largest batch in a 5 gallon water cooler bottle

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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I usually ferment in a bucket but if I realised that there is space in my fermentation chamber to do a second batch if I ferment in a water cooler bottle. They are food grade and I have used one for a secondary but I wondered what the largest batch I could ferment without needing to worry about blow-off.
Id probably stick to 4 gallons max in a 5 gallon water jug. Why not just head down to your LHBS and grab another bucket and lid? They are only like $10 :cross:
Even though it's food grade, I think there are other concerns for using the office style water bottles. Unfortunately, I can't think of what they are off the top of my head, but I would use the search function on here to do a little more research before going down that road.
Concern is oxygen permeability and, for some people, BPA.

The oxygen issue doesn't really matter in the time frame that we ferment, as you'll add more oxygen when you take a hydro sample...but I wouldn't bulk age in them. The BPA...that's your call. I don't really worry about that personally, but you might.

At the end of the day though, buckets are 10 bucks, have none of those issues, and are sized for 5g batches so....
This may be kind of a derpy question, but if I would have BPA problems fermenting in water cooler jugs, why is this not an issue when water sits in them for a few weeks? Does the fermentation trigger something or another? It just seems that if it is ok to keep water in them for weeks at a time then there should not be an issue fermenting for a weeks. Please advise.

Happy Brewing!
My understanding is that the acidity of beer is what can draw it out. Like I said I don't pay attention to that stuff, so I'm certainly no expert.. It seems like every time a new super container comes out, it kills you a few years later. I work in an oil refinery so I'm pretty sure I'm exposed to more dangerous stuff everyday, which is why I don't really sweat it.
I usually ferment in a bucket but if I realised that there is space in my fermentation chamber to do a second batch if I ferment in a water cooler bottle. They are food grade and I have used one for a secondary but I wondered what the largest batch I could ferment without needing to worry about blow-off.

I use one too when my glass is tied up. I would say 4 gallons. Anything more than that is pushing it as far as a blow off tube is concerned. However I have used wlp400 and had a 12" krausen.

If I were you I would use a 1 gal jug and fill it up and eyeball where you feel comfortable. You might also be able to search for common krausen heights for your yeast and go from there.
Thanks all. My nearest homebrew shop is in a different country so popping down to get extra items isn't overly easy! I'm about to move to kegging and my fermentation chamber/keezer will fit a bucket OR a keg and a water bottle. I've looked at other threads re the water bottle and it seems that if it has a certain code (can't remember off the top of my head although I checked at the time, think it might be a 1) then it is suitable for fermenting in. They may not be good for long term but the plan is to use it once in the gap between using it for the watercooler and returning it to the shop for a replacement. I'll have to do a search for krausen heights, that was really what I was concerned about as I have never seen one of mine as the buckets aren't clear and that's all I've used - what seems likely, 1 inch, 10 inches, 20 inches.....
I think 10 inches would be adequate. Try filling with 4 gallons and measure to see if you have your 10" of headspace.
I've been fermenting in them for almost a year now. It really depends on your yeast but most of the time I fill to the top of the texture. Probably a little over 4 and a half gallons. I have 3 about done now an us05 and 2 1007 and my blow off bucket water is clear.

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