Need some help to salvage my pumpkin ale

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Oct 10, 2013
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I made a pumpkin ale on Sept 17 below I will list the ingredients and steps I used. I opened 2 bottles today after chilling in fridge. They have no carbonation. I am not sure if this is because its not done, if I didnt add enough primiing sugar, or if there wassn't enough yeast in suspension given the higher floculation of the yeast I chose.

September 16, 2013 hallows eve pumpkin ale
6.6 pounds amber malt extract syrup
1 pound crystal malt 60
1 ounce Willamette pellets
One oz styrian goldings
2 pounds libbey’s pumpkin
2 ounces pumpkin spice from the adventures in home brewing
1 pound of honey
Wyeast 1698 labs European special ale
Steeped grains to 170° F. Bring to boil after removing grains. Add extract pumpkin Willamette hops. Boil for 30 minutes. Add 2/3 of pumpkin spice, goldings hops and honey. Boil for 15 minutes. Turn off heat. Add the last of spice. Cool to less than 100° F it added to fermenter. Pitch yeast.
OG 1.059
FG 1.008
Abv 6.5%
Fermented for one week in primary at 68 degrees,stirring carboy every 48 hours
Transferred to secondary for 2 weeks at 68 degrees
Used 110g of priming sugar
Yield 26 12 oz and 9 22oz bottles
total 508 oz

I am wondering if I should dissolve .5-1 oz of priming sugar into water and open the bottles and add proper ratio of solution to increase carbonation.

The worstpart is that this tastes like the best beer I have made thusfar... I feel like I skimped on the sugar, bc of the Hefeweizen and porter I made last year that both foam up something ridiculous when you open them bc of too much carbonation...

Any thoughts or comments to pull me from the edge of the cliff?
1 week in primary, 2 weeks in secondary, then bottled? That tells me it's been less than one week in the bottle. Am I right? Carbonation can take minimum 2-3 weeks. Mine are only just barely carbed and it's been 11 days. I put one in the fridge for 2 days, as you should, to check and they need more time. You need me time. Sit back and relax. No need to add anything but patience. :)
I bottled on 9/29, sorry I didn't put that in the thread. so in bottle for about 12 days now.
Agree, give it time. You can move the bottles to a warm room to help speed things along. I have had batches where I have under primed, but with a little extra time they have been fine.
no kept at about 68-69 degrees for 12 days. think it wasn't warm enough?

Maybe. I've had some beers that took 5 weeks or so to carb up when they were kept under 70 degrees, although eventually they did.

Do you have a warm place to keep some? Say, on top of the fridge or something, about another week, and then chill one and try one?
Yeah I brought them upstairs from my basement where it gets to about 75 during the day.Will see wheeere that gets me. Thanks for the help, any other recommendations I do appreciate them.
Yeah I brought them upstairs from my basement where it gets to about 75 during the day.Will see wheeere that gets me. Thanks for the help, any other recommendations I do appreciate them.

No, it all sounds fine. You have the correct amount of priming sugar for the finished batch size, and not a too-high-alcohol environment for them to carb up so the only thing that it can be is temperature/time related.
Agree with Yooper (when should I not???). 4 gallons of beer, 3.8 oz priming sugar, at 68-69F. Give it time, it'll carb up. A slight elevation in temperature will help. You'll certainly be drinking it for Halloween :D
Thanks to everyone on this thread, after waiting for a couple weeks, my beer carbonated much better. On top of that, this was probably the best extract batch I have made thusfar. I appreciate everyone's help and encouragement.


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