just for passedpawn

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2012
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Northwest Arkansas
Saw this guy and thought of you while I pet him

passedpawn said:
OMG. I pulled two snakes out of my pool Sunday with my bare hands. But that spider would require a 10-ft pole. Seriously, my hackles are hackling.

I'm the opposite. The snakes would have required a 10' pole. Had a tiny rat snake in my garage in FL...kept coming back despite putting it in the yard via broom handle a few times. Even at 2' long it scared the bejeebus out of me every time I found it under a box.
Have you ever seen corn spiders? My grandma's blackberry's have these monsters in them. Saw this guy yesterday.
From back leg to front leg they are around 2.5 inches!

Have you ever seen corn spiders? My grandma's blackberry's have these monsters in them. Saw this guy yesterday.
From back leg to front leg they are around 2.5 inches!

Yep, except we called them "garden spiders" growing-up. They are huge. We get big-ass wolf spiders around the midwest, too. Furry things that are semi-aggressive if you get too close. They don't scare me from a distance or if I have a newspaper, etc. but I wouldn't want to wake up to one staring me in the face!

I bet this makes passedpawn crap his pants:

Have you ever seen corn spiders? My grandma's blackberry's have these monsters in them. Saw this guy yesterday.
From back leg to front leg they are around 2.5 inches!


We call em Banana, Orb Weaver, or Zipper spiders. Love how they'll swing front and back on the web if disturb them. I kept one of those fed for a summer, a year ago, by tossing June Bugs in teh web.
The hell is wrong with you people!

I don't mind normal looking spiders but the ones that have crazy patterns creep me out. Watched Arachnophobia at too young an age...
Yep, except we called them "garden spiders" growing-up. They are huge. We get big-ass wolf spiders around the midwest, too. Furry things that are semi-aggressive if you get too close. They don't scare me from a distance or if I have a newspaper, etc. but I wouldn't want to wake up to one staring me in the face!

I bet this makes passedpawn crap his pants:

Those eyes are amazing!! wow.

Should I mention he's eating a barn swallow there?

I'm sure "corn spider" isn't his real name, that's just what we called them growing up.
My niece was actually just bitten by one of the big yellow ones last week. The thing jumped off of the web (we were picking blackberries), landed on her leg and drew blood. She was screaming something fierce, running around crazy like. I didn't know what was going on.

Was relocating a rick of firewood because the rack collapsed, had a group of 3 of these track my movements from 2 feet away. One even charged at me.
passedpawn said:
OK, that's the last time I open this thread. Creep show in here. Brrrrrrrr rr r r r r r

Seriously. This thread is not ok. My skin is crawling now. Thanks guys.
Ack my black phone cord next to my arm just rolled up by itself and my peripheral vision is messing with my head.... LMAO


I was slumming through the house the other day barefoot (as usual), have seen lots of Wolfe Spider in the house but never a recluse (I keep the woodpile as far away from the house as possible).

Felt a sharp pinch on my toe, looked down to see a balled up, mangled spider. Freaked the **** outta me. Mostly cause I couldn't make out whether it was a Wolf or not. Too mangled.

bless, bless, bless, bless.

Turned out, I had also managed to pick up a tiny strand of speaker wire.
In my bedroom some years back, though we get at least one about this size in there every summer.

That boring old moulding is about 3 inches top to bottom.
I've found a few Brown Recluse's in my warehouse over the years.

If you want some gut wrenching photos just google brown recluse bite...

I like to think them and I have an agreement... I hope...

H-ost said:
I've found a few Brown Recluse's in my warehouse over the years.

If you want some gut wrenching photos just google brown recluse bite...

I like to think them and I have an agreement... I hope...

They are a common house spider in central Oklahoma. Between them and the widows on my back porch, I'm considering moving to Alaska.
Hell, they're probably common here, too. I am not much for identifying spiders, though I should be for safety of my kids/family...I bet I've seen a recluse before and thought it was just "some brown spider". I know widows, they're much easier to tell. Glad I had this thread to remind me to pay close attention. Last thing I want is for one of my kids to get bit in the middle of the night by a spider I thought was harmless.
They are a common house spider in central Oklahoma. Between them and the widows on my back porch, I'm considering moving to Alaska.

Ayup. ESPECIALLY in rural Oklahoma.

We used to get an infestation of Wolf spiders every fall. Literally would find a dozen a day throughout the house. Some brazen enough to just waltz across the living room floor. We had a baby and I had enough.

Bayer suspend SC sprayed 3 foot up the outside walls of the house and a 3 foot band along the foundation. They didn't live long enough to even get through under the doors.

About $50 a pint. Get some.
JohanMk1 said:
In my bedroom some years back, though we get at least one about this size in there every summer.

That boring old moulding is about 3 inches top to bottom.

What the hell is that?!?
GilaMinumBeer said:
Ayup. ESPECIALLY in rural Oklahoma.

We used to get an infestation of Wolf spiders every fall. Literally would find a dozen a day throughout the house. Some brazen enough to just waltz across the living room floor. We had a baby and I had enough.

Bayer suspend SC sprayed 3 foot up the outside walls of the house and a 3 foot band along the foundation. They didn't live long enough to even get through under the doors.

About $50 a pint. Get some.

Just added it to my list, thanks for the recommendation! Never been bit by a recluse but had way too many close calls. They LOVE cardboard as well - so watch your hands around those boxes in the closet and garage folks.
Just added it to my list, thanks for the recommendation! Never been bit by a recluse but had way too many close calls. They LOVE cardboard as well - so watch your hands around those boxes in the closet and garage folks.

It's a broad spectrum insecticide. Will kill anything QUICK. And "sticks" to what you sprayed for 3 to 6 months.

Case in point, the day after I sprayed I found hundreds of house flies peppered all over the concrete around the trash cans.

I get mine online from DIYpestcontrol.com
GilaMinumBeer said:
It's a broad spectrum insecticide. Will kill anything QUICK. And "sticks" to what you sprayed for 3 to 6 months.

Case in point, the day after I sprayed I found hundreds of house flies peppered all over the concrete around the trash cans.

I get mine online from DIYpestcontrol.com

Any issues with pets after it dries? Have two pugs and want something I can treat in the areas they frequent.
Just added it to my list, thanks for the recommendation! Never been bit by a recluse but had way too many close calls. They LOVE cardboard as well - so watch your hands around those boxes in the closet and garage folks.

This and the constant food source (lots of insects around) is why I think they love my warehouse. They are not super common here but are present and being a warehouse that receives things from all over the country/world it is not hard to guess how they most likely got here.

They also really like old piles of wood. Every time I go to pull firewood from a stack at my house or my parents place, I inspect the pieces I grab before I bring them inside.
Any issues with pets after it dries? Have two pugs and want something I can treat in the areas they frequent.

Nope. Can even be sprayed in the house. In food service areas, on carpet, beds, etc..

Just make sure you spray downwind. The blue dots take about a week to clear from your vision. :D
GilaMinumBeer said:
Nope. Can even be sprayed in the house. In food service areas, on carpet, beds, etc..

Just make sure you spray downwind. The blue dots take about a week to clear from your vision. :D

Brilliant! Bagworm spray and an Oklahoma breeze has made me all too familiar with the need for a set of goggles and mask!