Sunday Morning

Homebrew Talk

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Beer Theorist
Mar 13, 2012
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Good morning Brewing world! I thought it would be interesting to share what you're going to be doing this Sunday. Are you brewing a beer? Which one?! Post the photos of your good time! Going to a ball game? Church? Let's talk about it! But only on Sunday!

~Make sure to revive this thread each Sunday morning~

This Sunday morning, I'm headed to the local swap meet. I need to get a propane burner to boil 6+ gallons of brew. I'm also planning on eating out for breakfast. The wife is out of town and while Sunday morning coffee is our thing, I brewed my own in the Keurig. Hmm... I think I'll send her an email.

Have a great Sunday!
Already at work. Been here for 4.5 hours. Won't leave for another 10.5.
Heading out to the airport in an hour for my flight instructing job... Followed hopefully by a homebrew!
Possibly heading to the beach... to read a book on beer and stuff and to look at all the women(more ore less may occupy my time than reading)
Yard work, work work, then a bike ride or dog walk. Drinking my wit all day
I have a terrible cold, so I'm just chilling and taking it easy (worked 8.5 hours yesterday and it just about killed me!)

This morning, I did move my goldfish outdoors to the outdoor fish pond for the summer. But I did it unhurriedly and slowly so it wasn't much effort at all.
I'm at work today. I check these forums during my breaks. I work retail (rei), and it's busy today!
Since I rarely get on HBT at home, especially on the weekend, I will post what I DID on Sunday...

Took the wife out to breakfast.
Started finishing the sill and trim around the kitchen window, that I started on Saturday.
Nearly finished the trim then realized the trim won't cover the gap on wine side.
Went to sisters house to get setting joint compound to fill the gap.
Took shower then went to BW3 to watch Red Wings Game with friends.
Got home and read a couple of chapters of The Hobbit to the young one.
Read some of book 5 of The Wheel of Time series until too tired to keep my eyes open.
After breakfast, chocolate bunnies & CBS Sunday Morning, I'll be brewing a 6 gallon batch of customized graff (2 row, caramunich, dark LME & caraway seed). After cleanup it'll be close to lunchtime; after that, well, I haven't decided yet. Happy Easter everybody.
Regards, GF.
Just got off a twelve hour night shift. Tieing a couple off then off to sleep away my easter amd hopefully wake up with enough time to catch the end of the masters
Noticed the CBS picture in the OP -- I just saw that Mike Wallace died at 93. I didn't realize he was so old.

I am doing school work. My wife and I usually visit our respective families on holidays and then spend the evening together but my family is full of diseases so I'm skipping my family. I'm going to have lunch with her family and then come home and get back to work on this 50 page paper.
World champ curling,Easter brunch,The Masters c/w multiple homebrews.
I made my first home brew batch, a pale ale! I started it Saturday at about 10pm but finished about 3am. Fun!

The Wife... Er... The Easter Bunny... Brought me a basket full of micro-brews this morning :). We talked about Easter a bit and listed to the Jesus Christ Show on AM radio and tried to figure out if Jesus cares about Face Book. Wife got a new car from the Easter Bunny. That bunny rivals Santa. Going to play chess later at a Masonic Lodge, enjoy a brew and a dog at the local Brewery.

Happy Easter
Good morning everyone. I find myself at work today, not something I had planned but sometimes you have to do what you have to do...

I wanted to brew a batch today... Will I get of of work soon enough?? Only time will tell!

Thinking laundry is in order too. Maybe make a quick stop at the brewery before heading home...


watched Sunday Morning, worked the Sunday sudoku, read the paper, made lunch. Made a little tweak in my fermentation chamber, filled it with water, going to let it sit for a few days to see how it holds temps. Hitting the gym in a few minutes for a couple hours.

then, a beer with dinner and some sorely-needed house cleaning.
Working an overnight double shift. 3 hours into 16. I feel so left out by threads like these! Then on Wed, MY Sunday, when I brew, garden, smoke, grill, etc. no one wants to talk about it.
Brewed an APA this morning while it was still cool. Started @ 8:30 & had everything cleaned by 12:30. Spent the rest of the day with friends & family. A good day...
I taught a class from 10A to 12P. Then I studied for a new class I'm teaching in less than 2 weeks. Then I took the wife out on a date to some Italian place called Maggiano's. We got home and I studied more for the class I'm teaching in <2 weeks. Then I had a few homebrews. It's now early Monday Morning.
Half a pot of coffee, Sunday Times Crossword. Let the dogs out to terrorize the local fauna, then a mountain bike ride so I can terrorize the local fauna.

Beers and Shepherd's Pie for dinner. Have a great Sunday, everybody!
Coffee, verify files for work, more coffee. Sunday paper and Sunday morning (CBS). Shortly, a shower, lunch, hit the gym for an hour, then help a friend with some handyman chores.

Happy Sunday !
Was hoping to get lucky, but that didn't happen :(

Will be off with the boys to meet my Mom for Sunday brunch in a few minutes. Then hopefully I will be able to catch at least some of the ballgame later this afternoon.