Reverse Oxidization?

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Active Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Hey all,

I am brewing my first grape wine kit after lots of experience with country wines. I have never had my other wines oxidize, and I am generally very careful to prevent it. However, I just tasted a sample of my shiraz blend that I decided to bulk age instead of bottling right away like the instructions said...and it tasted pretty oxidized. The sample sat around for about 5 hours before I drank it; it was the extra bit I had to pull out to make room for the clarifying agent and stirrer. So maybe it just oxidized in that short amount of time in a jar with a loose lid on it? If my wine is oxidized, is there any way to undo it? Would adding potassium metabosulphite now help? I added K meta and K sulphate the last time I racked it about 2 months ago.
