Most annoying response when you tell someone you're a homebrewer?

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So I just started brewing and I told a co worker about it. His reaction was the following: "Oh, that's awesome! You'll have to let me know how that goes. You think you could make something that tastes like Miller Lite?"
So I just started brewing and I told a co worker about it. His reaction was the following: "Oh, that's awesome! You'll have to let me know how that goes. You think you could make something that tastes like Miller Lite?"

You can...You should have told him you making stuff better than Miller Lite. Really triple hopped.

I have the ML recipe in my pull down. It's a very popular recipe.
Looks like you should find another brewshop that wants your business, geek_chaser.
There are many different ways to brew and a lot of useless, subjective "correct" opinions spouted by jackhandles with lousy people skills.
Do what works for you and brew on.

Thank you. Yeah, i just decided i wont go back.

I guess over the years I've just become a beer snob lol. If you want to make ML, why even bother? But, I know, I shouldn't be so close minded about it, lol.

Beer geek - Loves beer and the distinct style differences for what they are and the appropriateness they have for a given situation.

Beer snob - A puts other people down based on what others choose to drink.

Most of us here are NOT the latter.

Miller Lite is a good beer. Just like Wonder Bread. Both are very light, fluffy, cheap, and pretty plain as beer or bread goes.
So I just started brewing and I told a co worker about it. His reaction was the following: "Oh, that's awesome! You'll have to let me know how that goes. You think you could make something that tastes like Miller Lite?"

You could invite him over for a BBQ....

Give him a Miller Lite.

Drink yourself Fat Tire or whatever you got.

Grill up some ribs and marinated shrimp for yourself and a few hotdogs and/or a frozen burger puck for him.

That's being a beer snob with tasteless food slam on top of it.
Being told i dont know what im doing and not to buy yeast, yeast starterz only, dont do things i dont know how to do....just told that by a home brew shop cashier today when asking a simple question. But sinve he didnt gear my question, he assumed then degraded me in front of the whole store.

Wow, that pizzes me off FOR you. What an arrogant jerk.

I'm really fortunate that the owner of our LHBS is a great guy, has NEVER talked down to me because I'm female and loves to have a meaningful conversation about lots of stuff with me - beer, sous vide, fermenting foods besides beer, raising chickens....

Yeah, glad you're taking your business elsewhere AND glad you let the owner know how you were treated. GRRRRR.
Being told i dont know what im doing and not to buy yeast, yeast starterz only, dont do things i dont know how to do....just told that by a home brew shop cashier today when asking a simple question. But sinve he didnt gear my question, he assumed then degraded me in front of the whole store.

I wouldn't ask the shop people for an opinion until you get to know them.

Your best bet I'd ask somebody here.

I only ask about what they have in stock, what they can special order, or how much is this. I dismiss unsolicited opinions, most of time they aren't that experienced to offer advice.

Some of the people working at brew shops only have a basic working knowledge of brewing, if that. The exception is if you're taking to the owner or if your at something like Northern Brewer. Most people with any kind of knowledge are either brewing or drinking at that moment. Odds are the customers know more than the employee.

I once talked to an owner only to find he doesn't brew any more. He had a shirty attitude about brewing. I only went to his shop if the other guy was out of something. I later found out the guy brewed like a maniac then had alcohol problems. Can't see why somebody would still be in that business if they quit the hobby or it screwed up their personal life.
As a matter of fact, the nearby brewshop I like and go to most often is a brew on premises, woman-owned business. They have knowledgeable people and even have a full-time brewmaster on staff. One of the guys took almost 20-some minutes explaining the in-and-out of a new keg system I got. Good impressions all around.
I've asked a few questions here and there and found out who knows what and who doesn't. They've never been rude, the prices are good, and it's only 11 miles from the house.

A few miles from me is an Army-Navy store loaded with brand-name gear and surplus goods. The owner and his wife are foul-tempered people and the effect on their business shows. When the owner was crass with one of my boys, I left and never came back.
Kinda on topic...

I make dog treats from the spent grain and give them to friends. I've had to explain many times that their dogs won't get drunk!

The dogs love them don't they. My lab would eat them like crazy. He'd go berserk when I'd go for the cookie jar. My dog "Buzz" loved peanut butter too.

He recognized the word "Beer". He'd come running and bark at you if asked if he wanted a beer!
Local hardware store started carrying a small amount of beer supplies. I stopped in because I needed a bag of grain. No Golden Promise and they can't order it, one bag of 2 row that was ripped and taped up, yeast was out of date... the sales dweeb comes up to me and starts in on how the kits are the way to go, all grain is inferior, etc etc etc... I haven't been back.
Local hardware store started carrying a small amount of beer supplies. I stopped in because I needed a bag of grain. No Golden Promise and they can't order it, one bag of 2 row that was ripped and taped up, yeast was out of date... the sales dweeb comes up to me and starts in on how the kits are the way to go, all grain is inferior, etc etc etc... I haven't been back.

That's about what I would expect at a hardware store though. They're a great place to find materials for most brewing projects, but ingredients are too far outside their specialty.
Not enough population out here to support a brew only store. Lady who manages it is a home brewer but she was off that day to take care of her mother in the hospital so I was stuck with the wannabe newbie brewer who bragged about 5 batches of kits... took his thunder when I mentioned on the way out I have probably brewed several thousand gallons over the last 30+ years! He got this blank stare and mouth hanging open look...

That's about what I would expect at a hardware store though. They're a great place to find materials for most brewing projects, but ingredients are too far outside their specialty.
Being told i dont know what im doing and not to buy yeast, yeast starterz only, dont do things i dont know how to do....just told that by a home brew shop cashier today when asking a simple question. But sinve he didnt gear my question, he assumed then degraded me in front of the whole store.

I have a brew shop owner who is similar. Sometimes it seems his experience is based on either "old" methods or the advice of his product distributors.

I went in one day to buy yeast nutrient, the owner only stocked LD Carlson yeast energizer (with nutrient). The owner was adamant they are the same thing even going as far as to question my knowledge.
I bought the product but later emailed LD Carlson who informed me they are not the same thing.
I forwarded the email to the brew shop. next time I was in for grain only the owners wife was present. She had no idea about his response. Still to this day he refuses to admit he was wrong. Must be an ego thing!
I only go to the shop if I require grain. No questions!
I've had a couple. The daughter of my co-worker is getting married this month, they got the bright idea the other day (6/29) to ask if I could make 36 gallons of beer to have ready for the reception IN TWO WEEKS. I can do 10 gallon batches on my system, tops. Not only that, muy illegal if you don't have a license. That part didn't bother me as most people don't understand the law...but 36 GALLONS OF BEER??? Jeez. As to people who don't know it's legal...on nice days I brew with my garage door fully open in hopes that my idiot section 8-cheating neighbor will call the cops on me. I've had a beautiful daydream of the conversation that would follow; mainly, the cop knowing what I'm doing is legal, and me telling said cop about d-bag neighbor living with his girlfriend in section 8 housing when he's not supposed to be there. And his girlfriend's kids getting in my yard and vandalizing my car. Sigh.
I've had a couple. The daughter of my co-worker is getting married this month, they got the bright idea the other day (6/29) to ask if I could make 36 gallons of beer to have ready for the reception IN TWO WEEKS. I can do 10 gallon batches on my system, tops. Not only that, muy illegal if you don't have a license. That part didn't bother me as most people don't understand the law...but 36 GALLONS OF BEER??? Jeez. As to people who don't know it's legal...on nice days I brew with my garage door fully open in hopes that my idiot section 8-cheating neighbor will call the cops on me. I've had a beautiful daydream of the conversation that would follow; mainly, the cop knowing what I'm doing is legal, and me telling said cop about d-bag neighbor living with his girlfriend in section 8 housing when he's not supposed to be there. And his girlfriend's kids getting in my yard and vandalizing my car. Sigh.

Ive had my mom ask me to make beer for her to take to give people i dont know when she travels. She wants whole batches in weeks. I told her no. Thats not how it works. Didnt matter though. She still does it. She doesnt even drink and refuses to try it.
Not following what part is illegal... brewing is legal, most places the host can provide free beer(if the venue allows it)...

I've had a couple. The daughter of my co-worker is getting married this month, they got the bright idea the other day (6/29) to ask if I could make 36 gallons of beer to have ready for the reception IN TWO WEEKS. I can do 10 gallon batches on my system, tops. Not only that, muy illegal if you don't have a license. That part didn't bother me as most people don't understand the law...but 36 GALLONS OF BEER??? Jeez. As to people who don't know it's legal...on nice days I brew with my garage door fully open in hopes that my idiot section 8-cheating neighbor will call the cops on me. I've had a beautiful daydream of the conversation that would follow; mainly, the cop knowing what I'm doing is legal, and me telling said cop about d-bag neighbor living with his girlfriend in section 8 housing when he's not supposed to be there. And his girlfriend's kids getting in my yard and vandalizing my car. Sigh.
Not following what part is illegal... brewing is legal, most places the host can provide free beer(if the venue allows it)...

I think he's talking about distribution. Not every state is ok with that. The local alcohol commission in Macon County Illinois cracked down on my friends brewery because he gave mug club members $1 off on a 6 dollar beer. Told him he can't do that. He was discounting specific kegs he wanted off the tap by $1. They said no to that too.

Even if he gave away at cost or free, what about the liability of some drunk who kills a family on the way home from the reception? That is what I would be concerned with in that situation. My guess he doesn't have Dram Insurance.

I've been to enough weddings where people get totally trashed and stupid. Not a good idea...
Went to the in-laws house for an early 4th of July this weekend. I brought 2 bottles of my first ever batch to see if anyone would care to taste what I've been working on and bragging about. (in their defense, it was only bottled 10 days ago so it was undercarbed, and I made a LOT of stupid mistakes so it is riddled with off flavors, and likely going down the drain :( ) I got a unanimous 'no, I don't want to get botulism', 'I hear that stuff'll make u go blind!' and 'I've seen you when you get off work before your shower, I'm not drinking anything that came out of YOUR bathtub'...I'm not sure if those were all subtle jabs at me questioning my intelligence and capabilities or if they were serious, but, I didn't question it and let them keep on drinking their Milwaukees Best.

I've been brewing for 3 weeks and feel like I've hit the trifecta of dumb questions lol :mug:
Was basically called the son of an unmarried communist woman.

"... Here in America we drink the beer made by the best capitalist brewers anywhere, and you should be thankful for that. Why wouldn't you want to support breweries that employ hard-working, blue collar American workers, unless you're some kind of.." and it all went downhill from there.

I don't know what got into that guy that day or how he made that leap.
Went to the in-laws house for an early 4th of July this weekend. I brought 2 bottles of my first ever batch to see if anyone would care to taste what I've been working on and bragging about. (in their defense, it was only bottled 10 days ago so it was undercarbed, and I made a LOT of stupid mistakes so it is riddled with off flavors, and likely going down the drain :( ) I got a unanimous 'no, I don't want to get botulism', 'I hear that stuff'll make u go blind!' and 'I've seen you when you get off work before your shower, I'm not drinking anything that came out of YOUR bathtub'...I'm not sure if those were all subtle jabs at me questioning my intelligence and capabilities or if they were serious, but, I didn't question it and let them keep on drinking their Milwaukees Best.

I've been brewing for 3 weeks and feel like I've hit the trifecta of dumb questions lol :mug:

Man, I think we've all gotten some variant of the whole "bathtub" and "is that really safe/sanitary" response, but damn. These feel downright insulting.
Went to the in-laws house for an early 4th of July this weekend. I brought 2 bottles of my first ever batch to see if anyone would care to taste what I've been working on and bragging about. (in their defense, it was only bottled 10 days ago so it was undercarbed, and I made a LOT of stupid mistakes so it is riddled with off flavors, and likely going down the drain :( ) I got a unanimous 'no, I don't want to get botulism', 'I hear that stuff'll make u go blind!' and 'I've seen you when you get off work before your shower, I'm not drinking anything that came out of YOUR bathtub'...I'm not sure if those were all subtle jabs at me questioning my intelligence and capabilities or if they were serious, but, I didn't question it and let them keep on drinking their Milwaukees Best.

I've been brewing for 3 weeks and feel like I've hit the trifecta of dumb questions lol :mug:

That's insulting. I think my come back might have been something like this.

"Ah you're right. It's also foolish to slap a Rolex on hog."

You know they wouldn't have appreciated it anyhow.

I'd liked to see their face as they ponder that thought...

[Did he just call us pigs???]

Your expression would be this. >>> :D
I once told my mom that I had a couple batches of wine (12 gallons) of wine I needed to bottle. She asked me "What are you going to do with all that wine; become a wino?" I patiently explained that you don't drink it all in one sitting & no, I wasn't standing on the corner, sipping wine from a bottle in a brown paper bag. Mom doesn't get anything I make, be it beer, wine, mead, or cider. She wouldn't like it anyway, she's told me, and I quote: "I like that Mogen David." <sigh>
Regards, GF.
Was basically called the son of an unmarried communist woman.

"... Here in America we drink the beer made by the best capitalist brewers anywhere, and you should be thankful for that. Why wouldn't you want to support breweries that employ hard-working, blue collar American workers, unless you're some kind of.." and it all went downhill from there.

I don't know what got into that guy that day or how he made that leap.

Just like every time you cook at home you're stealing from the hardworking teenagers at Burger King, right? What a ****ing joke.

The notion that beer drinkers owe macro brewery employees a living is a new one. This might be the angriest this thread has made me, and in the four years I've followed it I've been plenty ticked off...
Being told i dont know what im doing and not to buy yeast, yeast starterz only, dont do things i dont know how to do....just told that by a home brew shop cashier today when asking a simple question. But sinve he didnt gear my question, he assumed then degraded me in front of the whole store.

That stinks. Pay him no mind and keep on brewing.
Beer geek - Loves beer and the distinct style differences for what they are and the appropriateness they have for a given situation.

Beer snob - A puts other people down based on what others choose to drink.

Most of us here are NOT the latter.

Miller Lite is a good beer. Just like Wonder Bread. Both are very light, fluffy, cheap, and pretty plain as beer or bread goes.

How I tend to put it:

A beer geek cares about what he/she drinks.
A beer snob cares about what you drink.
I've been to enough weddings where people get totally trashed and stupid. Not a good idea...

In the plans for my wedding to my now ex-wife, we were trying to determine if we should have an open bar. I wanted it as did my ex, but her mom was worried people would get drunk.

The caterer basically laid it out.

"No matter what type of bar you have, you're going to see the same thing. ~10% of people won't touch a drop. ~80% of people will drink a responsible amount. ~10% of people will get hammered. That 10% will get hammered even if they have to pay for it."
Was basically called the son of an unmarried communist woman.

"... Here in America we drink the beer made by the best capitalist brewers anywhere, and you should be thankful for that. Why wouldn't you want to support breweries that employ hard-working, blue collar American workers, unless you're some kind of.." and it all went downhill from there.

I don't know what got into that guy that day or how he made that leap.

That got ignant purty quick, dinnit? :)

Being an independent sort, I'd think enjoying the fruits of your own labor would be quite the thing to do.
What got into that guy? Something large, up his butt, and muddling his reason ... but hey, that's just me.
My neighbor? He's part of the local Bulgarian community, and one of the first guys who actually ran across the Iron Curtain to America. My wife's family ran away from Mao in the '60's. Some people don't get it and never will.
sorry, chum... those hard-working, blue collar American workers probably got paid by a check cut from the Bank van Antwerpen or Banco de São Paulo

and that was directed at Kent88's RedScare Comrade, not any of you fine folk who know how to produce your own ethanol