Question about cider

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2009
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Columbus, OH
Ok, this is my first batch of anything, and I decided to make a cider. I took EdWort's Apfelwein recipe and subbed light DME for the sugar and Notty yeast for the Monty. It has been in the carboy for just over a week, and the bubbles are coming at one every 20 seconds or so. OG was 1.050, how long do you think it should take? I haven't gotten into it to take a gravity reading yet because it is still going and I don't want to disrupt the yeast. I know people have left theirs in for around 3 weeks in the past, when does it normally slow down? Thanks for the advice! :mug:
take a gravity reading. you don't need to be worried about disturbing the yeast. just make sure everything that comes in contact with the cider is properly sanitized. there should be a nice protective layer of CO2 on top of the cider. as long as you don't push to much of that out while getting a reading you will be fine (and yes i realize CO2 is inadvisable just be careful). chances are you sill have a ways to go on your fermentation. after taking your sample and getting a reading taste it to see how its coming along. when the bubbling stops you know your done with primary fermentation. rack it, take a hydrometer reading, then let it sit and clear.
ahhh...yes....your first cider....I see your getting antsy to get it done and try it, much like I was the first couple times. I agree you could take a hydro reading, but, I would let it go at least a couple weeks before I took my first hydro. I've been fermenting mine around 3 weeks and bottling. Most have come out pretty clear with little sediment in the bottom of the bottles. It will probably be done within the first 2 weeks, but I've found that extra time gives it a chance to start clearing. Dont worry, you wont mess it up as long as your careful about sanitizing.
Ok, this is my first batch of anything, and I decided to make a cider. I took EdWort's Apfelwein recipe and subbed light DME for the sugar and Notty yeast for the Monty. It has been in the carboy for just over a week, and the bubbles are coming at one every 20 seconds or so. OG was 1.050, how long do you think it should take? I haven't gotten into it to take a gravity reading yet because it is still going and I don't want to disrupt the yeast. I know people have left theirs in for around 3 weeks in the past, when does it normally slow down? Thanks for the advice! :mug:

This sounds similar to Graff, you might get some handy info from this: Regards, GF.
I checked on it again yesterday, still getting a little bubble every now and then. I'm going to leave it, probably until this coming weekend. Then I'll do a hydro test and see where it's at. If the grav is still too high, I think I'm going to pitch some champagne yeast to bring it down lower, as it will ferment out dryer than the Notty. We'll see how it comes out.
The bubbles coming out of the airlock might just be C02 coming out of the solution. I believe that Notty will result with a FG of 1.008 with a initial gravity of 1.050 assuming it attenuates to 86%. Although I haven't had much luck with Notty yeast to date so I'm just regurgitating information I've accumulated. You might want to hold off on the champagne yeast until it's completely finished and it's had a little time to bulk age. Even if you decide you want a drier cider do yourself a favour and fill a couple bottles before pitching the champagne yeast so you'll have something to compare to.
I plan on leaving mine on the yeast for at least three months. Why the rush?
I plan on leaving mine on the yeast for at least three months. Why the rush?

I might be totally out to left field here but leaving your cider on the lees for that long might lead to some undesirable flavours due to autolysis. Although, champagne often relies on this process to achieve the correct taste/mouthfeel. I'd do some research on the topic before leaving your cider on the lees for more than a month.
Ok, yesterday was the three week mark, and I'm going to try to bottle it this weekend as long as I can set some time aside for it. I've been prepping my bottles (taking labels off) all week, and I think I'm about ready.
Three weeks sounds about right. Fermentation of the small batch of apfelwein I did with Lalvin EC-1118 was done within 3 weeks, closer to 2 actually. I've had Notty stall on me twice though, at 1.020 and 1.040-ish so you might want to take hydrometer readings over the course of a few days to make sure it's done. If you have a hydrometer that is he he he.
yeah, I think this one was done after two, but I didn't have time to bottle last weekend, and figured it wouldn't hurt to let it go another week. I plan on getting a hydro reading tonight. If it's still too high, I may pitch some champagne yeast (or another packet of notty) to get it going again. I know the champagne yeast will make it dry, the flavor tonight will be the determining factor as to which yeast I will pitch next (if any).
Ok, I just took a gravity reading and it came out 1.010. Don't know if I should go any lower or not. It tasted sort of dry already, I'll probably just bottle it this weekend and let it bottle age from here on out.
Got it bottled on Sunday, everything went ok. I sanitized in the dishwasher as I didn't have time to get a vinator yet. We'll see what comes out in a few weeks!
1.010 Sounds pretty close to the correct FG for Nottingham Ale yeast, I think they suggested 1.008 as the average FG for their yeast on the website.
So this is my first time with cider, and i am just curious what kind of timeline to follow. I used store bought organic juice with with a champagne yeast, and two pounds dark brown sugar in a five gal. All is Well a week into it. Also this being a college house project the fastest timeline is desired, but i am willing to stand up for some quality! What kind of alcohol content should be expected? Once again COLLEGE! On another note aré there any additives come bottling time that enhance flavor like cinnimon or nuttmeg? Thanks