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Aug 28, 2013
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Backstory: Bottled my Oatmeal Stout on Dec 8th of this year; while going to bottle realized I didn't have exactly enough Priming Sugar. I was about 1/2oz off.. but everything was cleaned, wort moved to bottling bucket and lastly it was late so I decided how bad can it be?

I opened a bottle this past Sat; and the beer was flat still. Taste was great.. just flat

What's someone best suggestion of getting this carbonated the right way? Was thinking of going back and throwing all the bottled beer back into the bottling bucket, add more priming sugar to the batch and rebottle... :drunk:
You could try using carbonation tabs. It only takes one per 12 oz bottle and carbs up fairly well. No idea how it would react with already having sugar in it. Might just try letting it sit for another couple weeks and try again before you do anything.
How much priming sugar was there? A half ounce short shouldn't make it flat.

I would not dump them back in the bottling bucket; you could oxidize it badly that way.

Is it possible your priming sugar was not evenly distributed? Is it possible the bottles are not in a warm environment? I think the best thing to try is getting the bottles in a room at least 70 degrees and maybe swirling the bottles a little to get the yeast up.

Sometimes it just takes a little more time.
Thanks Jpeebs, I might pick some of those up and play around see what happens. Have to make a run to the HomeBrew Store tomorrow for the next 2 batches.. so I will pick some up.
Ortho, Thanks for the tips; I did move the bottle closer to our heating system. I had them in our Sun Porch, which tends to be a little cooler. Moved them but, our APT tends to be closer to the higher 70's range.. We don't control our heat.

War Eagle or Roll Tide?
Before you play with carbonation tabs, listen to that guy who said wait a couple of weeks then check. If at that point nothing has happened, then perhaps add the tabs or even half a tab. 1/2 ounce of missing sugar shouldn't result in truly flat beer.
Ortho, Thanks for the tips; I did move the bottle closer to our heating system. I had them in our Sun Porch, which tends to be a little cooler. Moved them but, our APT tends to be closer to the higher 70's range.. We don't control our heat.

War Eagle or Roll Tide?

Your beer should be in the 70's when carbonating. You won't get off flavors from that temp at this point, those would have happened much earlier as the yeast were very active but you won't get carbonation if it is too cool.
Had the same issue with an Irish Stout. I put a seed starting mat under the boxes of bottles and covered with a large bath towel to bring the heat up bit. checked a week later and everything was carbed up nicely. Was considering re-priming but chose to warm things instead.

Wait it out, say another week to ten days before trying to re-prime.