisions.
My argument is the number of meaningless games might not change, but the teams playing them do. I am not a Patriots or Bears fan, but I am interested in them because they're good. I like watching my team and the good teams. I'm afraid your change will mean the the 'meaningful' games will be between mediocre teams as the good teame will clinch early.

One thing I would like is to see larger divisions. If they were to expand, go to 36 teams, 6x6. You'd have better divisional battles without the 4-team divisions.

We used to have 5 team divisions... You'd either have to lose teams or add teams to do this.. Right now, teams are having a hard time paying for stadiums as it is...

If the size if stadiums 'decreases' with a shift towards television, then this would be possible.. otherwise I think it's gonna be a while... especially in this economy...

One other thing I'd like to add to the argument about lengthening the season, or not because games are 'meaningless'.. Is with that reasoning, then there's no reason for many college teams to even play the season at all.. as they have no chance of a bowl slot from the get go.. Yet you still see sold out stadiums...

Heck, with the reasoning of not playing games because they're meaningless, then there would be absolutely no reason for USC to even have a football season this year or next, because they have a two year ban on playing in any bowl games.. rendering their seasons and all the games in them meaningless from the outset..

I am a football fan, and I enjoy watching the games, and the atmosphere around the games that come with them, just because I do.. If there is no hope of a post season appearance, then I will still watch and root for my team anyways.. and enjoy the victory and be disappointed in the loss...

Do you watch pre-season games?

If the bears or the pats were doing poorly, would you not watch the games? If the answer is yes, then you just might be one of those bandwagon fans I was referring to earlier... and the NFL is not really targeting you that much anyways... It's not that they aren't targeting you at all, but they are placing the priority on habitual fans or newcomers that they can hook into becoming habitual fans....
We could argue this forever, but I still think extending the season is a bad idea. You argue about meaningless games, but I could just as easily ask, by your reasoning, why they don't play 20 or 24 games? Is there any cut-off for you? Or is it always, the more games the better?

I also think you're overlooking the injury aspect: larger rosters won't make up for a Michael Vick injury (or whoever).

I am NOT a bandwagon fan, BTW. I follow my own team (the hopeless Bills) very closely. But at the end of the day, I'd rather watch the Pats playing an important game at season's end then the Rams/Seahawks. Almost everyone would. And I think expanding the season means the best teams may clinch even sooner--last year was particularly bad.
I want to be entertained.. If I'm not entertained, what's the point? I don't care about the players injuries.. They are well compensated for their work.. If they are concerned about getting injured, they can take a pay cut and go get a job like the rest of us..

If you just convert 2 of the pre-season games to regular season games, add one more game, and one more bye.. you have just extended the season for a month..

As far as your assertions about the season being over... Big deal.. the pats clocked in early.. There are thirty one other teams, and thirty one other fan bases, and thirty one other markets... The majority of the fans of those thirty one other teams enjoy watching their team ply.. even when they suck.. and the vendors and ticket takers, and parking attendants, and pubs, and sports bars, and TV networks and advertisers, and merchandisers and so on, also enjoy the revenue that each and every game brings them....

You say that the games are meaningless.. Here's a homework assignment for you.. This sunday is the last game week of the season.. List how many teams are still in the hunt for a playoff spot... Once you see how many that is, go and ask their fan bases if the games are meaningless to them.. Then after that, go and ask the team in their divisions (or the fans of those teams), that are already mathematically eliminated from a playoff berth, but still have a shot at knocking one of their div rivals out of the playoffs, or screwing up their seeding, if the games are meaningless..

Year before last, the Raiders were out of it early.. but at the end of the season, they ruined the hopes of playoffs for two other teams, and even caused the firing of their head coaches.. One of them a nemesis of Al Davis... The other a coach he fired who came back and beat his ass in the Superbowl..

Tell me those games weren't meaningful.. to the team or the fans.. I sure as hell enjoyed the redemption....

If I were in charge and had the power to make changes.. I would start with a rookie salary cap.. And then in return for that, I'd drastically increase the vet mins for the players, and then have the NFL step up and take care of all the health issues of still living former players, many of which are unable to handle all the medical expenses that are a result of the job they had... I'm convinced that the owners would still make out after savings from a rookie cap...

I'd increase the length of the season.. and the roster size

I'd allow for more time in between games so that earlier games never interfere with late games, and write a requirement into every contract with carriers, that they have to televise the advertised game in it's entirely.. No matter how boring or uninteresting the producers think they are...

I'd break the stranglehold Direct TV has on televising out of market games... and institute ala carte programming for out of market area coverage with all available carriers.. DTV, dish, cable, OTA, whatever...

That would be a 'start' in the right direction...

'I' am the football fan.. as such I am the 'main' concern as it is 'I' who ultimately pays the bills... and I have a right to demand more entertainment for my time and money... And evidently, I am not in the minority in this opinion...

If you do not want more football games, and they are offered to you anyways, you are free to turn them off at any time.. as 'that' is 'your' right as a consumer...

from everything I have been hearing about what the owners and the networks, and the League offices want, you are going to be very unhappy soon.. because they 'all' want a longer season as well (it means more revenue for them).,.. The only roadblock to it all right now, is how to make the union happy in the process.. for they want to make sure they extract every last drop of blood from the league and the owners in the process.. (as is their job to do exactly that..)...

But in the end, the market forces will win out (unless uncle Sam decides to take over yet another area of commerce and 'regulates' it).. and the majority of consumers in that market have quite the appetite for football.. and by and large, they want 'more'.. not 'less'....
As a Cowboy fan, I can't wait for this damn season to be over with

2nd that
Wow, this got kind of heated. The only thing I don't like about lengthening the season is the impact it would have the stats. 1000 yards won't mean anything, 100 catches won't mean anything. More all time records will fall because guys can play more games in a shorter time span. All that being said, I would get used to it and I wouldn't complain a bit about watching more regular season football.

I think expansion is a terrible idea at the moment. As hard as it is to believe, there are in fact teams out there losing money and teams having trouble selling tickets (remember when Arizona couldn't even sell playoff tickets during their run to the Super Bowl).

To McGarnigle, I think you are a bandwagoner. If you're a Bills fan there is no way you would be watching the Pats because they are good. I'm Vikings fan and the only reason I would watch the Bears or Packers is to watch them lose and laugh about how overrated they are. I also believe that the NFL does target bandwagon fans. All the talking heads just assume every fan is that way. How many Patriot fans were there 15 years ago? That's what I thought. Now I can't walk down the street without someone telling me they love the Pats or the Colts or the f'ing Saints.

As far as Al Davis goes, he brings the hate on himself, it's not the media. Besides it's funny to watch him draft kids that have no future in the nfl. Just because you can throw the ball 70 yards or run a 4.2 40 doesn't mean you can play football. It's more complicated then that.

The Vikings play Detroit this week and that game is the last game of any real importance to me this year. I'll watch the playoffs, of course, but it won't be as important to me as any Viking game this year.
What adds insult to injury is that when football is over, all we're left with is basketball. :p

well if your a Cleveland fan this just goes from bad to worse. Indians, Browns, Cavs, excuse me while I go hug my friend Mr.toilet :( on a better note, We just aquired a new ladies longeray football team. there might be some hope for us yet.
edit - I'm still drunk and my spell check is out. longeray? lanjeraaaay, um.. lonjerhay? how bout kinky underwear, that works :D
To McGarnigle, I think you are a bandwagoner. If you're a Bills fan there is no way you would be watching the Pats because they are good. I'm Vikings fan and the only reason I would watch the Bears or Packers is to watch them lose and laugh about how overrated they are. I also believe that the NFL does target bandwagon fans. All the talking heads just assume every fan is that way. How many Patriot fans were there 15 years ago? That's what I thought. Now I can't walk down the street without someone telling me they love the Pats or the Colts or the f'ing Saints.

Bandwagoner? For the Bills?

When I say I watch the Pats, I don't mean I root for them. Pats-Steelers, Pats-Colts, these are great games. I'm not supposed to watch because I'm a Bills fan?
I have a friend up here in Seattle who's a diehard Siants fan. But, he grew up in Nawlins so I forgive him. When the Saints aren't on, he roots for the Seahawks. I can live with that. A guy I work with is a Pats fan... but he's a transplant from the Northeast. I don't really know any bandwagoners around here, fortunately.
I have a friend up here in Seattle who's a diehard Siants fan. But, he grew up in Nawlins so I forgive him. When the Saints aren't on, he roots for the Seahawks. I can live with that. A guy I work with is a Pats fan... but he's a transplant from the Northeast. I don't really know any bandwagoners around here, fortunately.

I root for the raiders and whoever is playing Sandy-eggo, menver, kans-ass, and NE....
Besides it's funny to watch him draft kids that have no future in the nfl. Just because you can throw the ball 70 yards or run a 4.2 40 doesn't mean you can play football. It's more complicated then that.

Yet you tried to simplify it to that..... To get a 'better' perspective, go look in the hall of fame at the raiders players who were drafted under that philosophy...

Yes, that philosophy is a gamble... Davis is a risk taker.. no doubt.. but when it pays off, as it has many times, it's pays off 'huge'...

To insinuate that Davis doesn't understand what it takes to be a football player is naive... In fact, I bet you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who understands football 'more'...

He's a gambler.. that is true.. but he's not stupid or senile...

By the way, it appears to be paying off this year for Mr. Davis once again... He drafted a track star in the 4th name Jacoby Ford.. Have you heard of him yet this year?

In fact, pretty much 'every' player that he drafted this year has turned out to be an 'excellent' pick...
Rolando McClain is having a capable year but he's far from dominating. Lamarr Houston same thing. I don't really know much about Jared Veldheer but I do not he's started several games. Bruce Campbell's a bench warmer. Walter McFadden in his one real chance got burned badly. Jeremy Ware can't even get on the field. Stevie Brown has played very little. That brings us to Ford, who oddly enough I have heard of. He went to some tiny school down south. Oh yeah, Clemson, and was not exactly a secret coming out. The reason he wasn't taken early is because his only real value is at kick returner. His whopping 24 catches this year proves that point. He is a great kick returner but for someone to say he's a tremendous pick is a bit of stretch in my mind. Now back to the more high profile mistakes. Heyward-Bey certainly has taken the nfl by storm hasn't he. The worst part about it is that Davis could have gotten him several rounds later but didn't know any better and saw his 40 time. Unfortunately, in college he was known for having mediocre hands and running bad routes. Then, of course, Russell is playing where these days? Somebody would have made a mistake with that guy but if you actually watched him play in college and didn't listen to the hype then you knew he was junk. In college, they even had to limit the playbook because he wasn't smart enough to remember very many plays. I doubt he can even read. Davis fired a coach because he believed in him so much. Now he has a coach who is best known for breaking his assistants jaw for disagreeing with him. Now that's character. Only Raiders fan could look at a draft, that albeit wasn't too bad, and say it was awesome because Davis didn't make any glaring mistakes. I wouldn't even come close to saying every pick was excellent and I don't know if he is stupid or senile but I do believe he is one or the other. I also think is football IQ is well below average for the many general managers in the league.

To the Bills fan, I don't know you well enough to know if you are a bandwagoner but I can say that there is no way in the world I would watch my teams rivals with anything but hatred for them.
Only Raiders fan could look at a draft, that albeit wasn't too bad, and say it was awesome because Davis didn't make any glaring mistakes.

Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion.. but the raiders were consistently graded in the top three by most every analyst out there for this years draft..

And you've obviously not been following them this year... Jared Veldheer is having an awesome year as is Rolando McClain.. Go ask some of the players that have had to face Houston what kind of year he's having...and they're all starting in their rookie year.. Conspicious you didn't even mention Ford's work as a receiver... you've 'obviously' not been watching him play.. You're just making this crap up.. He's bee a serious baller at WR as a rookie this year..... Campbell was known to not be a first year impact player... And Davis was praised by the draft experts for 'where' he was drafted...

We have several rookies 'starting' and making a serious 'impact'.. By 'any' measure that is an excellent draft... Hater...

You say only a raiders fan could see the draft the way I do, I say your wrong, as many so called 'experts' in the media (NFLN and BSPN) saw it the exact same way I did...

OTOH, only someone with an obvious chip on their shoulder regarding the subject could see it the way 'YOU' do... why don't you 'first' go and actually watch the games they've played this year.. and 'then' talk... nuff said...

I wouldn't even come close to saying every pick was excellent and I don't know if he is stupid or senile but I do believe he is one or the other. I also think is football IQ is well below average for the many general managers in the league.

This is a statement who 'obviously' has no clue of the subject at hand.. Why don't you go and ask any coach or candidate that has ever interviewed for a job with the raiders.. I mean really, go and ask them if Davis is stupid, senile, or one of the most knowledgeable heads in the history of the sport..

They'll tell you that interviewing for a job with the raiders is like taking a final exam on the subject under the toughest professor there is...

While most GM's go look at the candidates resume and talk to them about their 'philosophy'.., Davis gets out a chalkboard and for about 6 hours calls out scenarios and plays and schemes and asks them to draw out how they'd respond in each situation.. He asks them to draw out and describe hundreds of plays....

In fact, that strength is one of his greatest weaknesses... He knows so much about the sport, he can't help himself but to meddle.. It's almost impossible for him to completely 'delegate' to his coaches..

Al Davis has forgotten ten times as much on the subject as you or I or any other armchair GM posting on this board combined will have ever known... Even his most ardent critics acknowledge 'that!'... To say otherwise is simply 'ignorance'.. and makes you look 'stupid'.. regardless of what you think of him as an owner or a person...

Really, I think some of you guys should go and apply for a position in this sport.. I mean you obviously know so much that you can criticize the great minds of the game, you should go prove it.. If you're as good as you say you are, you can get one of the toughest jobs there are and excel in it.....

In my many decade experience as a fan of the raiders, I find that those who are the most likely to bash on the man and make the accusations you have, are the people who know the 'least' about the man they are attacking... Even his enemies 'respect' the man for what he's done and what he knows.. even when they hate him...

It's easy to throw out these ad hominen attacks... but it really means 'nothing' unless you can support it with 'fact'.. except that you don't know what the hell you're talking about...

Al Davis does not need me defending him.. But I can clearly see that 'you' do not know squat about the man... You're just a loud mouthed hater.. And as such I now show you my posterior and fart loudly in your general direction...
First off r8rphan, I appreciate your enthusiasm, you certainly are not a fair weather fan. I do not appreciate being called an idiot for disagreeing with you however. I am allowed my opinion even if you don't like it.

You are right I have not watched very many Raider games this year. The couple I have seen have shown how much they have improved from recent years. This was a good draft for Al but I still wouldn't classify it as excellent. Maybe Veldheer is having an awesome year, I don't know. When I've seen him play he has not stood out to me good or bad. McClain is having a solid rookie campaign but he is a middle linebacker in a 4-3 that will get 100 tackles this year so I would not say he is dominating. Houston is also having a solid rookie campaign but is also far from dominating with 34 tackles and 4 sacks.

I did talk about Ford's work as a receiver. He has only had 24 catches this year with 2 touchdowns and he has only played two solid games at the position this year (once getting 6 catches and the other getting 4) otherwise he is a great kick returner. So there's your starting rookies making serious impact, as you put it. You do not have several, you have 4. Which don't get me wrong is still pretty good, we'll know in a couple of years just how good it really was.

You are right I do not go around talking to every coach, candidate, or opposing player about the merits of your owner or team like I suppose you do. I am curious why the man constantly fires his coaches, more so than any owner in the league, if he is so good at spotting talent. Seems to me that his interview process is a giant waste of time since he won't let them run the show anyway.

Hopefully I gave you enough facts about your players. The only fact that anyone needs to know about Al Davis is the record of the Raiders over the last 2 decades and the repeated draft day debacles over that time period. You can respect Al Davis all you want but there is a reason why everyone trashes him and it isn't because of jealousy.

Now if you could refrain from insulting those that don't wear the same rose colored glasses as you do and act a little more grown up about displaying your flatulence I would appreciate. Also, please learn how to use 'quotation' marks.
First off r8rphan, I appreciate your enthusiasm, you certainly are not a fair weather fan. I do not appreciate being called an idiot for disagreeing with you however. I am allowed my opinion even if you don't like it.

You are right I have not watched very many Raider games this year. The couple I have seen have shown how much they have improved from recent years. This was a good draft for Al but I still wouldn't classify it as excellent. Maybe Veldheer is having an awesome year, I don't know. When I've seen him play he has not stood out to me good or bad. McClain is having a solid rookie campaign but he is a middle linebacker in a 4-3 that will get 100 tackles this year so I would not say he is dominating. Houston is also having a solid rookie campaign but is also far from dominating with 34 tackles and 4 sacks.

I did talk about Ford's work as a receiver. He has only had 24 catches this year with 2 touchdowns and he has only played two solid games at the position this year (once getting 6 catches and the other getting 4) otherwise he is a great kick returner. So there's your starting rookies making serious impact, as you put it. You do not have several, you have 4. Which don't get me wrong is still pretty good, we'll know in a couple of years just how good it really was.

You are right I do not go around talking to every coach, candidate, or opposing player about the merits of your owner or team like I suppose you do. I am curious why the man constantly fires his coaches, more so than any owner in the league, if he is so good at spotting talent. Seems to me that his interview process is a giant waste of time since he won't let them run the show anyway.

Hopefully I gave you enough facts about your players. The only fact that anyone needs to know about Al Davis is the record of the Raiders over the last 2 decades and the repeated draft day debacles over that time period. You can respect Al Davis all you want but there is a reason why everyone trashes him and it isn't because of jealousy.

Now if you could refrain from insulting those that don't wear the same rose colored glasses as you do and act a little more grown up about displaying your flatulence I would appreciate. Also, please learn how to use 'quotation' marks.

I do not think I called you an idiot.... I believe I called you 'ignorant'.. Which means you lack understanding and/or knowledge.. idiot means you have limited mental capacity.. I don't know you well enough to say you are an idiot.. So if I did, that was wrong.. but I don't remember doing so...

The thing is, you need to 'watch' the games to understand the impact players have.. Stats are way overrated.. You sound to me like someone who has not been a long time fan of the sport.. like you're maybe 25 or 30 years old... You lack 'perspective' yet..

And as far as the coaching carousel goes, I've agreed with pretty much every firing (Norvous should have got more time maybe).. That being said, they were mostly bad hires.. And that is on Davis... but so is the Cable Hiring, and the Marshall Hiring.. etc... I do not think Norvous is a good HC (a good coordinator, yes.. but not HC), but he should have been given more time.. The rest should have never been hired.. But hindsight is 20/20... And you must understand that you are doing your criticizing from that perspective..

The line between the best teams in this league and the worst is incredibly fine.. There aren't many careers that are more competitive... It comes down to details and execution.. So you go out and prove your wisdom without the benefit of hindsight, and I'll listen to your bloviating and arrogance...

The problem has been that these coaches came in there looking at the raiders job as a stepping stone to something else... With the exception of shell and turner that is.. They are paid well and given an opportunity.. It's understood from the beginning what is expected of them, the system they are to run etc.. then they try to buck the system and play to the media.. That just does not sit well with this particular owner.. He 'Demands' loyalty and commitment to the team.. Demands it...

I was excited when Cable got the nod.. although all the media pundits poo poo'ed it..

Cable has been a raider fan his whole life, and for him, this was the 'epitome' of his career.. It was not a stepping stone but the destination...

He is a blue collar guy who earns the teams respect and has the rare ability to not only buy into and embrace Davis' system, but to get along with the guy and give Davis and the Raiders the loyalty he demands... As the roll up his sleeves and get to work blue collar guy, he has also gotten the team to buy into his way as well... You're 'starting' to see the results..

And you might want to open your eyes and see that the coaching carousel is going on every where in the league at every position.. with every team... more than likely whatever team it is you follow too, since it is affecting at least a third of the teams this year at the HC position alone...
Okay, your Bio says you are 32 years old and you are apparently a vikes fan (I believe your HC was just fired, right?).. For some reason I thought you were a bils fan on that.. must have you confused with another poster..

At 32, you do realize I have been following the Raiders and the NFL as an adult for more years than you've been alive, right? I 'might' know a thing or two about the subject, that you don't.. just maybe... I mean it is 'possible,' right?

I have also watched 'every' Raiders game this year.. and last, and the year before, and the year before that... etc... for as long as they've been available to me... even if I've had to be raped by DTV to get the ticket to watch them.. I've also attended at least one home game, sometimes multiple (except this year) every year, for a good decade or so...So I just 'might' have a little more perspective on them that you, eh? Maybe?... Just maybe?
You might have more perspective or you might have rose colored glasses like every other die hard fan in the league. I'm sure I do with my team.

Being older doesn't mean you know more than me it just means you've watched more Raiders games. I've been watching football for 25 years, I think that gives me enough experience to talk about it.

Stats are quantifiable facts... that's what you asked for. So, I gave it to you. I do agree stats are overrated but they also serve as a way to judge performance. They certainly do more to prove my point than you claiming your opinion as fact.

Al Davis can demand all he wants but the fact is that the Oakland Raiders have been terrible since 2002 and this season is the first sign of life we have seen since then. There has been a coaching carousel and many many bad draft picks in that time. Al Davis was once a genius but it doesn't look like he is anymore.

The Vikings did in fact fire their terrible head coach. He should have been fired years ago. It is true that we have not had a decent head coach since Denny Green but the Vikings, and most other teams, do not repeatedly fire head coaches after less than 2 seasons and they certainly don't fire them (Kiffin) because they refuse to play what is the worst QB drafted since Ryan Leaf.

As far as Cable goes I have trouble having any respect for him as a person. The allegations against him, if true, are that he is a woman beater and he broke his assistants jaw. He should have been fired right then. Where's the character?

Again, not a Raiders fan just an outside perspective that I can communicate without insulting you. I would think at 53 years old you would be capable of having a civilized disagreement. Not calling me ignorant or speaking to me as if I were a child.
Being older doesn't mean you know more than me it just means you've watched more Raiders games. I've been watching football for 25 years, I think that gives me enough experience to talk about it.

Again, you missed the point.. I have been watching raider games and following the team 'closely' for more than 4 decades... You throw out 'drive by' tired rhetoric about 'the raiders' and about "Al Davis' that belie your ignorance on 'those' subjects...


Al Davis can demand all he wants but the fact is that the Oakland Raiders have been terrible since 2002 and this season is the first sign of life we have seen since then. There has been a coaching carousel and many many bad draft picks in that time. Al Davis was once a genius but it doesn't look like he is anymore.

okay, more facts for you..

Drafting is a crap shoot .. PERIOD! Compounded by the fact that the worse you are in a given season, the higher you pick, meaning the bigger penalty you pay if you pick a college player that doesn't transition well into the NFL... 'IT'S A GAMBLE!'

It takes an 'average' of three to five years to assess if a player is going to actually 'make' that 'transition'...

The speed of the NFL, and the quality of the players, and the size and strength of the players in the NFL is exponentially greater than in college.. So unless you have a crystal ball, again 'IT'S A CRAP SHOOT!'

And that's 'before' you factor in the reality that youngsters today are often spoiled brats, who expect that they are 'owed' something just for belong squirted out of a birth canal with some good genes.. (or even without).. of course, at your age you might not have any 'perspective' of that 'yet'.. (but at the exponential rate of decline in society, you will 'soon')... As someone who has watched this sport 'closely' for a 'long time' (in relation to you anyways), I can tell you that drafting a class that produces 4 starters (productive ones at that) in their rookie years, is indeed an 'excellent' draft.. To say otherwise shows 'ignorance' (I did not call you an idiot!) on your part...

The Vikings did in fact fire their terrible head coach. He should have been fired years ago. It is true that we have not had a decent head coach since Denny Green but the Vikings, and most other teams, do not repeatedly fire head coaches after less than 2 seasons and they certainly don't fire them (Kiffin) because they refuse to play what is the worst QB drafted since Ryan Leaf.

'again' your ignorance is showing.... you 'obviously' did not follow what was going on in the raiders org when kiffen was smoked.. Kiffin was offered the opportunity of a lifetime.. but he pissed on it.. thinking he was 'all that'.. If he was such a great thing, why did 'every' NFL team pass him up. not only for a HC job, but for assistant or coordinator or assistant to the coordinator? Yeah, he crapped where he slept, and the rest of the league 'understanding that' passed him by..

What say you about that?

As far as Cable goes I have trouble having any respect for him as a person. The allegations against him, if true, are that he is a woman beater and he broke his assistants jaw. He should have been fired right then. Where's the character?

Listen lady.. what in the hell does 'that' have to do with what he is doing with the Raiders? If you have evidence that the man has done something illegal, then go ahead and present it and demand justice! You are no different than the people who want to continually crucify Vick for his past abuse of animals, even though he has paid for his crimes and is attempting to take advantage of the opportunity offered to him...

Again, not a Raiders fan just an outside perspective that I can communicate without insulting you.

actually, you're use of 'FALSE' (inflammatory) rhetoric (that you have demonstrated is nothing but rhetoric) is in itself insulting to me.. It is an propagandic attempt at 'intimidation' (whether you acknowledge the fact or not) to bolster yourself and your lack of argument by belittling another...

This is the same crap that your generation is using in American politics that you have been purposefully programmed to use, and you are 'surprised' by the outcry of joe (older generation) public that 'enough is enough'....

I would think at 53 years old you would be capable of having a civilized disagreement. Not calling me ignorant or speaking to me as if I were a child.

I am fully capable of that indeed, if ever I am faced with a 'knowledgeable' and 'sincere' argument from someone who does not feel it is his duty to use the latest media rhetoric (which is 'intentionally designed' to get a reaction for the purposes of ratings), to try and smack down another whom he himself thinks is 'deluded'....

To me, you still 'are' a child.. unless you show otherwise.. In fact, I 'currently' just look at you as a predictable product of the intended system... SHOW ME WHY I SHOULDN'T....

Again.. I stand by my assertion that when it comes to the raiders and al davis, you don't know what the hell you are talking about.. (not even a little) You're just robotically repeating the BS that is fed you by the 'stupid tube' and your equally brilliant friends...

BTW, did you happen to catch the beat down the raider put on the thiefs today? That 'meaningless game' cost the thiefs the #3 seed in the playoffs, and probably sent Cassel to the hot tub for the rest of the week.. I lost count of how many times he was sacked..

If it wasn't for the 35 yard scamper by their latest and greatest, the number one rushing attack in the league would have been held to less than 50 yards.. And M Bush alone rushed for 127 yards for the raiders.. Since you seem to like stats so much... But 'again' they don't really tell the story.. The beat down was 'much' worse than the stat story tells...

First time a team has swept it's division and not made the playoffs since the merger..

And if you'd watched the game you'd have seen Jared Veldheer, (a very big man) 'run away' from line backers not once but twice to make critical blocks busting Jacoby Ford and Michael Bush loose for 'big; plays.. And then you'd have to hear the notorious raider hating ex chargirl QB comment that an 'amazing' season Veldheer is having 'for a rookie'..

Of course I could go back and refer you to the comments by rivers, and toothlessburger, and manning and others about how 'scary' the raiders front seven is.. but what do they know, they only have to face them in real games... But I know, you'd cal them 'fanatics' because you have 'stats' to show them where they're wrong... They shuold have asked 'you' first before opening their ignorant pie holes...

Hey did you happen to see the continual pressure that Houston was creating today? What, 'that' doesn't show up in your 'stats?'.. For shame.. how could you know..

I have only watched two or three vikings games this year.. and honestly, I don't follow them that close.. And as such, I know how to pick my battles.. and would 'never' dare to argue with a 'real' fan of the team about what their strengths and weaknesses are, what their history is, what their front office is doing right and wrong.. because I 'understand' how much I follow my team, and know so much more about them than the fans of 'other' teams.. and if I was 'stupid' enough to try and tell them how their team is, and they instantly showed me that maybe they know more about 'their team' than I do, I'd humbly back off...

But 'thats me'

Because at the stupid ole age of 53, I realize that I can't know everything, unlike many of the younger guys I meet today, am wise enough to not get arrogant when I am on shakey ground...

But you do what you feel is smart, oh wise one...

Furthermore, I never brought up jack shyatt about stats... That was purely your domain... FACT....

I gotta give you this.. Where the Vikes were not even on my radar.. Now I can't friggin' wait until they have to face our front seven again...

Hey, since you like stats.. I got one for you... The average age of our receiving corps is 23 (youngest in the league.. since you liked to bag on DHB in his second year).. I can't wait till their lame asses face your Viking DBs when they're '28' or '30'... As I've been watching players develop over their careers for 'decades' and there are 'few' owners who have been as good at developing receivers as stupid ole dumb ass senile Al Davis.. I look forward to that 'look on your face'...

Meh, I shouldn't bother with your myopic BS.. after all, you're just feeding off of what your dad is still pissed about when the Raiders punked your vikqueens out of a ring in '76.. That was a great day.. Do you remember it?... No?.. I do...
wow.. a faders fan and a queens fan fighting about their teams?

"your team sucks worse!"
"no yours does!"
"no we're "re-building.""

..oh wait.. 9er fan here...and we ARE re-building :p
I was actually pulling for the whiners to do better this year... The Raiders are finally starting to put it together... But I see the niners in the same boat the Raiders have been fr a long time.. Way too much talent on the team to justify the record...

I think it's gonna just be a matter of getting the right coaching staff and GM in there.. And I think Alex Smith is done there too... The rest of the team is in pretty good shape IMO...

I grew up in LA, so I don't have the same hatred for the 'whiners' ;) as most Bay area based raider fans do... In LA it was always Raider fans and Rams fans.. But I don't really hate the Rams either, as I had a lot of friends who were fans of the Lambs.. and still are... So I kinda pull for them too... and I of course have a lot of friends that are whiners fans (the fondue crowd... LOL)...

These days, I just can't stand Chargers and their bandwagon fans... Normally, I hate on Menver the most, but for the last six years I've had to suspend that to hate on the charwhores while I wait out their slow decline back to the cellar where they rightfully belong...

Ya hopefully the front office guys get things together soon. I felt bad for Dingleberry, he wanted to win SO bad, he just didn't seem to know how except how to motivate. He was a good positions coach, and he could motivate anyone to stick a wetted finger in a light socket, at least by consistant yelling until they gave in. He was just in over his head it seemed.

Oh well.. we'll see how it goes after the new GM and coach.

The main problem I have with the NFL is that it's SOOOOO hard to root for a non local team without shelling out wads of cash for dish (and the current 9ers don't give you a reason to shell out any extra cash), but what do you expect, really?

Here in Wisconsin it's, obviously, Packer-land and NFC North. I don't hate the Packers, by any means, but I'd hate to switch to them as "my" team for fear of band-wagoning when they're starting to get good. I'd root for them if they sucked as bad as the niners, but at least I'd get to watch them every Sunday.

PS. I heard that T. Cable is out after this year..?

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