Sunday Morning

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Should be a pretty low key day here... Up before the rest of the folks, sipping some coffee while the dog catches a few more winks beside me. Frying up some sausages for breakfast, and then hope to get another couple of coats of chalkboard paint and the sanding finished on my keezer build before lunch. After lunch SWMBO and I are going to bottle my sour blonde, and then this afternoon a friend is coming over to take some of these cases of bottles off my hands, since I won't be needing that many anymore once my keezer is finished. Need to take a sample of my Table Saison and ramp the temp up on that, and this evening I'm grilling bacon Gorgonzola burgers for the family. We'll probably wind down the evening either catching up on TV shows we missed this past week or listening to the Reverend Billy show.
Enjoying some coffee before I run to son's hockey practice. Afterwards, watching football and having some family over. They're bringing some chili over, and the beers will flow. Might brew something up tonight if I get motivated and aren't bombed.
Letting some stuff dry off that I cleaned up to bottle the ordinary bitter finally. Get the vinegar going & clean up again. Not in much of a hurry though, as cold weather makes my pains a bit sharper. Appreciate youth while you sure ain't gonna last!
Started vacation today. 10 glorious days off. Flying clear across the continent and back on that time for a wedding. Bottled wine this morning. Now im watching cartoons with my princess and sampling the 3/4 bottle that was left of said wine. Enjoy the day.
We went to church. Then to lunch. Then home and watched the hapless Bills (3-3) lose the 3rd of 4 home games.:confused: At least it was good for a catnap or two. Ate some of my wife's awesome chili. Got tools ready for the start of a big job tomorrow. Great day, very blessed.
Sunday will be 550 miles of driving from Indiana to Minnesota. Then hopefully, once I'm home I can get some sleep.
This Sunday morning is the opening day of fox, coon, and coyote trapping in my area and I'll be setting a few traps later in an attempt to control some of the exploding coyote population. I'll likely spend the first couple hours after sun up sitting in my tree stand looking for Bowinkle to come by.

It's a cool 50*F here this morning and has been raining off and on all night. The rain stopped sometime early this morning and will have quite'd down the crunching of the leaves. All this promises to make for a good day in the woods, but first, some bacon, eggs, home fries and toast to get the day started off right.

Later I'll not be watching the Bill's and Jaguars, playing, because the NFL had the wisdom to send the game to London. Thanks! I'm sure glad that the state of New York, the county of Monroe, and the city of Buffalo spent tens of millions of tax dollars on a stadium renovation so that Londoner's can enjoy our pastime live instead of us. It won't be on TV in our area either. How STUPID!

Maybe I'll bottle one of the wheat beers that really needed it two weeks ago, instead.

I hope everyone enjoys whatever their Sunday brings their way!

On duty at church today. Just finished coffee and woke the kids. After church spaghetti and a carb coma until 4:30ish then back to church. Afterwards, some bbc show and some beers.

O Day of Rest and Gladness!!!!
You have no idea how happy I am to be back where the internet is fast.

I'll be gaming all day.
Later I'll not be watching the Bill's and Jaguars, playing, because the NFL had the wisdom to send the game to London. Thanks! I'm sure glad that the state of New York, the county of Monroe, and the city of Buffalo spent tens of millions of tax dollars on a stadium renovation so that Londoner's can enjoy our pastime live instead of us. It won't be on TV in our area either. How STUPID!:

You'll also be comforted to know that nobody will be watching it here either because a) the rugby World Cup semi final is on at the same time, b) the Manchester derby is on at the same time and c) nobody watches American football here and most people are trying to work out why it is even happening in Wembley. Literally, more people will tune in every week to watch baking on tv here and most of baking happens in an oven......slowly!
Cleaned out one garage. Cleaned out 1/4th of second garage. Cleaned out my closet.

My closet yielded:
2 medium uHaul boxes of clothes to move
5 bags of clothes to donate
3 bags of clothes to throw away
It's a cold drizzly Sunday morning here in Western NY. This morning will be spent sitting in a tree stand waiting for a big buck, as long as it doesn't rain any harder. Then I'll likely watch some football. But first I'll be making some sausage gravy and biscuits, eggs over easy, home fries and toast. This time change thing has me up early so I might as well make use of the time.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!

I just finished a cup of home roasted Costa Rican organic shade grow fair trade coffee, I have some home repairs to do, and then I'm gonna relax and have a homebrew. If I get real energetic , and my wife's very annoying friend comes over for brunch, I'll find some yardwork to do or clean my garage.
Jonesin' a bit after the last two days off shopping & prepping for Halloween. Not gettin' much done today. Back still hurts...maybe clean some bottles.
My closet yielded:
2 medium uHaul boxes of clothes to move
5 bags of clothes to donate
3 bags of clothes to throw away
I headed into the bedroom last night and found myself standing in an inch of water from a bad leak in the bathroom. It only took 4 hours to clean up but on the bright side two drawers full of my wife's mismatched socks got wet, they'll be offered to the battered women's shelter after they're cleaned, her 20+ pairs of shoes that haven't seen sunlight in years got thrown out, and a couple of bags of her clothes she culled but won't discard are now soggy messes on the back porch. The cleanup last night was a small price to pay to force her to remove the clutter like I did 2 months ago.
Jonesin' a bit after the last two days off shopping & prepping for Halloween. Not gettin' much done today. Back still hurts...maybe clean some bottles.
Living in the country has it's advantages: we haven't had a trick or treater in many years, and we're old so Halloween parties are for our adult kids. Plus today I can buy Halloween candy I like at half price.
Took Halloween off from packing. Hitting it hard again today. I will have one, maybe two, dressers emptied and ready to haul to the landfill before bedtime.
Slept in. Had breakfast. Cleaned out the mess under the stairs in the garage (really, very little completed, but visually it cleans up the entire space) and my tool bench. Went to Ocean State Job Lots, got Grocercies, and hit Wal-wart for some "can't get them anywhere for cheaper" essentials (and 50% off candy)

Out of the morning and into the afternoon, the lady and I both culled our mass piles of personal files and moved what was left into a 2-drawer filing cabinet. We're grownups now - we have a filing cabinet. I had a Celebration and swept the garage.Now the dogs are begging for their dinner.

Need to rack some beers, walk the dogs, and get the Corrado front end onto jack stands so I can pull the stripped wheel adapter, measure and model it to see if I can clock the 5x130 wheel pattern and re-tap a new one.
Started the day by cleaning snow off the car. First actuall snowfall of the year and i think its going to be sticking around. Then off to work for some double time O/T. Now im tired and sore. Going to have a couple beers some supper and relax with my familly.
Today I went to work and oversaw the welding for my kettle, and keezer top.

I got up at 5:30 this morning since you son doesn't recognize the time change, slept for a bit later on, picked up party supplies, went to my son's hockey game, then had his belated birthday party. It was a long day...
I headed into the bedroom last night and found myself standing in an inch of water from a bad leak in the bathroom. It only took 4 hours to clean up but on the bright side two drawers full of my wife's mismatched socks got wet, they'll be offered to the battered women's shelter after they're cleaned, her 20+ pairs of shoes that haven't seen sunlight in years got thrown out, and a couple of bags of her clothes she culled but won't discard are now soggy messes on the back porch. The cleanup last night was a small price to pay to force her to remove the clutter like I did 2 months ago.

Plumbing is one thing I'm not going to miss as a home owner. When we bought this house 13 years ago, I learned a lot of plumbing in the first year.

My wife's closet was ungodly. At some point, she just started throwing clothes in there. It was waist deep. Took her 6 days to empty it and sort through everything.
This Sunday morning finds me up at 4:00 am. Why, I don't really know, other than that damn time change thing last weekend really has me messed up. Who's in charge of that anyway, and why did anyone ever think that was a good idea?

Well, I'm not sure what the day will bring but I know I'll get an early start. 8 hours until football. :mad:

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

Ben Franklin thought it was a good idea for saving candles in the summer. How many candles did you save this year?

The reason it still exists is the recreation and retail industry.

I was awake until 1am last night packing glassware.

I have family coming over for a pack, load, and paint party. This is our last weekend before the move.
Today finds me back at work for some double time O/T. Going to be a long day with 12 hours here. At least i get to go home to a good meal and a happy family. Enjoy the day.
Spent the morning relaxing, then got my son's ice skates relaced and retaped his stick. Time for his hockey game in a bit, then going to brother in laws to hang out and watch football. Enjoy your Sunday guys!
Just got back from church, what a terrific service!
Next up, back to back batches of English brown Porter.
Working today, only 4 more hours to go. Still dark, but clear & 33*F. Having some pea soup & crackers, after work it'll be laundry, a couple of beers & supper. I hope everybody has a great Sunday!
Regards, GF.
Just finished breakfast. It's cool outside (50's) and I've got three batches of beer fermenting after a long brew day yesterday.

Housework is done, yardwork is done. Nothing to do but relax and enjoy the day.
Packing all done. Old house painted & on the market. Possessions all moved. Now it's time to start unpacking at the new place.
Spent the morning doing some yard work with a cold beer, went to the hockey rink for pictures and son's hockey game (2 goals and an assist), and now having a few more beers and watching some football. Gotta get back outside and drag more leaves to the curb in a bit.
Labelled the last batches of wine, mead and beer. Heated up the brew kettle - going to try a partial mash tomorrow or Tuesday and wanted to see the rate of cooling, and sanitize my mash and hop bags at the same time! Helped hubby winterize the boat. It's a nice day, sunny and 60*F, so we'll probably take a nice walk before the sun sets. Lasagna, salad and wine for dinner. Yay! Hope it's a good day for the rest of you, too.
Wow, I missed a Sunday morning! I spent it sitting in a tree stand. The weather turned out great and I watched a big buck walk about 20 yards from my tree stand, unfortunately I was about 80 yards away at the time. Never did get a chance to even draw the bow. Spent the afternoon shooting guns with some friends and then drinking a couple cold ones!

Got the news that the grandson finally took his very first steps on his own, when I got home. Man is he growing up fast!

I hope everyone had a great Sunday!
Yesterday was the opening day of regular deer season, here in Western NY. I didn't find the deer I wanted yesterday so I'll likely spend most of the day in the woods today. I'm glad it's warm out. :)

I hope everyone enjoy's their Sunday!