Phenolic in consecutive batches

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May 10, 2011
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So I brewed a "kit" (hopped extract and some DME, and I think a White labs Belgian yeast, not sure tho) it was a Belgian wheat or something, it was about a year ago. It had some phenolic like taste but it was expected. Months late but the next batch, I had a brew party (drinking involved) and brewed a special bitter. Still had the off flavor, but this time not expected for the style. Just bottled a stout that was next in sequence and tasted it, had the same phenolic taste. The stout, started off great, very active fermentation (5 gal batch w/ kruesen flowing out my 6 gal carboy). The gravity got down to 1015, but I wasn't able to bottle or rack yet. checked it later and gravity rose to 1020. So here's what I'm thinking and I'll let you guys chime in also.

- my sanitation is lax (especially during the brew party).

- There is bacteria in my equipment (I'm doubting this).

- I've let the brew sit on the yeast cake for too long (this is my best guess).

I've just racked a CDA into secondary for dry hopping so let's hope I broke the chain of bad brews.

There's a lot of different issues that could be causing this flavor. First off, when you say phenolic...what kind of flavors/aromas are you getting?

What kind of sanitizer are you using?

I'm going to assuming that you made a bad hydrometer reading with the stout. Gravity doesn't go up unless you add something.
Are you using distilled or RO water? Chloramines in tap water could cause phenols. If you're fermenting over 65*, it could just be that you're fermenting too hot. I doubt letting it sit on the yeast cake was the issue, unless you're underpitching or otherwise stressing the yeast beforehand.

It may or may not be sanitation. If it's a combination of phenols and gushing beer, then that's something I'd look at.
thoughtsonhops said:
So I brewed a "kit" (hopped extract and some DME, and I think a White labs Belgian yeast, not sure tho) it was a Belgian wheat or something, it was about a year ago. It had some phenolic like taste but it was expected. Months late but the next batch, I had a brew party (drinking involved) and brewed a special bitter. Still had the off flavor, but this time not expected for the style. Just bottled a stout that was next in sequence and tasted it, had the same phenolic taste. The stout, started off great, very active fermentation (5 gal batch w/ kruesen flowing out my 6 gal carboy). The gravity got down to 1015, but I wasn't able to bottle or rack yet. checked it later and gravity rose to 1020. So here's what I'm thinking and I'll let you guys chime in also.

- my sanitation is lax (especially during the brew party).

- There is bacteria in my equipment (I'm doubting this).

- I've let the brew sit on the yeast cake for too long (this is my best guess).

I've just racked a CDA into secondary for dry hopping so let's hope I broke the chain of bad brews.


Most importantly, what temperature did you ferment at?
Thanks everyone. I'm using bottled spring water. I'm fermenting from 68-70. Aside from the initial vigorous fermentation of the stout, I haven't had any gushing. The stout is bottled now and my CDA is dry hopping. I hope the CDA turns out, I don't have huge hopes for the stout.

Ambient 68-70?

For ales, the wort temp goes up 3-10 degrees during active fermentation.
When you say "Phenolic", is it medicinal, plasticy, tarry??? Something else?

How long was the beer on the cake?
68-70 on the stick on thermometer. I did not know the temp climbs that much. And yeah, a plasticy clove like taste.
In any case, you should really be fermenting lower. 60*-ish. Especially for non-Belgian styles, that will make your beer taste a lot better.
I agree with everything said here...

But I'm going to lay my bets on sanitation. Whether it be lax sanitation or using a chlorine-based sanitizer (bleach) and not rinsing it properly (e.g. not rinsing with boiled & still hot water).

What are your procedures there??
I agree with everything said here...

But I'm going to lay my bets on sanitation. Whether it be lax sanitation or using a chlorine-based sanitizer (bleach) and not rinsing it properly (e.g. not rinsing with boiled & still hot water).

What are your procedures there??

Yes, what are your sanitation proceedures?

Also - I've heard and read somewhere (can't recall), that using iodine based sanitizers (iodophor, etc.) at way higher than the concentration on the label can cause phenolic flavors...

Anyone else hear/read this?
I'm using an iodine sanitizer from LHBS. Star-San or five star. Something like that. I keep my plastic bucket with 5 gal of solution nearby. Everything spends some time in there right before coming in contact with the wort. The carboy is rinsed with same sanitizer also. I use bleach for bottles in the sink but after the bleach I rinse with hot water twice and then fill up with 5 gal of sanitizer taken from my priming bucket or carboy.

Fermenting usually starts 24 hours, normally around 10 hours from pitching.
"Sight unseen", this sounds like infection. If you are really stuck, PM me and you can send me a bottle -- I've helped several folks diagnose their problems since I have a lot of experience in off flavors.
"Sight unseen", this sounds like infection. If you are really stuck, PM me and you can send me a bottle -- I've helped several folks diagnose their problems since I have a lot of experience in off flavors.

Sacc - have you ever heard of too much iodophor causing phenolic flavors? The reason I ask is that I had a couple bottles in a comp report huge phenols. And I know I used WAY too much iodophor when sanitizining the bottles (long story - but try mixing iodophor by "color" with really cold water). I made a mental note that the mix was way too high of a ratio....

Just wondering....

And maybe iodophor releases chloramines into chlorine if you use too much in the sanitizing water?
I've been using Five Star IO Sanitzer. I just ran out and bought BTF. They call for 1oz.

Thanks for the offer, Sacc. I gave away the rest of the first infected batch. And the stout was just bottled a couple days ago. I've taken it to a local pro brewer and certified beer judge. I'm just hoping to find where/when its getting infected.
Thanks for the offer, Sacc. I gave away the rest of the first infected batch. And the stout was just bottled a couple days ago. I've taken it to a local pro brewer and certified beer judge. I'm just hoping to find where/when its getting infected.

Good call. Hopefully they have experience in off flavors as well. It's frustrating, I know, but with help you will get to the bottom of this!