NHC 2010, are you entering?

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I got mine first I guess, so I might as well go first with my results.

I won't be sending anything to the finals, but it doesn't appear to be due to lack of effort.

16-C Saison
Sent in my Saison Furtif. This is the one beer that had a judge that I'd consider full of crap. Got two score sheets, both scored 2 points apart and one was great and had good constructive things on it. The other "judge" (listed as an apprentice) didn't seem to understand the style. The good one noted some oxidation. My bad there. The beer was from last summer and he noted that the bottle was a little underfilled. I just grabbed a bottle at random to send it and didn't look. For all I know it might have been the last bottle filled. So, I learned something today! Check your bottles before sending them in and send the best one! Especially when the beer is most of a year old.
The other judge didn't seem to have a grasp on things. Said there was an earthy undertone that "contradicts what should be in a saison" when it's in the BJCP guidelines that hops should be "spicy or earthy". He also said it should be attenuated more. This thing finished out at 1.000. Not sure how much more attenuated it could get!
So, I'll just ignore that one and go with the other one since it was really on the ball and had good criticisms.

Score=29. Considering it was oxidized, I call that promising!

10-A American Pale Ale
Sent my Kabe's Secret Pale Ale. DIACETYL! GAHHHHHH!!! Can't argue with this one. I tasted one the night I dropped them off and something tasted off. Couldn't quite figure out what it was. Bottles that conditioned a bit longer didn't have the flavor, at least as much. 4 out of 4 judges said it had a diacetyl problem. I had to rush this one and had to cut primary time down so I know right where it came from. Oh well, having your kid hit by a car can cut into your brewing time! Outside of that off flavor, I got some good comments. Great marks on appearance!

Score=20. Can't argue with it a bit. Should do better next time with the same recipe.

23-A Specialty Beer
This one is just not a competition beer, I think. I got lots of comments like "too much cocoa... needs more hop and malt". Well, the cocoa is the POINT of this beer. Just have figure that this is not a beer for normal people. This is just for the bitter, dark chocolate lovers and that's it. I can take that. I'll brew it for me and won't waste it on comps! :D Great scores on appearance and mouthfeel though.
This is a fantastic beer for what it is, but obviously isn't what judges think it should be. Not a good choice for comps. My one complaint on this one is that one of the judges only put one or two word notes in each section. Not very useful.


So, overall I'm disappointed with the results, but happy with my beer. My recipes are good (at least 2 of the 3 and I don't care about the other one, I like the beer!) but I had some one time issues bite me in the ass.
Got my scoresheets back today as well. Very speedy results. No advancers but I think I came close with my Belgian IPA.

10A American Pale Scored: 31.3
Respectable, a work in progress

14C IPA Scored 28.5
This was a shame as I took a bronze medal with it two weeks before and a 37.5 but accidentaly turned the gas off to my keg. The day before I sent it to the AHA comp I found out the gas was off and quick carbed it, but it got hit for off flavors which I think was due to the undercarb.

16E Belgian IPA Scored 36.5
I got some nice comments on this one. It was on the young side and I want to wait and see how it ages out. It will see another comp or two.
guys (Cat & Zen), these are great posts with your scoresheet feedback. thanks. I'll do the same when I get mine.
+1, although I'll prob 'forget' if they are terribad.:D

I wonder if the novice judge on your Saison mistook a musty/cardboardy flavor from the oxidation as 'earthy undertone'? Did the 'good judge' elaborate on what type of oxidation off-flavor there was?
i am by no means ready for someone to judge my beer, but am interested in what all home brew competitions are out there. Other than NHC, what others are there?
i am by no means ready for someone to judge my beer, but am interested in what all home brew competitions are out there. Other than NHC, what others are there?

Loads. The NHC is a national event, but I'm sure there are lots in your state. Join a club and you'll know. Nationals are tough to win.

My brewing club pays for the entry fee for up to 2 entries in every comp I want to enter. We also have packing and shipping parties, so they take care of getting it there, too. I have to do almost nothing but collect medals (yea, right). Join a club if you can.

Clubs usually have regular internal competitions where you can have your beers judged by skilled, hopefully BJCP, judges. This kind of feedback is great if you desire to brew to the BJCP style guidelines.
I wonder if the novice judge on your Saison mistook a musty/cardboardy flavor from the oxidation as 'earthy undertone'? Did the 'good judge' elaborate on what type of oxidation off-flavor there was?

Don't think so. It definitely has a slight earthy tone, even when it was fresh and young. The experienced judge mentioned "cardboard" in the flavor section, "sherry" in the aroma section and "paper and sherry" in the overall impression.

edit: I don't mean to sound like I'm ripping the less experienced judge. He still scored only 2 points lower than the more experienced one. It's just that his comments showed a lack of experience and not a lot of understanding of the style. I still appreciated him coming out for the competition.
Don't think so. It definitely has a slight earthy tone, even when it was fresh and young. The experienced judge mentioned "cardboard" in the flavor section, "sherry" in the aroma section and "paper and sherry" in the overall impression.

edit: I don't mean to sound like I'm ripping the less experienced judge. He still scored only 2 points lower than the more experienced one. It's just that his comments showed a lack of experience and not a lot of understanding of the style. I still appreciated him coming out for the competition.
Ah, I see. Agree on appreciating the effort, there are a lot of beers to judge and I'm sure they're short on judges.

One of the beers I sent in is, I think, very oxidized and cardboard-ish. But that beer is my first corn-whiskey barrel-aged beer and I'm just not sure if it's oxidation or intense wood. It's gotta be the former though because when I first tapped it it was chocolatey and delicious with semi-strong whiskey and subtle vanilla notes. I'm drinking the second Porter from that barrel now and it still tastes good.
I got mine first I guess, so I might as well go first with my results.

I won't be sending anything to the finals, but it doesn't appear to be due to lack of effort.

16-C Saison
Sent in my Saison Furtif. This is the one beer that had a judge that I'd consider full of crap.

It's disappointing to hear you had judge issues with your saison. I submitted mine as well, along with a couple other beers.

This is what I got on the saison:

From one judge: "little to no hop aroma", "color ok- on dark side", "spicy-bitter flavor not completely out of style", "finish a little thin/dry".

From the other judge, I got the kicker: "very nice wit".

Yes- They judged my 16C saison as a 16A witbier, and all the helpful suggestions on the sheet were the differences between a saison and a witbier. I got a 36. FML.

Other beers:

16E Honey Lavender Wit got a 39: "Great balance!", "Thank you! Nicely balanced ale."
sounds like I need to up the carb a bit though.

8C ESB got a 32, needs a stiffer bittering addition. This one had a National rank judge and the helpful comments I would expect from one.

21A Basil IPA got a 32. This is a takeoff from Evan!'s recipe. Judges were looking for more American hop aroma.
Mine arrived. Guess I can start drinking the bottles I saved ;)

23C - Cascadian Dark got a 37.3. Most were looking for just a pinch more hop bitterness. Guess I was too as I upped the bittering hops on my second batch

5C - Dopplebock got a 31.5. Looking for Malt character. And this was a double decoction.

14B - American IPA got a 32. More aroma/flavor needed on this one. Guess I agreed as the second batch I have going right now will be dry hopped and I increased the late additions

This is where it gets ugly....

7B - California Common....29. Over carbed and maybe a bit more hops. Oh well.

17C - Oud Bruin....29. Suggested I blend with a non-sour version to balance it out (too heavy on the sour).

There you have it kids. To those that make it on, congrats!!! One of these years I hope to join you.
I ended up only having 1 beer ready to enter, and submitted it to both 16E and 23. It's my clone of Brewtopia's Grapes of Wrath.
Don't have the feedback or scores yet, but no medals on the four I entered (4C, 7B, 12B, 13C).
Some results are being posted here. Anyone hear anything from the Northeast comp last weekend?

Kicked the kegs on two of my entries last night. Those bottles that I put aside for the second round (yeah, right :p!) will be calling me tonight.
My North German Pilsner (2A) scored a 38 for a 2nd place in the East Region. Half of that same batch is still lagering in the secondary. I had to cut short the lagering period for the first half in order to meet the deadline. That's my ace in the hole.
My North German Pilsner (2A) scored a 38 for a 2nd place in the East Region. Half of that same batch is still lagering in the secondary. I had to cut short the lagering period for the first half in order to meet the deadline. That's my ace in the hole.

Very nice! Scoring well with a lager reaslly says your process is in a good place. How close to Ohio do you live? Hopefully my scoresheets find their way to me in DC soon.
Very nice! Scoring well with a lager reaslly says your process is in a good place. How close to Ohio do you live? Hopefully my scoresheets find their way to me in DC soon.

Thanks guys!

I'm in Cincinnati. I have not yet received the score sheets, but one of my friends was there judging and he called me after they announced the winners.

I placed a 2nd in the final round last year with my Classic American Pilsner. Yeah, lagers are lucky for me. I'm hoping for the gold this year with the German Pils. I'm stoked!
Did they add the 25th? I don't recall seeing the 25th as a judging date for the south but I didn't really look that closely.

Good job Catt22 and good luck in the second round.

Yeah, if you go to the AHA page they updated the South judging dates yesterday to 16-18,25.

Congrats Catt22, especially on placing second round last year. That is one of my goals for the next year or two.
"West Region Database Received. Processing..."

ah, the wait!
Are the scores coming via email or US Mail?

Scoresheets via mail. Results on the AHA site only once all regions have been processed, sometime next week at the earliest probably early the week after.
So, are they posting the regional results anywhere this year? I have not been able to locate any. I have a handful of brews entered - Foreign Stout, american stout, imperial stout, robust porter, imperial porter, belgian specialty, belgian something or another...
It appears as though the regions announce winners at the site, so if you know someone who was judging they should be able to say if they remember hearing your name. Otherwise the northwest folks got their scoresheets back VERY fast (they must have been mailed Monday AM after judging).
It appears as though the regions announce winners at the site, so if you know someone who was judging they should be able to say if they remember hearing your name. Otherwise the northwest folks got their scoresheets back VERY fast (they must have been mailed Monday AM after judging).

Our scoresheets arrived lightning fast. Seattle is trying to impress the AHA because we'd like to host the conference here in the near future.
No fair, you guys were a few hundred miles from 2009. I'm tired of flying over 1000 miles for them. I want to truck some kegs in soon.

I'd be very surprised if the PA/NY/NJ region isn't pining for the conference as well. Hard to find a region as densely populated as that for sure. We had a local guy running for the AHA governing committee as well, but he didn't make it, so we won't have the insider working for us to get the conference here.
I'd go to Seattle, even considering the beer that is made there.;)

LOL Well, we might use a few more hops than you southwesterners are accustomed to, but I think I read somewhere that we brew a few Stouts and Porters locally too. I'm bettin we could scare up a couple you might find appealin. :)
There's been all kinds of talk with trying to get the Eastern PA, NJ and NY clubs to make sexy with the AHA but I don't think anyone has truly stepped up to coordinate it. Frankly, I don't know what has to happen or how to do it. Philly is an obvious choice but I'd be happy with anything in a 300 mile radius and I'd personally drive the truckload of kegs.
Philly does seem like a logical location in the area. I grew up in Allentown so I am familair with the dynamics of the region.

I don't know all the ins and outs. A few things I have heard spoken of in local circles though.
- Organization, and activeness of local clubs plays a role. Includes ability to coordinate contests, and provide timely and relevant feedback on contests. Look at where the clubs of the year are, and you will find previous conference locations.
-I would guess percentage of members and activity level of AHA membership plays in this area as well.
- Obviosuly amount of certified BJCP judges in the region is a big driver.
- Having a member voice on the governing AHA council certainly doesn't hurt
Has anyone from the Midwest Region gotten their scoresheets yet. Im chompping at the bit as I have to in the first round that I'd have to rebrew...and need to do it as soon as possible.

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