Temperature Limitations Discovered On My First Lager

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Indianapolis, IN
I was wanting to do my first lager this weekend (a Sam Adams Winter Lager clone). I have been playing with some experiments and have found that I can get my garage fridge up to about 44degF consistently, but not any higher. I have a freezer full of food, so I can't use a temp controller because I don't want to spoil anything (and frankly, I don't want to spend the money right now). On the other hand, there is a corner in the basement that stays at 59degF pretty consistently. I have checked it morning, noon, and night with an IR thermometer and a glass of water in that spot stays pretty close to that mark.

Can I primary ferment at either 44 or 59degF? Which would be better? I can lager at any temp under 44.

Thanks! :rockin:
I'm in the same boat. I have a spare fridge in the garage. I use the fridge side for lagering & my kegs but the freezer side is full of meat, so I can't put an external controller on the fridge. Like you, I can get the fridge to 44-45º at its lowest setting. I've done a couple of lagers this way and it has worked out fine. Wyeast 2124 Bohemian Lager, 2042 Danish Lager, and 2206 Bavarian Lager all list 45º as the low end of their temperature range, so if you used one of those you'd be fine. My last lager was a Mexican-style Vienna and I used WLP940 Mexican Lager yeast, which lists 50º as its low end but it still fermented out fine at 44º. I did give it three weeks and a diacetyl rest to ensure that the yeast were able to finish, but I would have done that anyway.

Cool. Thanks. I plan on doing the dicetyl rest as well. I guess I will need to monitor the SG pretty closely to ensure everything is going ok. Do the rest when 3/4 to FG...or so I've heard.

What temp do you typically lager at? I'm guessing I will do mine between 34-36 for about 8-10 weeks.
keep hunting on craigslist. I found a 7+ CF freezer for 30 bucks. Im lagering mine at 35 +/- 2 degrees so it wont freeze. If the varience is less than 2 degrees the compresser turns on and off alot making it inneficient.
Follow the instructions that are on the yeast. The yeast you use determines your fermentation temperature.