Newbie DumbA$$ Question

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Oct 17, 2010
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OK. Brewing up a Honey Lager (actually an ale - basement not that cold). Put everything into primary 6 days ago and liquid was very sweet. Obviously cuz yeast hadnt aten up all them yummy sugars. Tested today - day 6 - very bitter from hops (another assumption). Does the bitterness mellow as you racjk and bottle. Was supposed be light brew with citrus notes from the hops (thats from the kit description not me) I do not use such flowery language. Thoughts??
You can only judge a beer after about 5 weeks. 1 week to ferment, 1 week to settle, 2 weeks to carbonater and yet another week to age.

By tasting it way too early you start the avalanche of newbie self doubt. Don't do it.

Be glad you did not brew a Raspberry Honey Barrel Porter.

The mix of the tart from the raspberries, the dry from the fermented honey and the astringency from the oak chips combined to make the mouth think salt. After a week in the bottle they are fine. Green still, but no salty taste anymore. I was bummed all week until I had to try one. Now the rest can just wait until Christmas.

BTW: the hops will mellow.
The hoppy bitterness was almost nill when going into primary and has seemed to come to the fore. Just trying to get a feel for how much things change from one step to the next. From the primary it seems like a Dundee Honey - Miller Lite -IPA. A real franken-brew. Scarey
As the sugars disappear, the hops are revealed.

It will get more bitter after it is carbonated. So don't expect the sweet to come back. (although after a year in the bottle the hops begin receding).

I agree with Forrest above. Unless it tasted strongly of apples or vomit, you are doing fine. Wait it out and, for gawds sake, RDWHAHB!
Does the hops flavor chane as you progress. I have had some IPA's that have some odd fruit notes as well as the bitter.
… franken-brew. Scarey
There is your label.

Franken-Brew. [Not for the weak at heart.]

Seriously though, one thing I have found is there is little or NO correlation between the tastes and smells of wort or pre-conditioned beer and the final product. I did a 1554 clone a while back that smelled and tasted great going into the bottle but was VERY peppery or bitter even after 3 months in the bottle. On a good note, I now have a almost 2 cases of great cooking beer. (Pepper is fine in cooking, just not so much in drinking.)

Patience is a BIG virtue in brewing. Learn it and you will be glad you did. If you followed the kit instructions correctly, it should be fine. I bet if you let it condition or age the beer will improve.
BTW I appreciate all the responses. this is a great forum. Thank you for your time.