SWMBO says I MUST brew in shed, too hot???

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2010
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Ok, I am going to start brewing and I have a problem, SWMBO says I cannot brew inside cause she's afraid its going to stink up the house. Can I use a Son of a Fermenter Chiller in my shed and still hold the correct temp?
Brew in the driveway and ferment in the basement if you have one. You will not be able to control temps in a shed this summer without a fridge/freezer.
Have you asked if you can ferment it inside, it really doesn't smell other than when your doing your boil.
What does she think its gonna smell like? I usually think of malt o meal or granola bars. Is it really a big deal if the house smells like this for 1 hour?
my wife was actualy kind of bummed when I moved from extract to AG because I took my brewing out of the house. She loves (and now misses) the smell.
my wife was actualy kind of bummed when I moved from extract to AG because I took my brewing out of the house. She loves (and now misses) the smell.

My fiancee loves the smell of boiling wort too. She's not too fond of it after the hops are added, but she says the way it makes the apt smell reminds her of her mother's bakery as a kid.
I brew outside and ferment in my basement. There are really no discernible odors that I've been able to pick up from the fermentation, at least no in a sufficient volume to offend SWMBO. I've heard that lagers can be stinky when they ferment, kind of a sulfur stank.
First off, if you have to brew in the shed, it will be no problem. But once the brewing is done and you have your wort in the fermenter, you should move it back into the house where it is cooler. As others have mentioned, fermentation rarely makes a noticeable odor (apfelwein and some lager yeasts exempted).

However, if she wants to complain about a couple of hours of boiling grain and hops, she is certainly not willing to make a very small sacrifice in order for you to get some enjoyment out of life. That's my opinion.

I mean, how often do you plan on brewing? Once a month? twice a month?

Moving the brewing to the shed is not a big deal and many would actually prefer it, but IMO it's not a big deal to put up with the smell of brewing for a couple of hours a couple of times a month. Maybe she could go off and do something and leave you to your hobby during that time.

I would prefer to brew wherever the tools best for brewing are located. Kitchen faucet, better lighting, drain...
Also, look at it this way, if you have to brew outside, that means you get to buy a propane burner and a bigger pot! Honestly, I'd fight tooth and nail to ferment inside. Like everyone else said, it really doesn't put off any odor. If you do ciders or mead, just make sure to use yeast nutrient and the odors will not be very bad either.
. . . . SWMBO says I cannot . . . . . .?

I would brew inside just because of this.

Honestly there are way more important things for SWMBO to worry about, I don't know your situation but after you've been married a number of decades, you tend to get priorities straightened out, . . . . yes, it takes decades.:drunk:
I got the same complaint. The smell would stick around for about a day and go away, but I relented, and now I brew in the garage. Although, I got a ring burner and a larger brewpot out of the deal. I still ferment inside. But, if you do want to brew and ferment in the shed I agree you need a fridge and a temp controller. The temp controllers run $60 or $70 if I remember correctly, and I would highly recommend craigslist for a fridge. I swear I see someone listing a working fridge at least once a week that they are giving away for free if you haul it away.
Dude, she has obviously never smelled boiling wort before. I agree with joker, and tell her to change her pad out there while she's at it.
Tell her she has to go to the shed to paint her finger nails..... :ban:

hahah yes to this.

My wife complained when I started brewing in the kitchen when I started. She was also 2-3 months pregnant:D
I was very pleased to jump to AG and move outside. I did the first batch (extract on the stove) one extract outside with new burner, 1 PM outside, then AG from there on. I'm sure if she knew how much I've spent on this hobby she'd wished she kept my inside with extract :D
I'm sure if she knew how much I've spent on this hobby she'd wished she kept my inside with extract :D

Amen to this. There is no end to the amount of stuff you can buy for brewing. It adds up quick.
Make sure if you are able to convince her to let you ferment inside, set up with a blow-off. One Mt. Vesuvius on the walls and ceiling and you'll be done for...
. . . after you've been married a number of decades, you tend to get priorities straightened out, . . . . yes, it takes decades.

I'm sure if she knew how much I've spent on this hobby she'd wished she kept my inside with extract.

:D What they said!

Like IP I moved to the garage after my first extract and am now fully self-contained out there. Brew, ferment, cleanup, nothing ever goes in to the house 'cept when it's kegged and is moved to the kegerator.
I have 2 beers fermenting like crazy in my fermenterator and the aroma is not only mild, but my gf is always saying how good it smells. Although, the GF loves beer :rockin:
SWMBO bannished my brewing to the backyard once we moved into our own place. I got 2 burners, 2 kettles, a temp controlled fermentation room (basement bathroom that stays 64-66 degrees year round) and full run to build a mancave complete with kegerator, work shop, dart board, and 47inch HDTV... She only sees me once or twice a week now :rockin:
SWMBO says my wort smells like Grapenuts. She doesn't mind until the hops go in... Then it stinks. But she loves to help out nontheless. I guess I'm lucky

But I guess I know (SWMBO) my place.... lol
The only fair solution is for her to let you pimp out the shed. Tell her what this will cost, you will need to insulate...temperature control...add ventilation...buy a burner, new pot....Let her know what this will cost. Quite expensive. If she goes for it, that's awesome! On the other side, she sucks it up and deals with what brings you enjoyment for a day once in a while.
swmbo thought i was an idiot for getting into brewing. no i'm full on and she realizes its not that crazy. just cooking for beer lovers. ignore, proceed with caution, she'll get over it, cuz there is no way in hell you can ferment in a shed without spending more time and money.
I was genuinely worried about brewing inside, but my wife actually enjoys the smell. The last one I did, she actually commented on how it smelled like I was making cookies. Regardless of her obvious lack of scent receptors, I am stoked that I can continue to brew inside.

I'm sure she'd be happier if I brewed outside, but she is more than happy to let me continue to brew inside for now. I think she just views it as another way to have me around. We can still talk and interact while I'm brewing, and she's happier about that.

She loves to cook and experiment with recipes. I think she just views this as another form of cooking.
Forget the Son of Fermentation chamber, turn the whole brew shed into a fermentation chamber... A/C unit, lots of insulation... make it yours. Take a look at some of the other brew sheds in the DIY sections!
My wife doesn't love it, but just open up the windows for an hour and the smell is gone. It just smells a little malty
Sounds like a man cave is in order here. Seriously just do the boil in the garage. If she doesn,t want it fermenting in the house tell her tough ****, or just bring it in and don't tell her. Just put it in the basement with a sheet over it. She wil never know it's there (that is unless there is an overflow). Good luck with this one. :)
OK, thank you all for the feedback. I think I have persuaded her yo let me do it indoors. first up is going to be a Hefe...
Forget the Son of Fermentation chamber, turn the whole brew shed into a fermentation chamber... A/C unit, lots of insulation... make it yours. Take a look at some of the other brew sheds in the DIY sections!

That's what I thought about doing, only problem is there's crap in the shed... I would need another shed.
SWMBO likes the smell in our apartment. We don't open the windows because it lets all the delicious smell out.

She hates to do the fun parts (recipe, boiling, racking, etc.) but loves to do the cleanup. She's crazy, and I love her for it! :D

P.S. - We both hate to bottle. She's buying me a keg setup. :D :D :D
Ok, I am going to start brewing and I have a problem, SWMBO says I cannot brew inside cause she's afraid its going to stink up the house. Can I use a Son of a Fermenter Chiller in my shed and still hold the correct temp?

Tell her she should be cooking in the shed then too!!

That'l show her for sure.......:cross:
Ok, I am going to start brewing and I have a problem, SWMBO says I cannot brew inside cause she's afraid its going to stink up the house. Can I use a Son of a Fermenter Chiller in my shed and still hold the correct temp?

Did she say you couldn't install a window HVAC unit?

The smell is delicious!!! Kick her to the curb :) haha, just kidding.. partly.. I mean come on.. it's a fantastic, delicious smell. Just like making a good coffee, or fresh bread or meal.

Yeah I'm single, but man. DOESNT want the wonderful aroma(stink!?) in the house?
Does not compute.

Now, have you ever gotten a whiff.. in your house where you and your family live.. of some toxic nail polish or something like that? Seriously, some of that stuff is nasty nasty nasty on the nose of everything that walks. It's the sort of smell that actually does belong in the garage. Like a solvent or chemical stripping agent.

Ugh, well, I guess we all have our bears to cross. :D
Ok, I am going to start brewing and I have a problem, SWMBO says I cannot brew inside cause she's afraid its going to stink up the house.

Id have the bathroom remodeled into a brewroom. She can use the new outhouse. Got to keep the stink out.
My fiancee loves the smell of boiling wort too. She's not too fond of it after the hops are added, but she says the way it makes the apt smell reminds her of her mother's bakery as a kid.

My wife likes the smell of the raw barley and the spent grains (smells like granola, in her opinion). Doesn't care for the boiled beer or the hops! I personally associate every aroma from brew day with, well, brew day. And therefore, I love each smell.
I hate to agree with her, but SWMBO is correct: boiling hops totally stink up the house.
There's no way you're winning this fight.
Buy a large kettle and propane burner and brew outside. Stick the fermenter into an unused closet or something. If you have an electrical outlet in the shed, then go on CL and pick up a chest freezer for your fermentation chamber. She can't complain about the add'l $$ as she's the one kicking you out!