Komos/Kegland Kegerator Tower Question

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Aug 2, 2012
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I have a Komos kegerator with the 4 tap tower, so the screw holes that connect it to the kegerator are on the inside of the tower compared to the 1/2/3 tap towers where the screw holes are on the outside (and easy to measure). I'm thinking about swapping that tower out with my old 4 tap T tower from my old keezer build, but worry the spacing between the holes isn't the same. Are the screw holes for keg towers universal? I think they are but just want to be sure.

Reasoning is the taps on a T tower are on a straight line instead of an arc. I like the larger mat I'm currently using, but don't want to cut a U in it to make it work with the Komos' tower. Since I still have my T tower from that previous keezer, swapping them out might be better option so thought I'd ask. Anything else I need to know, I'd also appreciate. Thanks in advance.
If it's the same tower as the Kegland Series-X, then yes..The holes line up. I found mine annoying to install until I managed to find enough shorter small ratchet extentions. Personally though, I like the extra space and made up some extra pieces of insulation to cover the gaps Kegland saw fit to leave. My kegerator is in a part of the house that gets very warm in the summer and the difference my extra insulation and the larger air-recirculation space with the ventiiation tube made it less prone to 'warm-shank/tap' foam as I had in my previous standard 3-tap tower. Just sayin..