Off-flavor, need help pitching/aerating?

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Dec 9, 2009
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New brewer here. I've done two IPAs with different hops for the flavor and aroma adds and the taste was almost exactly the same: not great. I think my problem is banana esters. I say "think" because I'm not sure exactly what I'm tasting and smelling but there is definitely a strong flavor that I'm not used to tasting in commercial IPAs.

Both brews were extract with half the extract added late. Both used US-05. The OG for both was calculated to be 1.067. Here are the differences:

Batch 1:
Boil size was 3 gallons.
Amarillo hops for late additions and dry hop.
Wort cooled to 72ish in 30 minutes in a bath.
Aerated by dumping into fermenter and topping off with bottled water.
Pitched one 11g packet by sprinkling on top of wort, much of which was starsan foam, then rocket the bucket a bit.
Airlock activity in 36 hours.

Batch 2:
Boil size was 5 gallons.
Equal parts Amarillo and Simcoe for late additions and dry hop.
Wort cooled to 72ish with immersion chiller in 10 minutes.
Wort aerated by siphoning from kettle and letting the hose splash the wort on top.
Pitched one 11g packet before siphon finished and I "watered it in" with the remaining wort.
Airlock activity in 24 hours.

Both batches were left to ferment in an ambient 63 degree basement. I know I should have FG readings, but I don't.

I do have two packs of US-05 left that I'd like to use, even if they are both on the same batch. But I can also switch to 1056 if that might solve my problem. And I can buy an aeration tool if that would help.

Edit: Both stayed in the primary for 3 weeks prior to kegging, with dry hopping the last week.
I have been starting to notice off flavors in my US-05 beers. I have used this yeast plenty of times before, but I think the VERY high hopping rates of the previous IPA's I made covered up the off taste of the yeast. I think this yeast needs a long bottle (or keg) conditioning time to reduce those flavors - not a good attribute. I am talking 6-8 weeks of conditioning. I remember an IIPA I made that after the dry hops wore off, I could taste the off flavor. Then, I drank my last of the batch at week 8 and no more off flavor.

I do not get bannana specifically, but a big estery, almost astringent taste. I do not get this flavor when I use S-33. Or coopers even... althought coopers is not the best for every style, I may go back to this yeast. I am trying S-04 out to see how I like it.
1.067 is big enough that you might need a little more yeast. says you would need about 13 grams dry yeast, and should probably have been rehydrated. That said, you underpitched a little, and your ferment temperature in the fermenter was probably a little higher than ideal, but it's probably not terrible. People have done worse things & still had good beer.

I'm wondering why you didn't bother with a FG reading? You could even take one now if you want - just fill up a test vessel from the tap & let it sit long enough to go flat & kill the carbonation. Then temp adjust for 60 degrees.

I'm also curious how long you let the beer condition now in the keg.
I didn't take a reading because I don't own a hydrometer. I will be picking one up this week. Batch one was in the keg about 6 weeks before it was gone, and while the off-flavor mellowed slightly, it still dominated the taste. Batch 2 has only been a couple days but I tasted it and it already has the same unmistakable smell and flavor that I remember and didn't like from the first one. I have an opening to brew this weekend so I'm trying to figure out what I need to change about my process before then.
My next question would be - what are you using for water Tap? Bottled? Well water (do you have a water softener?) I'm assuming both of these are extract batches ? Dry extract or LME ?

Your process doesn't look horrible to me. Aeration & taking hydrometer readings would probably help a little. I'm thinking your off-taste might be coming from something else.
I used half well water, half bottled water. I do not have a water softener.

Batch 1 was all DME, Batch 2 was about half DME and half (I believe fresh) LME for the late add.
I use US-05 for IPA's and APA's had no off flavor. I might suggest that you get a little more 02 in your wort so your yeast takes off a little faster. Also you might try getting a little cooler before you pitch your yeast...65 to 68F. You might also try moving to a secondary after a week to get off the yeast which can lead to some off flavor.

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