The downtime is killing me!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Newark, DE
Maybe it's because I don't have any homebrew to tide me over (as my first batch is still fermenting), but the downtime as I wait for this batch to finish is killing me!

I think I'm going to bottle this weekend, depending on how my FG of the Irish Red is doing, but if it's not ready, I may have to go out and get more gear so I have something to do...

I have been good, though. I haven't opened the fermenter since brew day, not even for a quick peek. This is a remarkable show of restraint for me. Anyways, enough with the venting and rambling.

This is the hardest it will ever be...if you don't pull a "joemama" and drink early, you will have a pipeline...

Just brew again...fermenter buckets are cheap...


Every day I watch my airlock for a few minutes. 8 days past brew day
and all kinds of anxious thoughts. I'm letting them all simmer though, and
just letting it be.

I took a SG reading which failed miserably. Looked like it was 1.010 before
the thief dumped my entire sample onto the counter, so I decided no more
fiddling before I hit the 3 week mark.

Come onnnnnnn bottling time.
That is the key to success! Brew as often as possible!

Course, if you're a lush like me, even that ain't nearly enough!

Yeah, I think I will pick up some new gear, but part of that will have to be an outdoors propane burner. My weak-ass stove can't bring wort to a full boil. Because of that, I will be running any purchases through SWMBO, since she handles the finances.
Yeah, I think I will pick up some new gear, but part of that will have to be an outdoors propane burner. My weak-ass stove can't bring wort to a full boil. Because of that, I will be running any purchases through SWMBO, since she handles the finances.

It's easier to gain forgiveness than permission.

Here's the same advice I gave Joemama when he started a similar thread last week....

Find a store that allows for doing mixed sixers of micro brew, it's a good way to try different styles and it's often a couple bucks or more cheaper than buying an entire sixer of one micro...for example I can get a six pack of bell's two hearted for about 12 bucks...but at the same beer store they have a cooler for 9.99 mix and match....and you never know what they will stick in if I'm not in the mood for something in particular or feel like expanding my horizons and not risking an entire six of something I might not like.

So far I've only had a couple bottles of something that I could say I wouldn't have again.

But I've also discovered a bunch of new breweries that I might not have if their beer was in the 12-15 dollar a six.

And I've also gotten turned on by a few beers in styles I never thought I'd try...Like Vienna Lagers....I've never been a fan of the fizzy yellow type of lagers, but damn those brown, malty Vienna ones are fantastic.

If you have a Trader Joe's in your town they usually allow for mixed sixer filling as well.

Style research and empty bottle buildup are good things to do during gaps in the pipeline...I've been doing it for the last couple weeks...since I have a pipeline gap happening as well...With below 70 ambient temps in my loft right now it is taking forever to carb up...
There are a couple of new ones I want to try out. There is a local place that does right by the micros, maybe they have a few of the names that I've heard kicking around.
$12 Two-Hearted? I think our Bells is like $9. Are you buying it in Canada?
I think two-hearted was $9 or $10 last time i bought it. But every other bell's product is like $13+. I have been sober for 6+ months now. . .

well . . . unless you count homebrew. :) then i have been sober almost 20 hours.
Just go to state line. Spend a few hours and a few hundered dollars in there and you wont even think about what you have brewing. Or I could drop off 200+ bottles to you that you can delabel and clean for me.