Question on a Bavarian recipe

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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hey guys, has a recipe i wanted to do. this is my third batch so i have no experience with grains. When i go to the LHBS what am i looking for exactly?

What is American Wheat ?
I assume these are grains?
American Two-row Pale

Do i add the rice hulls at the beginning?
Looks like an all grain. You can probably do a similar recipe as extract by substituting the grains for wheat dme and steeping the carapils. if its your third batch i'd stick to the extract recipes until you have that down. thats where i'm at as well.
when you say buy the american wheat, what is it? i dont see a LME/DRE called american wheat. all i see is a kit
IMO, it's one of those marketing things...wheat...sounds boring..."American Wheat!!!" Woohoo...feel the excitement??

It really doesn't matter...for us that use DME our wheat is from several countries.

For a Hefe Weizen it's the yeast that does the trick...;)
the raspberry wheat has a recipe i can definitely handle, but i have a question. i imagine when i cook the frozen berries at 150 degrees, i imagine i'll get some liquid runoff. do i add all of that runoff AND the berries to the secondary?
What a coincidence... I'm brewing a wheat on Saturday and it will be my fourth batch.

I kinda made this one up and here's my recipe...

6 Lbs of Wheat LME
3 Lbs of Amber LME
1 Lbs Carapils (steeped 30 minutes at 150F)
1 Oz Hallertau for 60 minutes
1 Oz Hallertau for 10 minutes
Wyeast 1214

I'm thinking this should start at about 1.062 and end up about 6.8 ABV....

Should be a nice, light tasting refreshing summer beer that can knock your dick in the dirt if you drink too much... Or it could suck.. I don't know...

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