Sweet Potatoe Beer - Mash Tips

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2013
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Im going to be making a batch of Sweet Potatoe Spiced Ale with thanksgiving, and will likely brew before this week is over, to give it maximum time to atone for my sins in the bottle, before I serve it.

Im doing a PM kit, and need to add 3-4 lbs of potatoes to the mash.

My thoughts after searching here are to:

1) Roast cubed sweet potatoes at 350 degrees until they are nice and roasty

2)Rough mash them, and add to mash.

3) Not sure about temps...Do I mash high and hope to keep some additional sugars / flavors..Do I mash low because of all the starch potential and hope to convert it...or just shoot for 153 and call it a day?

4) I may add some shredded SP to the boil at 10m for giggles...a flavor addition I suppose. If i have any crispy skins I may add them at 2min for aroma :drunk:
