Terms for drunk...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Leicestershire, UK
Well, it's Sunday night, an i'm pished! Gotta go to work tomorrow, but bollax to it, i thought i'd get brahm's and list, totalled, shozzled, wrecked, strung out, sozzled, legless.....I could go on with the many terms for "drunk", but hey why don't you guys an girls contribute.... :drunk: :drunk:
Sounds like someone's gonna have one hell of a hangover in the morning :drunk:
2nd Street Brewery said:
Sh****ed comes to mind :drunk:
pi$$ed, legless, sh|tfaced, arsed, twisted, langered, buckled, gee-eyed,hammered,wasted,fu(ked,rat-arsed,plastered,wrecked,2 sheets to the wind,elephants, steamboats, steamed. I'm sure I can think of more.
And my personal favourite.... Rubbered. (Named after those funny, rubber-legged men trying to stagger home from the pub into the teeth of a force 10 gale after a half pint of muscle relaxant) :drunk: :D :cross:
Hmmm, the most common ones I hear / use are 'slammed', 'trashed', 'wasted', or 'tanked'.

edit: add to that 'smashed'
Blau-from what I can recollect, it is a german slang for blue-faced, though my german is "nicht sehr gut" ......used to call my brother "immer blau" when he spent a year in Innsbruck...
Yep, anotha Monday night at the forum. Glad to see you made it for a while.
Are ya ready for some BeeerTalk!
You shoulda told him we were posting from the future ! It just sounds cooler. My Dad called his sister from Korea during the war and during the conversation, he talked to his nephew Billy, who was six at the time. He asked my Dad where he was calling from and Dad told him, " I'm calling from tomorrow, Billy.". Messed Billy's head up and I think he never did get over it.

Wait... Dad didn't have a Korean sister. He was in Korea and she was here. Just wanted to clear that up.

Oh, yeah.. Schnockered, got a nosefull, in his cups,in the bottle, in the bag....
Yeah, but at least they ended up naming a beer after him.

Monkey'dUp .. new one...settin trends here tonight! .
I was at a friends wedding and the father of the groom was trashed in the shuttle bus, going back to the hotel, stumbling around. The next morning the grooms mother called the groom and told him that his father was not drunk but "Fatigued". We now use this term when we are Snookered.
AHammer16 said:
I was at a friends wedding and the father of the groom was trashed in the shuttle bus, going back to the hotel, stumbling around. The next morning the grooms mother called the groom and told him that his father was not drunk but "Fatigued"

Nice work! I bet the "potato chips were very salty in the bar" hence he had to throw a few down his neck to compensate eh? My Father once tried 'Food Poisoning' for a hangover the next day after a wedding he was at. No, my Mother didn't fall for it either!
I've that in the south or midwest or somewhere they use the term "retarded."

One I use occassionally is faded. Like now, after pulling a Steel out of Reserve. Hey, sometimes its not about the beer! Now I see why.....bleh, chasing this one with a bock!
Truble said:
Blau-from what I can recollect, it is a german slang for blue-faced, though my german is "nicht sehr gut" ......used to call my brother "immer blau" when he spent a year in Innsbruck...

"Immer blau" means "always blue".

The German word for "hangover" is "Kater".

Then there's "tipsy".
Kenmc shoulda got this one, ah well he took the rest of the ones I was thinkin of an way more :D. "locked", I reckon it's one of the most common used in dublin.
Or one I use sometimes around when in polite company Piddlyeyed
"Locked." I like that one!

I just remembered one from a clasic song:

"Gonna get drunk man, I'm gonna get gassed."
Sam75 said:
"Locked." I like that one!

I just remembered one from a clasic song:

"Gonna get drunk man, I'm gonna get gassed."

"One Bourbon, one Scotch, one Beer" by any chance?
Schwasted. Schwilled. Konked. Zombi-fied. Piss-assed. Kennedied. Sloshed. Boobed. Ass-upped. Floored. Tragically wasted. Stupid and drooling.

Judging by my friends these are the various states of drunkeness.

Well, sometimes i too am dizzy and oblivious.

Edit: Stumbly the wasted homebrewer. I need to go to bed.
sudsmonkey said:
You shoulda told him we were posting from the future ! It just sounds cooler. My Dad called his sister from Korea during the war and during the conversation, he talked to his nephew Billy, who was six at the time. He asked my Dad where he was calling from and Dad told him, " I'm calling from tomorrow, Billy.". Messed Billy's head up and I think he never did get over it.

I do this frequently to myself. I call my answering machine to leave myself a message (which probably drives my dog up the wall)

Hello, me. This is yourself. The voice you are hearing is of your past self. I am now speaking to the future me. This, by your standards, shall be the past me, but for me, I am the present me and you are the future me. You will be me, and I shall become you. Future me, I have a serious problem that only you can handle. I of the past request that you pick up a gallon of milk before dinner. Past self, signing off. Good luck, future self.

People tell me I'm wierd, but I really do communicate through time ;)

And, to the topic at hand: One day I told my drunken friend he was brewed. He returned the courtesy the next week by telling me I was fermented. I called him fermenting one day he had bad gas.
So time travel really IS possible. Man, how do you keep up with yourself ? I'd confuse me with that kind of thing. I have a hard enough time with the present. Damn good post, though ! Made me kinda dizzy. :cross:

BTW - Welcome to the Forums !
Sudster said:
I'm curious Happy Mug, do you always recognize the voice?

You know, everybody wonders about their voice on a machine, and I'm not quite sure that I sound like that. It must be some sort of weird time-warp thing. Uh, well, that doesn't involve crossdressing and dancing and stuff like that.

Now, if I could only figure out how to talk back in time. My life would be so much easier, because I could fix my mistakes before I make them.

"Hey, this is me. Don't speed through I-70 near the I-76 interchange tonight. You'll get a ticket."

Then, I don't speed through there. I don't get the ticket. Later that day, I don't call myself up and tell myself not to speed through there, because I never got a ticket. My future self no longer needs to warn my past self.

Then, since the past me was never warned, I speed through there, and get a ticket. Later that day, I warn myself not to speed through there because I'll get a ticket. But.....


I'll stick to directing the actions of my future, thank you.
In the bag, trashed, wasted, sh*t-faced, f*cked-up, crocked, sloshed, 3 sheets to the wind, hammered, hangin' with Kennedy... Which leads to "shakin' hands with Nixon" You know, "tricky DICK" draining the dragon; oh wait, that's a whole 'nother thread.