I've been arguing with my team. OPINIONS PLEASE

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Apr 14, 2011
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So we have hop ryzomes to be planted. I have some time until they are in perminent home. I want to pot them into large pots with two ryzomes in each. this is good for root establishment, no??
Yea i agree with both two post pervious to mine. But i know with other plants the roots can ealys grouw to be 4x the size of the plant and i wouldnt want the flowers cloaser then that. ( sorry about the spleeing... guess why ; D)
I dont think planting one to a large pot would be a problem. but root impaction from two would make growth stunted and separation would stunt them again when you damaged the roots replanting. 1 rhizome to a pot would be best.
The two questions I have is how long can you wait to put them in the ground and why two per pot?

If its only going to be a month yet, you could probably wait. Just wipe the rhizomes with a light bleach solution and store them in the fridge.

It you need to pot them, try to stick to 1 rhizome per pot. If you can't get them in the ground until mid summer, that root mass will be huge and tangled together. So if you have 10 rhizomes now, you are only going to end up with 5 crowns. When I throw them in pots, I only put one and a I make sure the pot is at least 18" in diameter. By the end of the summer, that whole pot is one giant root ball.
I agree, one per pot and use at least 2 gallon pots. 5 gallon painter's buckets with a couple holes drilled in them might be cheaper. When you transplant, you'll be cutting the root ball back to the crown (the fat primary root) anyway. The secondary roots will regrow rather quickly the following Spring.
I'm planning on putting one rhizome per 3 gallon pot in one area of my yard. I don't think I'd consider putting two in a pot even if the pots were double the size. The root systems from my current hop plants are pretty big after 1 year.
I started out in a large pot when I first planted my hops. I wanted to get a faster start rather than wait for warmer weather. Not sure it was worth it, TBH. However, they did start up and grow to about a foot before I transplanted them. Since they were first year, I don't think the headstart affected their total life cycle growing rate.
I have one in a ten gallon pot. It grew over 15 feet last year running up twine attached to my house. Very simple set up, but it worked great. I anticipate much more production this year.
I say get em started then transplant. My 1st plants did not go in the ground till may22nd 4yrs ago. while only 1 of the 4 rhizomes i planted came up. 1st hopsy did remarcably well. btw i blame the source and not the rhizomes for failure.
Yeah, I'm also wondering what "team" has to do with this. Do you have a hop planting team who are reading and waiting to help you plant and cultivate an awesome, potted, hop yard?

no you filthy animal, by team he means me and two other people that like to brew. what better way to decribe us then a team :mug: and yes i am reading and waiting to help him plant and cultivate an awesome, POTTED, hop yard until we can find a more permanent spot to put them. and i think he was asking about planting hops in pots not what you 2 bernies think people should call a group of people that brew together. thats a different thread. you can type your suggestions in there. thanks for your help tho! looking forward to planting out hops in POTS... ive had a couple homebrews as you can probably tell by now. BOO YAH!!:rockin:
Don't be so defensive about your manlove. There's nothing wrong with it.

I kid, I kid...

Home depot buckets sound like a good idea for first year. Will you actually get cones off of a small potted hop bine?
Hey I was only asking because I am looking for a Hop Team to compete with my hop team. We have the regulation 6 members, are you down for some competitive hop growing? :)
Airborneguy said:
Hey I was only asking because I am looking for a Hop Team to compete with my hop team. We have the regulation 6 members, are you down for some competitive hop growing? :)

Stay away from my bine, boy! I'm not really into the team thing, wobbly H, eifel tower, etc...
Well this went off course pretty quick. Give that one an angry dragon.

I grow mine in pots, since I'm trying to fight back some vines that a previous home owner planted around my pergola (fah-kers just won't go away and I can't get all of the "bad" rhizomes out). I planted them late in the season last year and they're already poking out.
when I first planted the farm I could not get the fields ready due to rain so I used 5000 6x6x6 inch pots well 3 years later I still have 4 or 5 trying to see how long they will live with total neglect
I have 5 strains @ 14 plants now in pots. I have to get them in the ground once I finish the yard. I don't have 6 man them but would be interested once I get the hops to there permanent home.