My dog eats hops and she love it!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
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What a crazy mutt. So last night I was brewing my second batch of beer, first batch is in secondary now. Well I was a little tipsy by the end and I needed to toss in some hops at knock out. Well, I tripped and dropped my little dish just catching it before it hit the ground. a handful of hop pellets skittered across the floor. I ran and grabbed replacement pellets and continued on.

Well I went to clean up today and my two dogs accompanied me. The Cavalier King Charles snarfed a pellet up and didn't even flinch. I scooted her inside and finished up. Well, we went back in there this evening and she took off on a hunt right out of the gate, nose to the ground, to find another pellet. She found one I missed and immediately snarfed it right up. Unbelievable.

She's a pup still, so no beer for her, but its plainly obvious she's a beer lady. :tank:

I'm assuming the hops aren't bad for her?

And just in case someone says this thread is worthless without pics. This is her a few months ago. She's quite a bit more ladylike now.

Hops have been thought to kill dogs in the past. I believe it's still unproven either way. Seems like a good tradition to stick to: don't let your dogs eat hops.

edit: linky
yea, i wouldn't continue to let them eat hops. I've also read that the hops can be fatal.
ok then, off to clean the garage mo betta. crap now you got me all worried. coupla pellets shouldn't be enough for this huh?
Given how small she is, you might want to induce her to vomit just to be safe. That is what the vet will tell you to do. A small capful of hydrogen peroxide will get her to vomit. We had to do that when our pup got a piece of one of those green mouse bait traps. I'm not a vet and feel free to call one or poison control, but I am a dog lover.

Edit: Just saw she had one last night, so hopefully she will be ok again tonight, but please don't let them eat any more hops.
well, its been two hours and she shows no signs of ill effects. I'll be diligent from now on with spill cleanup.
haha, we have a bunny rabbit that lives under our deck and gives my dogs fits. Whichever side of the deck they go to sniff him out he shoots out the other side and is gone usually before they even know it.

Hunting is not my dogs' best feature. They're much better at sleeping, laying on feet, and being lazy.
At least your dog likes hops, mine likes gophers:
View attachment 18600

Like the deck... What kind of grass is that? I'd love some ground cover like that (no mowing) here.. Wonder if it grows at higher altitudes (colder/shorter winter)...

It's similar to one of the natural grasses here, but bigger and more lush...

And that's awesome that your dog kills gophers!
My dog likes panties.

No, seriously, back when SWMBO was a GF and not Wife she got a puppy and the puppy would always sneak away, into her bedroom, grab panties from the dirty laundry, hide under the bed and chew on them. She still does it too if we leave things around. Also its ONLY the panties, never any other clothing at all. And she's a girl dog too.
Better than dragging lizzards or gophers into the house though I guess.
My dog likes panties.

No, seriously, back when SWMBO was a GF and not Wife she got a puppy and the puppy would always sneak away, into her bedroom, grab panties from the dirty laundry, hide under the bed and chew on them. She still does it too if we leave things around. Also its ONLY the panties, never any other clothing at all. And she's a girl dog too.
Better than dragging lizzards or gophers into the house though I guess.

Too bad she's not dragging in hot females that they're still attached to.
I had a dog that developed a taste for mulberries. We thought it was funny, how she'd go around eating what fell from the tree....of course she then decided she liked our raspberries too.
A lesson for all dog owners, dogs are poisonous to a lot of things we aren't, and will sometimes eat stuff that probably doesn't even taste good, or shouldn't taste good. I never let my dog eat anything different without checking if it's safe, things such as chocolate, avocados, grapes, raisins, salt, onions, garlic, and milk can make your dog pretty sick.
My friends have a fig tree that produces thousands of fruits each year. But between bees, birds, and their 4 dogs, they never really get any figs to eat for themselves.

I wouldn't induce vomiting unless a vet recommends it. From reading previous posts, it sounds like the dogs who got sick got into large bags, not just a few pellets.
she's none the worse for wear this morning. she's snuffled around in the garage a couple of times obviously hunting for hop pellets as if it was some treat.

here's the other beast.
I'm glad that your dog is OK.
From one thread I gather that one pellet is enough to make a dog go into malignant hyperthermia IF the breed is susceptible to the condition.
I don't dare be careless with hops.
If one of the 'kids' died, I'd have to hide wherever they've got Bin Laden.
Otherwise, SWMBO wouldn't stop at waterboarding - I'd get everything outlawed by the Geneva convention.:eek:
Found this report! That's terrifying. 1-2oz hops took out a golden retriever in an hour! Nevermind my previous statement about it taking a lot, be careful with that stuff.

I wonder if there is any difference between pre-boil and post-boil hops? This case is specifically for spent hops.
At least your dog likes hops, mine likes gophers:

My husky is the same way, except with with the neighborhood stray cats and various possums that make their way into my backyard.

Once he got his jaws on a mother possum carrying young... dead babies possums everywhere!

I always have to make sure he's up to date on his shots because of all the critter he catches. The count so far is 4 stray cats, 6 possums and a few baby possums.
My husky is the same way, except with with the neighborhood stray cats and various possums that make their way into my backyard.

Once he got his jaws on a mother possum carrying young... dead babies possums everywhere!

I always have to make sure he's up to date on his shots because of all the critter he catches. The count so far is 4 stray cats, 6 possums and a few baby possums.

Stray cats. LOL- I try to keep my Aus. Cattle Dog away from the cats. She grew up with cats stealing her food so now she has a hate/hate relationship with cats. She has removed the tail off of a HUGE tom cat in our area. He looks like a bobcat now. He thought he was tough too, now his swagger is gone without that tail. She also catches birds right out of the air, which ticks me off. But rabbits are the worst. The scream of death!

Anyway- she likes hops too but she doesn't get to have any. The spent ones I don't think are bad but I've never tested that theory
Like the deck... What kind of grass is that?
And that's awesome that your dog kills gophers!

The grass is called "hookui," or a nice crab grass. Very invasive, you have to have a deep border around to keep it from spreading. Very drought tolerant. Looks awesome when you cut it.

The dogs (brother/sister) are rescue scruffies from Lake County (Northern California) and a mix of chocolate lab and german short hair pointer.

Besides gophers and squash, the dog eats apples, all vegetables, and olives. Hell, the dog comes to the kitchen when I mix a martini, begging for olives! But, the other one is a pure meat-and-potato scruffy.

Both of them like to go to the beach and steal lunches from unsuspecting tourists!
My dog loves spent grains and goose ****. I've kept the hops away so far, but he'll eat anything he can get a hold of.
My mom's dog liked the smell of my bag of grains so I decided to see if she liked hop pellets. As soon as she smelt them she bolted out of the room and continued to run away whenever I held the bag of hops haha!
The grass is called "hookui," or a nice crab grass. Very invasive, you have to have a deep border around to keep it from spreading. Very drought tolerant. Looks awesome when you cut it.

hookui grass? never heard of that one... where did you get it?
^^ same here Where do you get seed and does it go by another name? Even the google machine didn't find anything on hookui
Android & JRems,
Thanks and time to go :off:

The locals, here, call it Kikuyu Grass and I could not find it on a search, either. It was introduced to the park area here to control the drifting sand, by a Portugese locals in the1940's.

Our area gets lotsa rain in the "winter" time, followed by a typical 6 months of no rain in the summer. This grass is basically, drought tolerant. It is definitely a "crab-grass" variety, with deep roots. The stuff makes a fantastic lawn, as long as (1) it is controlled in an area and (2) cut regularly (ie - every 2 weeks). It is very dense, and plush. I love walking on the stuff.

I'll take some photos of a before-it-is-cut, and after. Plus, what the root system looks like. I am happy to mail anyone the root system since it will survive a nuclear holocaust!
I think crab grasses die out with harsh winters so wouldn't recommend them for NY, but do some research as I've not looked in to it deeply.

Cute dogs everyone! Definitely keep the hops away if you can, but if your dog ate some and is fine I wouldn't worry. I use leaf hops and my great dane has no interest in them, other than peeing on the plants occasionally.
The grass is called "hookui," or a nice crab grass. Very invasive, you have to have a deep border around to keep it from spreading. Very drought tolerant. Looks awesome when you cut it.

Just to be certain, we're talking about the grass in 'this' picture, right?


Does it get any longer than that if you don't water/cut it? I'm looking for something that can survive if it does not get water from say late may through mid october, never needs cutting, and is thick/bushy enough to walk on barefooted without feeling the various small rocks and what not laying around in a mountain meadow type setting... It can turn brown, but it shouldn't die back any (or at least not much.. It has to be able to handle snow for a few months too...

The natural meadow grass up here is awesome.. looks like that, but with much smaller/tighter blades... and generally smaller denser clumps... It is incredibly drought tolerant, but man does it spread slow...

I built my house in the middle of what was a meadow type of area on the property, and that stuff is growing back oh so slow... 4 years since the house was moved into, and maybe 10%-15% has grown back in that time...

I'd like to find something like it that I can actually 'plant' and is 'more' invasive... For me, invasive is a 'good' thing.. as long as it doesn't grow 'tall'...

I've made three batches now... A good two hundred of the last batch are left... My two dogs love them.. I also vacuum packed and froze up about 70% of the leftover grains from my last brew (10G AG IPA), so I'll be making them these treats for a long time...

I add a little bacon grease to them.. Been thinking about adding liquid Glucosamine/MSM and yucca extract to them as well... Maybe even selling them at the local vets office or animal rescue thrift store...

Hops DO KILLL DOGS!! Please do not let your dogs any where near hops!! My 17 month old Doberman ate some spent hops after my brew day last Saturday and died early Sunday morning - the cause was Malignant Hyperthermia, in which the body temperature rises uncontrollably. This can be very harmful or fatal to the dog. Some symptoms are restlessness, panting, vomiting, abdominal pain, seizures, rapid heart rate, and high temperature. If a dog has possibly ingested hops and exhibits symptoms, they should be taken to an emergency pet hospital immediately for treatment.

Don't take any risk! I never thought that the dog would eat hops either, nor did I know that hops were even toxic to dogs - don't take the risk keep your dogs away from hops! It's not known what exactly it is that causes the Malignant Hyperthermia nor exactly which breeds are affected - not all will experience symptoms, however once they do it's too late!!