Pappy`s Pub Cider - Award Winner!

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No water at all. Just the juice (drank its initial hydro reading, that was fine). Could it be I've stressed the yeast by high ABV? I don't have my calculations handy, but it's around where that yeast stops.
So mine will hit 2 months next week and I am going to rack into the secondary, hit it with some clearing agent and bottle in a week. I think it will need to mellow in the bottles for a bit.
I started a batch about six weeks ago. I think it's done fermenting now, in about two weeks I would like to run it through a Bon Vino wine filter before kegging. Good idea? Bad idea? Input?
It can't hurt but i don't filter mine personally.
I find that leaving it unfiltered leaves some yeast present which
just so happen to be high in B-Vitamins.
These vitamins help lessen the effects of over indulgence.
(read helps you NOT get a hang over)
Just hit it with a gelatin clearer like K.C.Super Kleer if you want it clear.
Has anyone back sweetened with apple concentrate and brown sugar and stove top pasteurized? Sounds Delicious and deadly!
Back sweetening is not needed for this recipe.
There is 2 whole pounds of sugar per gallon here.
The yeast cannot convert all of that to alcohol.
So there is plenty of sugar left over for anyones sweet tooth.
Cinamon in the secondary is absolutely amazing.
So i have 10 gallons of this going in two fermentation buckets. The first is fermenting like crazy, bubbles every 2 seconds. The second one there is no bubbles coming from the air lock.

I'm wondering if...the first bucket is a 30L and the second is much smaller, 6 gallons max. So it's close to the top. Any recommendations?

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Oh, sorry. I started this on Saturday, so it should've been plenty of time. I can see foam on the top of the lid, so i know it's quite up there.

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It's bottled!

1G juice, 2 1/4# brown sugar, half cinnamon stick
Red star champagne yeast
Boiled/reduced to original 1G volume
OG 1.138. FG 1.014 for 16.27% ABV

other was ginger version
1G juice, 1# brown sugar, 8oz ginger syrup
T-58 yeast
Made huge mess on the counter...
OG 1.124. FG 1.034 for 11.81% ABV

Both are now bottled and relaxing in the fridge.
Bottled 2 each in plastic for carb test. Ginger swelled up, cinnamon did not.
Had 4ish homeless ounces of the cinnamon, so I found a home for it (gulp). It's lightly carbed from the ferment, and that may be enough.

I guess it will be ready for my anniversary! :-D
Yup, seems that was the problem cause it's bubbling like crazy now. Thanks Paps!

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This may have been asked already so I apologize if this is a repeat... When you bottle do you have to prime? Will it be carbonated? I really like Angry Orchard so as my DH is doing his beer thing I figured I would try my own.
I don't bottle this.
I keg.
Priming wouldn't really do any good as there is allready a large amount of sugar,
some of which is not fermented as the yeast cannot handle it all.
Use either beer bottles or chanpagne bottles for this.
(the glass is thicker and less prone to exploding)
perhaps somebody here whom has bottled a lot of this can help you with the number of weeks along before bottling they did to help you out.
So here we are. Exactly two months, primary only. I just put a batch into a corny keg, and had 4.5 litres left over to bottle/sample. I didn't bother clearing or filtering it.

ABV from SG readings is 16.54%. The misses is tipsy from half a glass! :tank:

I'm surprised at how little sediment there was, and surprised that I got 23 litres of cider from 20.8 litres of apple juice.

A big thumbs up on this! Thanks for the recipe and the advice. The cinnamon version will happening soon.
*slowly opens one eye*

Had first bottle of each of two versions I did (1 ginger, 1 cinnamon) last night.

Pardon my language, effing yum.

Neither carbed up a lot, with the ginger being slightly more, both are comparable to moscatos I've had. I will probably keep a gallon brewing at all times.

Thanks Paps!

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How long did you let it sit in bottle to carb up?

Also, did you pasteurize the bottles so they wouldn't become bombs?

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They both sat out for about 2 hours. I used 2 PET bottles each and squeezed them until they had firmed up, which the ginger did, and the cinnamon version did not as much. When I fill, I typically squeeze them to get a little better idea on the amount they have carbed.

I did not pasteurize them, since I only did a gallon of each, I had space in the fridge. So I just knocked the little guys out that way. Hope this helps.


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I made my cider up last Friday... following Paps directions but using 4 gallons of juice and 8 lbs of sugar. The air lock started bubbling late Sat night or early Sun morning. It is still bubbling... is this normal... for this long? I know when hubby makes his beer it is usually about 3-4 days I see the air lock bubbling. New to this so I am just kind of curious.
It's going to bubble for quite a while. I'm at 3 weeks and still bubbling.

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Mine bubbled for close to a month, stayed around 65* F. Also, only brewed a 1G batch.

Got stuff to mix up another batch today, but first started my mead varieties... Only to find I ran out of air locks! Perhaps I'll need to detour to LHBS tomorrow on my way home from work.
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This looks great I want to try 3 gallons of it I don't own a keggerator so ill be bottling and stove top or dishwasher pasturizing

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Paps I'm thinkin cran apple cider for 3 gallons
2 gal apple
1gal cran
6lb sugar
Temp here stays between 65 to 70F I have tile so its like a cellar I had a bad experience with lalvin ec1118 with my jqgm the yeast flavor just wont go away was wondering if anybody has a different yeast suggestion

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Second 1G batch in primary. Measured more carefully this time. Used 2# Demerara sugar. OG 1.124
Red Star champagne dry yeast again.

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Tomorrow will be a month for me. About to rack it into secondary with some cinnamon sticks. Can't wait for this one, but at least I will be able to brew again since it took up both my main fermentation vessels.

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I had a bad experience with lalvin ec1118 with my jqgm the yeast flavor just wont go away was wondering if anybody has a different yeast suggestion

I've done this method with cranberry as well and it's great.(just cranberry no apple juice)

"jcgm" did you mean "jaom"???? they say you are supposed to use bread yeast for a "jaom" not any other kind which could be why you had issues with it.

Lalvin EC-1118 is my `go to` yeast for anything not beer.
Just give it time to do it's thing and use K.C.-SUPER KLEER
hope this helps.
Hmm well my quick grape is clear but since it has a yeast aftertaste I suppose yeast are still in suspention I have had a bottle of it in the fridge for a week ... d47 doesn't taste as bad but it also doesn't produce high alcohol and I think that's the problem ec1118 taste like poop lol

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Clear is the key ....

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How long from pitching the yeast to you drinking it are you allowing?
I personally let everything sit in primary for a month now.
If you are one of these impatient people going from pitch to pour in 3 weeks therein lies your problem.
No no it petered out at 14 days but I left it alone for 5 weeks then campden sorbate left it alone for 4 days back sweetened it was clear when I racked it but now its hazy so ill just leave it alone for a while

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Does anyone have notes on Original Gravity readings? How about gravity readings when they swap to secondary? I see some FG readings and that gives me a good idea of where I'm going, but I'm a by-the-numbers sort.

I just started this today (first batch ever) and got an OG of 1.114. Used Lavlin EC1118 as recommended, with a nutrient, Mott's for the juice. My plan is to go for roughly 21-30 days and transfer to secondary. Not sure what FG to shoot for. I know that paps goes for kegs, but I'll be bottling. I plan to pasteurize once I get the right flavor/carbonation.

Any thoughts? I've been digging some, and maybe I've missed a good formula - if so, point me in the right direction!


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I had an OG of 1.12. Unfortunately I didn't take a reading when it went into secondary. I'm about 3 weeks away from bottling.

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This is a cut-n-paste from a member called `woozy`
Well, it's all a guess but flying by the seat of my pants:

Pounds of sugar to get 1% of alcohol boost = no. gallons/(6*attenuation of yeast).

So to raise a 5 gallon batch 1% with yeast attenuating at 75%, you should add 5 gallons/(.75 * 6) = 5 gallons/4.5 = 1.1111111.... = 1 1/9 lb of sugar.

(Because ... 1 1/9 lb of sugar in a gallon will rise the o.g. by 1 1/9 * 46 = 51.1111 pts. So in 5 gallons it will raise the o.g. by (1/5)* 5.1111 = 10.2222. This will raise the potential alcohol percentage by .131 * 10.2222 = 1.339% =~ 1 1/3%. But as the yeast has an attenuation of 75% the actual alcohol percentage will go up by 1 1/3% * 3/4 = 4/3 * 3/4 % = 1%)

(the 6 comes about because .131 * 46 = 6.026 =~ 6. .131 is the scale to convert points to potential alcohol, and 46 is the gravity points of a pound of sugar in 1 gallon of wort.)
going by what this guy says the 10 lbs of sugar alone potentially has 13.39 % ABV
the next batch that i do i'll try to remember to take a reading of the juice without adding the sugar.
Hope this helps
After 3 weeks, I have this still in the primary. It's bubbling away. Should I continue to keep in in the primary until it's done bubbling? What should I use to clear it up in the secondary?

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Should I continue to keep in in the primary until it's done bubbling? What should I use to clear it up in the secondary?

Yes leave it in primary for a full week after all bubbling has stopped.
For clearing use "super-kleer K.C."{kieselsol-chitosan}
Basically a month primary and 3-4 weeks secondary is what i do now.
I've been putting whole cinnamon sticks (3 of them) in the secondary and it is amazing.