mean old man
mine goes to 20
I've seen images of a fly printed in the urinal, at precisely the spot they want us to aim at.
Aim?I've seen images of a fly printed in the urinal, at precisely the spot they want us to aim at.
Oh yeah, *THAT* will work. Let's just hook the $120,000 bass boat right up to that.
Somehow, I picture Vermont plates..
Yeah, bit it doesn't look like a Subaru bumper.Somehow, I picture Vermont plates..
That there's a truncated parallelogram.round
What do you call these?Look at this absolute unit!
View attachment 856797
Chantarelle, I think the name is golden chantarelle in English.What do you call these?
Beautiful. Could be a major oh shhhh moment if you catch it out of the corner of your eye.View attachment 857080
Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds, or "wave" clouds, seen off of Whidbey Island yesterday.
Your foraging hit the news down here.Look at this absolute unit!
View attachment 856797
After graduating from high school my daughter worked at a Los Alamos National Labs research facility doing full body exposure scans on people, mostly employees of LANL, but to get a better control group it was available to the general public. My scan showed slightly elevated levels of cesium exposure from my first job in the oilfield. But we had several French family members visiting and a couple of them were willing to get locked into this steel chamber for the 20 minutes required. The scientists were excited to have them tested because it was just a few years after Chernobyl and levels of exposure were uncharted in France. Fortunately neither f them turned up with any significant exposure. That was when I learned that mushroom foragers and people who ate a lot of wild game were particularly exposed to radioactive particles that had settled in the ground. Carlsbad was the site of an underground nuclear test in the 60s( so there was a lot of interest at LANL about the exposure levels of the locals. I don't know if any data was ever released by LANL, but I do know that in the small school my wife worked at, 10 miles from the site, there was an abnormally high rate of breast cancer among the school staff who grew up in the area.Your foraging hit the news down here.
That's obviously just a scam to get a hold of golden chantarelles without putting in the work.Your foraging hit the news down here.
Hey, BC! Try this on them!proper case of the heebie-jeebies
Those look more like the chanterelles in France.@corkybstewart
Remember I mentioned the darker autumn chantarelles I believed we don't have up here? Well turns out I was wrong...
Also, anybody said lingonberry?
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