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So, can I sue for stealing my name? I haven't recieved royalties from Hawkins yet...

I made these years ago back in grad school. I was using the school's laser printers, but everything had to be in black & white. Most of this stuff involves inside jokes. I used illustrations from Rudyard Kipling's "Just So Stories" for a lot of stuff.








Alex, that Dark Harvest label looks great. One thing you might do, however, is tighten up some of the letter spacing, especially between the R and V in "harvest" and between the W and A in "washington." I love that font!
heres mine. still not dead set on the name. but thinkin of doing a different character in the center for different varieties. the hop and wheat stocks may evolve to into an evil hop face kind of a skull and cross bones. for a particularly strong beer. :cross:


I need to adjust some of the kerning between the T & A (heh heh) in Beeritas, plus the V & O in Vos, but I'm in the ballpark.
Here's one I've been playing with (so far, only in Powerpoint...):

Yeah, I realize that...the inspiration comes from "Four Green Fields", an Irish song, and the four ingredients for beer...so...
My grandfather was a german home brewer, so I used his family crest.
His name ment Seven Fields in German, so I just went with it!


My grandfather was Norwegian, and I have a great deal of respect for my Norse ancestors and their beliefs. The ravens are Hugin and Munin, who flew down Yggdrasil, the world tree, each day to bring news back to Odin of what was going on in the worlds.

I made this in Publisher. At some point (when I fix my personal laptop and have access to software other than what my work thinks is acceptable) I'll re-do it in Inkscape or photoshop, but until then this is what I've got.
Yeah, we were going for something really clean and simplistic. The nice part about it is that it is super easy to adapt to anything. It is basically just a font. The oval is just for using like a stamp to give it a finite presence.
i threw out my old logo and started working on this one. so far i am pretty pleased. not 100% on what to do with the name of the beer to make it stand out a little better.

Love everything about it except the font. The "tails" on the g's are lost and it looks like "a". And then you have tails on the a's in Yeast Bank....Makes it a little hard to read.
Here is what I've been using...really simple, I know, but it looks GREAT on bottle caps.


BTW, a sun dog is not a trendy golden retriever that wears sunglasses and a bandana...it's a celestial phenomenon that looks something like this:


It happens when ice crystals in the atmosphere break the sunlight into a rainbow/halo...
