New Member from Colorado

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Nov 1, 2022
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Del Norte, CO
I want to say hey, from southern Colorado. New to the forum but not new to home-brewing. Used to brew many years ago. Starting and raising a family got in the way a bit for a while there (15 years), but I am getting back into the hobby with a ton more money to spend than what I had 15 years ago. Anyway I am lurking and learning as the overall process hasn't changed but there sure are a lot of interesting new developments that I am learning about that have transpired over the last 15 years.

When I brewed before I brewed extract with specialty grains and kegged everything. I sold all of my equipment of course so I am slowly trying to put together a HERMS all grain system to learn the all grain process on. I am working on getting it all dialed in so that it is completely controlled and powered by natural gas. In the meantime I plan to go ahead to do some extract batches until it is all working properly.

The whole goal is to move up to large batches so that my buddies and I will have plenty of beer to drink between batches. From what I remember in college when I would brew a 5 gallon batch all my buddies would show up like it was a keg party and float it on day one, so I need a batch size that will allow the kegs to hang around for a while.

Anyway I really look forward to getting to learn from all of you.
Welcome back to the madness. I too took a long hiatus from brewing but I'm glad that I returned. You mentioned increasing your volumes, I have done the opposite. I don't drink as much as I did before so I'm keeping to 5 gallons. Additionally I decided to convert to all electric when I started over.

Best of luck with your return to the madness. Lots of info and help available here.
Thank You, I am really excited to be back. I was a broke college student before so the equipment that I had came to me used as there was no way I would have been able to afford new at the time. Now that I can afford new I still find myself looking into used gear.

I looked at going electric before I made the decision to go natural gas. I know that there are the energy loss issues with propane or natural gas but for me and in the space I am planning to use Natural Gas will be so much cheaper to do.

Something I love the most about the brewing community as everyone's ability to DIY pretty much everything you need to make good beer. It is amazing to see what some of your guys can come up with.
Welcome to the family! Lots of nice people and great info in here.

Nice part of the world you live in. I'll be headed over Wolf Creek Pass from the Front Range to see the family for Christmas here soon.
Thanks man I really like it here, summers are awesome but still getting used to the cold. We moved here a couple of years back from Oklahoma.