Krausen Question

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Germantown, MD
Hey all,

3 weeks ago, I brewed up a batch of cherry stout. I have a couple concerns about the fermenting activity and if anything may be wrong, I doubt it, but still...

The recipie came out of "The complete guide to homebrewing" and was listed as the "Cherry Fever Stout" The recipie called for 6.6 pounds of dark LME, 1 pound of dark DME, and some specialty grains that only provided coloring. It also called for 3 pounds of sour cherries and 2 lbs of choke cherries. For hops it called for Northern Brewer for the boiling hops and Fuggles for the aroma.

Here is where I deviated from the recipie: Instead of the sour cherries and choke cherries, i substituted 5 pounds of crushed black cherries, and for hops, Northern brewer wasnt available, so I substituted in the same amount with Nugget.

Going into the fermentor, I tested the OG and it was at 1.071 (original recipie said it should be 1.069 at most) and from the vial, I gave it a taste test. It tasted similar to Guinness, with a slightly hoppier flavor with a cherry aftertaste and a intense hoppy aroma, so no complaints there.

After 5 days, I noticed that activity in the airlock had all but stopped, so I decided I would take a gravity reading and ended up with a reading of 1.021 (recipie said that the FG should be 1.018 at most) effectively giving it a primary AC of 6.43% ABV. At this point I transferred to a secondary where it has been since. I plan on bottling it this saturday.

My concern is the amount of krausen that I found in the primary, which was only about 3 inches. I was under the impression that stouts are notorious with fermenting activity. I would think there would be much more krausen after the primary fermentation was effectively over after 4 days. The previous batch, which was a hefe had exploded out of the airlock on the second day.

I am sure the brew is fine, but why would there be so little krausen? Could it be that the crushed cherries floating on top of the wort kept it lower than it could have been?

Also, I would appreciate any comments on the ingredient substitions as well.
The brew is fine, in fact it appears you are real close to the recipe (That is if the OG reading you gave is 1.071 instead of 1.71) But, I'm confused are you talking about the krausen or the trub? 3" is fine for either though!
Yeah, sounds great!! I definitely want to make a cherry stout. I wouldn't worry about the krausen- it sounds like everything went well, and if it tastes good who cares? Check out this thread for some more info as well:

I can share the recipie with my changes if you like...then you can let me know what you think. This is my first batch that wasn't 100% extract and relying strictly to directions.
I am talking about the krausen. The trub looked fine, just dark.

Sounds about right for your OG, you will find that not all brews will require a blowoff tube (And some that you don't think will need one will prove you wrong) even the barley wine we have fermenting right now is doing fine with airlock, there are a ton of variables to determine fermentation rate and the amount of krausen, i.e. temperature, adjuncts, headspace in fermentor, etc, etc. :mug:
Sounds about right for your OG, you will find that not all brews will require a blowoff tube (And some that you don't think will need one will prove you wrong) even the barley wine we have fermenting right now is doing fine with airlock, there are a ton of variables to determine fermentation rate and the amount of krausen, i.e. temperature, adjuncts, headspace in fermentor, etc, etc. :mug:

I was just asking the question because my LHBS suggested that I used a blow-off tube after reviewing my ingredients. I swear I could hear the fermentation in the bucket, and there was no stop to the bubbling during the first 4 days! I was concerned after seeing what I saw, you would think that there would be much more krausen in the bucket.

After 2 weeks in the secondary, the airlock is holding steady with the CO2 and man, is that brew BLACK! Thanks for all the advise! :rockin:
Don't let that Krausen push you around!!!
I've had Hefe's that blow off like crazy and Hefe's that don't, but they have all been delicious. Every brews a little different, conditions change(Temp, barometric pressure, efficiency, drunkness while brewing). Beers like anything else, Keep clean and follow directions.

The recipe sounds like it gonna be real good.
As Requested, here is my Modified Cherry Stout recipie:

6.6 Lbs plain Dark LME
1 lb. plain dark DME
1 lb crystal malt 60L
1/2 lb roasted barley
1/2 lb black patent malt
1.5 oz. Nugget Hops - pellets
1/2 oz Willamette Hops - pellets
4 tsp Gypsum
5 lbs sweet cherries (purchased from Trader Joe's - Frozen, crushed them in bag)
American Ale Type Yeast (Used Wyeast Ale Yeast Activator pack)

OG: 1.064 - 1.068 (Actual: 1.071)
FG: 1.018 - 1.026 (Actual: 1.021)
ABV: 6.43%

My Process:

- Boiled & sterilized 3 gal tap water
- Heated 1.5 gal water to 165 degrees, steeped grains for 30 minutes @ 158 degrees
- Removed specialty grains and sparged with 1 gal of sterile water, transferred to brewpot.
- Added LME, DME, Gypsum, and Nugget hops @ boil
- Boiled for 60 minutes
- Removed boiling hops and sparged with 2 quarts sterile water.
- Removed from heat, added willamette hops and crushed cherries, steeped for 15 minutes to sterilize the cherries.
- brought temp down to 76 degrees, pitched yeast.

Comments on this recipie anyone? Any feedback would be appreciated.